
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 527.1: what do you think of my granddaughter? [part 1]

"Grandpa, you called for me?" Cai asked as soon as she stepped foot into her Grandpa's workshop.

"Yes," Maximilian replied. "Sit down for a bit, Cai. There are a few things I'd like to ask you."

Cai obeyed and sat in front of her Grandpa.

Maximilian eyed his granddaughter who had taken her Human form.

Cai's long, light-brown hair was adorned by simple accessories, and even though she wasn't wearing any makeup, her beauty was enough to rival Iris', who was considered the most beautiful young lady in Barbatos Academy.

Her hazel eyes held a tinge of mischief in them, but this side of herself would only be shown to her family members.

In truth, Cai was a very shy person. Aside from her family, she would only show her true form during special occasions in the Rowan Tribe, especially when they needed to make an offering to the Gods.

As a High Priestess, this was her duty. If she wasn't around, then her little sister, who was younger than her by two years, would temporarily take her place and perform Cai's duties. This was the case whenever the shameless Boar was exploring the world.

Cai might be able to stay in her Boar Form for long periods of time, but she still needed to return to her Human form every now and then to allow her transformation ability to reset.

If she continuously kept her Boar form for an entire week, there was a chance that her transformation would be undone when she least expected it.

This was why whenever she was alone, or in a place that she deemed safe enough, she would return to her Human form in order to ensure that her transformation wouldn't be undone by accident.

The Saint of the Rowan Tribe stood up and pressed his finger over Cai's head to check her current condition. He didn't have a chance to do this earlier because they were busy preparing to receive their guests, and Cai was keeping Iris company.

A minute later, Maximilian pulled his finger back and sighed.

"The injuries you received this time are quite serious. It has also diminished a lot of your True Essence," Maximilian stated. "At most, you will need three months to fully recuperate. But during this time, you can only stay in your Boar Form for three days straight before reverting to your Human form."

Cai nodded. "I know, Grandpa. Don't worry. I promise that I will be careful."

Maximilian nodded because he knew that Cai wouldn't allow anyone to discover her true form by accident, aware that it would only endanger her.

Her transformation was a way to hide her Special Body Constitution from the world. Those who sought to gain power using any means necessary would jump at the opportunity to kidnap her from the Rowan Tribe and use her to achieve their goals.

This was something that Maximilian wouldn't allow to happen, so he gave Cai several Life Saving artifacts that would protect her in case her secret was exposed.

"Cai, what do you think of Lux?" Maximilian asked.

"Lux?" Cai pondered for a bit before giving her answer. "A dependable friend, and a trustworthy person."

"Oh? You think of him as a trustworthy person?"

"Grandpa, I may not be the best when it comes to judging a person's character, but I believe Iris would not choose to love someone if they are a malicious person."

Maximilian rubbed his chin before nodding his head.

"Then, let me ask you a hypothetical question," Maximilian said before returning to his seat. "Do you find Lux acceptable as a potential fiance candidate?"

Cai frowned after hearing her Grandpa's words.

"I think Lux is a good person," Cai answered after half a minute had passed. "But, I don't think that it will work out, Gramps."

"And why?" Maximilian asked with an amused expression on his face.

"...Lux has this mysterious destiny," Cai replied.

"As a High Priestess, I can somewhat see that he is walking on an unpaved path filled with thorns. Gramps, you already know that my Body Constitution is enough to bring calamity upon the Rowan Tribe. If Lux becomes my fiance, his already difficult path would just become more difficult. I don't want to burden people with my curse."

Maximilian shook his head before looking at his granddaughter with an affectionate gaze.

"It is not a curse, Cai," Maximilian stated. "It simply means that the heavens have given you a heavy responsibility. Since you cannot carry its weight alone, you will need someone who will support you along the way. Besides…"

The corner of Maximilian's lips rose as he gave his granddaughter a mischievous smile.

"Lux has already seen you naked twice," Maximilian said. "Didn't you tell me in the past that the first person who saw you naked, aside from our family, would become your future husband?"

"Gramps, I was eleven back then," Cai replied blushing. "That is just the ramblings of a naive child. You shouldn't take it to heart."

Maximilian chuckled after seeing how defensive his granddaughter had become.

"So you don't really like Lux?"

"I like him as a friend. I can even think of him as a very close friend, but I have already decided that I will not marry in this lifetime. I don't want to give my husband unnecessary worries."

Maximilian knew that his granddaughter was serious when she said that she didn't plan to marry, but how could he possibly accept that decision? Cai was the treasure of their Family, and they wanted her to be happy.

For that to happen, he needed a man, a strong man that would be able to protect and support her, keeping her safe from those who coveted her body. Because of this, Maximilian decided to give Cai one last push.

"Do you like Iris?" Maximilian asked.

"Of course, I like her," Cai replied in a heartbeat. "If I was a man, I would definitely marry her."

"If you become Lux's fiance, you will be able to stay with her forever," Maximilian said. "Also, you can help Lux…"

Cai's face blushed after she finished hearing her Grandpa's full explanation.

For a brief moment, she felt a strong temptation to agree to become Lux's fiance. The more she thought about it, the more she was tempted by the idea of being with Iris. However, in the end, her wish to protect Lux from her curse made her return to reality, forcing her to set aside this happy illusion.

"Gramps, I can't." Cai sighed. "I want to, but I can't."

Seeing Cai's troubled face, Maximilian also sighed before nodding his head in understanding.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to force you to do anything," Maximilian stated. "Just think about it for now, okay? Also, if you see any potential fiance candidate in the future, don't hesitate to tell me about it."

"Gramps… I don't plan on marrying."

"You're still young. Perhaps you will change your mind in a year or two. Don't worry. Whatever decision you make, the Rowan Tribe will always be behind your back."

Cai looked at her grandfather, who was also looking at her with a knowing smile. The two stared at each other for half a minute before chuckling at the same time.

"I'll go back to my room now," Cai said as she stood up. "Iris and I will sleep together tonight. Fei Fei and Eiko will be with us as well."

"Okay." Maximilian nodded. "Goodnight, Caitlin."

"Goodnight, Grandpa," Cai replied before giving her Grandpa a respectful bow.

A moment later, the beautiful young lady left the room, leaving Maximilian behind.

When he was sure that Cai was already a safe distance away, Maximilian waved his hand, and the ornate closet that was located at the corner of his room opened wide.

Inside it, Lux stood with his arms crossed over his chest, and a complicated expression could be seen on his face.

"Take a seat, Lux." Maximilian gestured with a smile. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long."

Lux nodded and walked out of the closet to sit opposite the Saint of the Rowan Tribe.

Maximilian thought that it would be a good idea to hide Lux inside his closet while he talked to his granddaughter. He believed that this would allow the Half-Elf to know what Cai honestly thought about him, without being influenced by other people.

"Now, tell me, Lux," Maximilian said as he gazed at the red-headed teenager in front of him. "What do you think of my Granddaughter?"