
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 555.2: happy days that would no longer return [part 2]

"Fate has allowed you to live, so you must live."

Those were the words that he said to me back then, and without even caring that I was a Monster, he treated my injury.

There were many times when I wished that he had just killed me and taken my Beast Core. The war that happened that night haunted me to the present day, always making me wonder why I lived when my entire colony perished.

The first thing I did the day after I recovered was to scavenge the battlefield, looking for Beast Cores to eat.

My Natural Instinct urged me to rummage through the countless dead, looking for the cores that would allow me to become stronger. Although tens of thousands of corpses were all over the place, I was only able to get over a hundred cores in total.

Whenever we killed a monster, the first thing we target is our opponent's Beast Core, so we can eat it.

Perhaps, the appearance of the Anteater forced the Ants to stop their feeding frenzy and make a hasty retreat back to their nest, to warn their Queen that their mortal enemy had arrived.

So, I ate what cores were left and increased my Rank from Rank 3 to Rank 4.

Drystan didn't say anything back then and simply observed me from a distance. Since he was my savior, I didn't attack him--was what I'd like to say.

I knew that if I did attack him, the one who would end up dying was me.

The man who saved me was an Initiate, and if he wished, he could have killed me anytime he wanted.

But he wanted me to live, and so I did.

"Your Colony is gone," Drystan said after I finished eating all the cores that I could find on the battlefield. "How about you come with me and follow me on my adventures?"

As a Soldier Termite, the only thing I knew how to do was to fight, so I agreed to his proposal.

He made me his Beast Companion, and he gave me a new purpose in life. Everything was fine and we both increased our Ranks exponentially during our travels.

I became a Deimos-Ranked Monster, while he became a Ranker. Unfortunately, during one of our adventures, Drystan was heavily poisoned by a Poisonous Tree Frog. This poison didn't have a cure, and he had only been able to suppress it for a short time because he was a Ranker.

Even so, as the years passed, the poison's effects gradually spread inside his body, making his Rank Degrade from Ranker, to Initiate, to Apostle.

His once powerful body slowly weakened, but even in that state, he didn't feel down.

Drystan returned to his town and became a Mayor, using the remaining years of his life to make Abingdon Town the center of commerce.

For my part, I did my best to protect the town he had built from the shadows and eliminated anything that could pose a threat to it.

I also made Isoptera Mountain my home.

It was far enough from Abingdon Town so that people wouldn't be threatened by my existence, but near enough to lend my aid if my dear friend needed it.

Drystan would visit me from time to time every time he wasn't busy with work and would stay with me for a few days to make sure that I was doing well.

He was the only man I truly cared for, and perhaps, I even treated him as a member of my own Colony.

The Humans call this term Family, and I'm sure that deep in his heart, Drystan also thought of me that way.

But, just like how our nest was destroyed, the inevitable happened. My friend succumbed to the poison's effect and died, leaving me and his beloved town behind.

Perhaps, knowing that his time was near, he visited me one last time.

Back then, I didn't know how he was feeling because he was laughing and smiling despite the pain, and called me the Unsung Hero of Abingdon Town.

The term Hero was new to me, so I asked him what a Hero was.

"Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary," Drystan answered. "A Hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself."

"But I'm a termite," I replied back then. "I'm not Human like you."

"Termite, Ants, Monsters, Humans, Dwarves, Elves? What's the difference? Anyone can be a Hero."

"Can I really be a Hero too?"

"Yes. You can be a Hero too."

That was the last time I saw my friend, and I only knew he died because his contract with me disappeared on the day of his death.

Since then, I stayed on Isoptera Mountain, waiting for the day when I would be reunited with him in the afterlife.

On the day Drystan died, I didn't only lose my one and only friend and family member, but also my reason for living.

He was the one that saved me and gave meaning to my life. Without him, the hole that had been covered up in my heart opened once again, making me feel that life was no longer worth living.

The days were long, and the nights were cold. There were times when I contemplated whether I should just kill myself to end my suffering.

But whenever this thought passed through my head, the words he told me when we first met would resonate inside my heart, forcing me to cancel my thoughts of self-harm.

"Fate has allowed you to live, so you must live."

I sighed as I looked at the setting sun in the distance.

"It seems like Fate must really hate me then," I said softly. "How long do I have to wait until the end of my suffering?"

After the Half-Elf and the Dragon Born left, I reminisced on the happy days of my life, just as I always did every day.

My recollection would always end with the last time my friend visited me. The fleeting warmth and happiness that I would feel after that kept the thoughts of killing myself at bay, at least until the sun rose the next day.

"Since you are no longer here, I stopped repelling the monsters that have started to thrive in the Shaufell Plains," I said as I looked at the burning sun in the distance, which reminded me of the happy days that would no longer return.

"An Abingdon Town without you will never be the same. I might be vain, selfish, and ungrateful, but since you left me all alone, I decided to abandon the town that you have built as well.

"I'm sorry, Drystan. I guess not anyone can be a Hero like you said. I am no Hero. I am just the last survivor of a Colony that has long been buried by the sands of time, never to return again and will only linger as faint traces in my memory."

I survived alone, and I will die alone. That was what I had already decided.

Although this ending was not the one I envisioned when I became your Beast Companion, the years that I spent with you were still the happiest years of my life.