
Diablo, Lux's First Born, watched the battle with a calm expression on his face.

All he wanted in life was to protect his Master, Lux, from harm and ensure that the latter would be able to do anything he wanted.

However, as he followed the red-headed teenager on his journey, the Death Knight understood that his current strength was not enough to protect Lux completely.

His ability to excel on large-scale battlefields was not due to his own strength, but because of the armor he was wearing. Diablo didn't mind this at first, but after the battle in the Gate of Conquest, as well as their current situation, he understood that what he could offer was no longer enough.

He was not the only one who felt this way.

Ishtar, Pazuzu, and Orion felt the same way he did.

They were Lux's first protectors, and they were very happy to serve and protect their Master, who was too kind for a Necromancer.

As more allies joined their Ranks, they felt as if their roles were being overshadowed by their peers. Of course, they didn't find anything wrong with this. In fact, they even welcomed it because the stronger their comrades were, the safer their Master would be.

But, that didn't mean that they were satisfied with their current level of strength.

It was at this moment that something took root inside their hearts. A determination to make themselves stronger.

A determination to go above and beyond their abilities to ensure that Lux would be able to continue his mission to save a dying world from destruction.

'Oh, this is interesting,' Asmodeus thought as he gave his comrades side-long glances. 'I guess I should hasten my experiments as well.'

Although he didn't look like it, the Archlich was in fact a very competitive person. Just like his comrades, he had always sought to gain more power. Because of this, he wanted to get as many ingredients as possible to create an Undead Legion that would strike fear into those who were foolish enough to get in his Master's way.

Currently, Asmodeus only had Morpheus and Ithaqua serving under him because he was lacking the materials he needed to create stronger Undead Monsters that would make up his own Undead Army.

'It's a shame that all the dead insects have been swallowed up by ALL-MITE.' Asmodeus sighed internally. 'But, that's fine.'

The Archlich then gave an order to Morpheus as well as his Undead Minions to attack the Mantises that were still alive. Of course, he knew that this was not enough, so he asked Zagan and Revon to help his Skeleton Army kill as many Mantises as they could.

Although the battle between the Crimson Berserker Mantis and ALL-MITE was still ongoing, Asmodeus was certain that their new comrade would emerge victorious over the World Boss.

The Archlich planned to store the dead Insects in his storage rings before the Mantises decided to retreat from the battlefield.

'I just hope that he doesn't damage the Monster's body too much,' Asmodeus thought as he gazed at the battle that was taking place in the distance. 'I'm sure Master would prefer its corpse as intact as possible.'

While the Archlich was busy giving out orders to his subordinates, the battle between the two strongest monsters on the battlefield became more violent and intense by the minute.

"Smash [EX]!" ALL-MITE shouted, smashing his fist against the side of the Giant Mantis' head, making it skid a few meters on the ground.

After regaining its balance, the Crimson Berserker Mantis created two Giant Crimson Wind Blades at nearly point-blank range to prevent its opponent from dodging.

The well-timed attack forced ALL-MITE to take on a defensive stance using its arms to protect its body from one of the Giant Mantis's strongest attacks.

The moment the Crimson Blades collided with his body, the force behind it pushed him hundreds of meters backward, with his feet skidding on the ground in an attempt to resist the attack.

Unfortunately for him, the Crimson Berserker Mantis had no intention of letting him recover and immediately sprang into action to deliver a lethal blow to ALL-MITE, who was still trying to mitigate the attack that was making his Adamantium Body emit sparks.

Seeing that his opponent had finally decided to deal him the killing blow, ALL-MITE no longer hesitated and unleashed his Trump Cards as well.

"God's Strength [EX]!" ALL-MITE said through gritted teeth before forcefully shattering the two crimson blades in front of him with his four arms.

God's Strength [EX] was a skill that increased his physical attacks by 500% for one minute. Among Lux's subordinates, only he and Revon had this skill, allowing them to deal great damage to their foes for a short period of time.

However, ALL-MITE was different. Aside from God's Strength [EX], it still had its Unique Ability that would boost not only his Physical Attack, but all of his Stats by 500%.

The flames on his clenched fists blazed brighter than ever before as ALL-MITE prepared to meet his opponent's strongest move, with his own strongest move!

"Max Ultra [EX]!"

ALL-MITE shouted and a surge of power spread inside his body, boosting his stats exponentially.

God's Strength [EX] might only last for a minute, but now that all of his stats have increased by 500%, the Physical Attack ALL-MITE currently possessed was enough to match his opponent's current strength.

"Hero's Smash!" ALL-MITE roared as his burning fist connected with the Crimson Berserker Mantis' Deadly Claws.

Sparks scattered throughout their surroundings as a powerful shockwave destroyed the ground under their feet, creating a crater that was hundreds of meters wide.

ALL-MITE stomped on the ground with his right foot and momentarily raised the two razor-sharp claws of the Giant Mantis, giving him three arms to deliver the blows that he had been holding back.




Unleashing devastating blows one after the other, the Crimson Berserker Mantis found itself unable to muster a counterattack.

Because of this, it decided to retreat, but before it could do so, two strong clawed hands grabbed the Giant Mantis' razor-sharp claws in a vice-grip, preventing it from going away.




Just like it did earlier, ALL-MITE once again unleashed a barrage of attacks that made the Crimson Berserker Mantis puke blood.

With one final blow, ALL-MITE gathered all of his strength as the effect of God's Strength [EX], neared its end.

"United Nation Smash [EX]!"

ALL-MITE smashed his fist on the Crimson Berserker's Mantis chest, which was imbued with his full power, delivering the killing blow to his opponent.

A moment later, a shower of blood erupted behind the Giant Mantis' body, alongside a fiery blaze that rose up to the heavens, dispersing the dark clouds that had covered the sky.

The sunlight brightened the Shaufell Plains once again, chasing away the darkness that had wrapped itself in the people's hearts.

ALL-MITE's strongest attack created a bloody hole in the Giant Mantis' chest, destroying its heart completely.

The Crimson Berserker Mantis was still able to utter a dying screech before its Giant Body collapsed to the ground, leaving only the victor standing on the battlefield.

Asmodeus took this opportunity to disperse the Skeleton Dome that protected the residents from the powerful gusts of wind earlier, allowing them to see the outcome of the battle.

ALL-MITE looked at the Giant Mantis beside him and narrowed his eyes.

After making sure that his opponent was truly dead, the Unsung Hero that protected Abingdon Town for many years raised his right fist high up in the air, signaling that the battle was over.

Cheers resounded in the surroundings as the residents of Abingdon Town cried, laughed, shouted, and hugged each other because they were finally saved.

Pietro, the Mayor of Abingdon Town, covered his face with his right hand and wept.

He had already lost hope and had readied himself for not only his, but the entire town's eventual demise, but after seeing the victorious pose of the Hero in front of him, he understood that he and his people would be able to leave the Shaufell Plains.

The children of Abingdon Town looked at the scary four-armed creature in the distance. However, if one were to look closely, none of them showed any fearful expressions on their faces.

In fact, the way they looked at ALL-MITE was similar to looking at an idol.

Years later, stories of a Four-Armed Monster named All-Mite would spread across the entirety of the Wanid Kingdom.

Bards would pick up his Heroic Tale, and spread it in the surrounding kingdoms and empires, further solidifying his legend.

Because of this, everyone from all over the Arondight Territories understood that no matter what status they had in life, and no matter who it was, whether they were a Noble, a Commoner, a Spirit, or a Monster...

All of them could be a Hero as well.