
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 568.1: i am here [part 1]

A resounding screech spread in the surroundings as the Crimson Berserker Mantis raised its head to announce its victory against the last Adamantium Ant, who now lay headless under its feet.

Around it lie countless lower-ranked Ants, with their bodies sliced apart and piled up into a small hill. Although they had no chance of winning against the Giant Crimson Mantis, they still did their best to protect their last remaining champion in order to keep it from dying under its claws.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they tried, their efforts were futile under the World Boss' domineering might.

The Ant Survivors that now only numbered a few hundred unleashed a barrage of Iron and Steel Bullets at the World Boss, but the latter simply used its claws to block these attacks, making them bounce off its body.

Suddenly, dark clouds covered the sky, and thunder roared in the heavens.

Lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the darkness that had suddenly covered the land without any warning.

It was then that the World Boss saw it.

In the distance, a giant fireball burned brightly like a miniature sun.

In front of it was a red-headed teenager with his two hands pressed over it.

At first, the Crimson Berserker Mantis planned to ignore this phenomenon and continue getting rid of the remaining Ants, but something moved in the corner of its eyesight.

One of the dead Adamantium Ants suddenly rose into the air and flew towards the Giant Fireball as if it was being sucked into it.

Soon, the second Adamantium Ant followed suit and flew in the direction where the Giant Fireball was.

As if waiting for that cue, the dead Lower-Ranked Ants, Giant Ground Beetles, Red-Giant Hornets, Countless Mosquitoes, as well as a few Mantises that had died in the battle, all rose into the air and were sucked up by the small, miniature sun, whose brightness was growing more intense with each passing second.

The Giant Crimson Mantis emitted an ear-piercing shriek before opening its wings to fly towards the Giant Fireball with the intention to cut it, as well as the Half-Elf, who seemed to be responsible for its formation.

Using its Speed Burst, the Giant Mantis crossed the distance in a matter of seconds and slashed at the Half-Elf's back without any mercy.

However, before its attack could even land, its body momentarily froze, stopping in mid-air.

A moment later, it turned its head to look at the Jade Golem, whose golden gauntlets shone brilliantly in the darkness.

With an irritated screech, the Giant Mantis flew toward Orion with its claws poised to strike.

A sneer appeared on the Jade Golem's face as he faced the Deimos-Ranked World Boss who was out to kill it.

In a split second, the razor-sharp claws, and the golden gauntlets collided, creating a powerful shockwave that sent the Jade Golem, and even the Giant Crimson Mantis, flying backward.

Pietro's eyes widened after seeing this scene because he never expected Lux's summoned creature to be able to take a blow from the World Boss, who had easily eliminated the Deimos-Ranked Monsters that ganged up on it earlier.

As if it was hit by a racing truck, the Giant Mantis rolled and squirmed on the ground as its body convulsed from pain.

Orion, on the other hand, slowly propped itself up from the ground and took a fighting stance.

One of the Beast Cores in its golden gauntlets shattered because its effect had been used.

The skill that Orion had used against the Giant Crimson Mantis, was the skill, Counter, which reflected any Physical Attack back to their owner, and multiplied it by 200%

Orion's and Pazuzu's roles were to be the Tanks of Lux's Army and because of this, there was a high chance that both of them would be the first casualties in any battle that the Half-Elf was going to fight.

Knowing this, Lux gave both of them Pseudo-Legendary Items, which he had gotten from the Gnome, Great General Sherlock, when he conquered the Gate of Conquest.

Orion's golden gauntlets allowed him to equip Beast Cores in it and use their abilities until the Beast Core lost its effect.

The Giant Crimson Mantis didn't hold back in its attack against the Jade Golem, so it suffered from the backlash of having its own attack reflected back at it, making it feel a world of pain.

Just as the World Boss barely regained a bit of its composure, it heard the sound of a bell, which came from the Giant Fireball in the distance.

As a Creature that had achieved its Rank, its Bestial Instinct was very high. Because of this, it understood that whatever that Giant Fireball was, it was slowly becoming more powerful and would soon be a threat to its existence.

It was then that the Giant Mantis did something unexpected.

It flapped its wings strongly, creating a dust cloud in its surroundings, blocking it from view.

Asmodeus, who saw this was immediately alarmed because the skill, Deus [EX], required the caster to see its target before the skill would work.

"No good!" Asmodeus shouted. "Ishtar, Lazarus, Zagan, block that Monster now!"

The three Named Creatures of Lux's army immediately made their move, but the Crimson Berserker Mantis was simply too fast for them.

Using the dust cloud as a smoke screen, it flew towards the burning fireball in the distance like a railgun.

It knew that if it waited any longer, the thing that the Half-Elf was doing would surely threaten its existence.

Although Lux could sense the approaching danger from behind, he didn't have the leeway to pay any attention to it and focused on channeling his mana into the Giant FIreball in front of him.

"Screeeeeeeee!" The Crimson Berserker Mantis screeched as it used its skill, Cross Slash, to hack the Half-Elf into pieces.

Just as the deadly crimson claws were about to land on the Half-Elf's back, two clawed hands caught the razor-sharp blades mid-air, stopping them in place.

Before the Crimson Berserker Mantis could even process what happened, a burning fist slammed into its chest, sending it skidding hundreds of meters away from the red-headed teenager, who had collapsed on the ground, panting for breath.

He had used all of his Mana and drained his physical, emotional, and spiritual strength in order to give birth to a miracle that would turn the tide of battle in their favor.

The sound of a tolling bell came to a complete stop, and the Half-Elf opened his lips to make a declaration.

"Let it be known that on this day, you will no longer be a Nameless Termite," Lux said as he looked up at the over two-meter tall figure that stood in front of him. "On this day, see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, and feel with your own skin, everything this world has to offer."

Lux was fighting to keep his eyes open, as exhaustion sapped away his remaining strength.

However, although he was dead tired, and on the brink of losing his consciousness, he still opened his lips to declare to everyone that they were now safe. Even though they were facing a Monster that could wipe them all from the face of the Shaufell Plains, the Half-Elf no longer knew fear.


Because he was here.

A Termite who aspired to become a Hero, despite not knowing what a Hero really was.

"Rest. I will handle it from here," the figure in front of Lux said. "But, before you sleep, give me a name."

An exhausted chuckle escaped Lux's lips as he listened to the Creature's domineering words. However, he didn't feel bad and instead said the words that the newest member of his Covenant was waiting to hear.

Since his new ally wanted a Heroic name, the Half-Elf would give him a Heroic Name!

"Use that monster's face to wipe the floor," Lux ordered as his eyes slowly closed. "Go get him...