
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 483.2: the longest fifteen minutes of my life [part 2]

General Revon was paying close attention to Lux's whereabouts even before he ordered the attack on the Ammarian Camp.

He knew that as long as the Half-Elf wasn't eliminated, the chances of mutual destruction on both sides was high if the Yelan Army found itself driven into a corner.

Although he might win the battle, the loss of manpower was something he preferably wanted to avoid, so his purpose in this battle was to assassinate the Half-Elf using his elite subordinate who specialized in eliminating high-ranking officials in the battlefield

He was prepared to send these men deep inside the Yelan Army in order to reach the Half-Elf, but to his surprise, his senses told him that his target had moved away from the Yelan Camp, far away from where the fighting was taking place.

General Revon knew that this was a great opportunity, so instead of simply ordering his subordinates to head in Lux's direction, he took the initiative to personally deal with the Half-Elf, bringing his subordinates along.

As long as Lux was killed, he was confident that he could win against General Carran in a war of attrition. The Ammarian forces were more numerous compared to the defenders, who were desperately trying to hold their position, preventing the Ammarian Army from breaking past their defenses.

Since he was such a high profile character, General Revon made sure to use the dense forest as his cover, while he headed towards the Half-Elf who had isolated himself on the Western Outskirts of the Battlefield.

Suddenly, without warning, the Ammarian General raised his sword and slashed in front of him, creating a wind blade that sliced everything in front of it, including the giant Skeleton Cannonball that was aimed in their direction.

The Skeleton Cannonball was sliced in half and fell harmlessly on the ground, shattering into hundreds of pieces.

'I see, so you are aware that I am headed in your direction,' General Revon thought. 'Interesting. It's a shame that you refuse to join my side.'

General Revon could truly tell how dangerous the Half-Elf was, and this discovery amazed him. This was the first time that a Grade A Apostle had been able to throw a wrench in his grand plan, and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to kill Lux and make sure that he wouldn't be able to live another day.

It was at this moment that the Ammarian General and his subordinates saw another Giant Skeleton Cannonball headed in their direction.

"It's useless." General Revon sneered as he sliced the incoming skeleton cannonball into two halves.

Just like he intended, his target was cut perfectly in half.

However, something else happened.

When the skeleton cannonball was cut in half, dozens of red-steel-balls burst out from inside its center and descended upon the General and his subordinates.

A moment later, a powerful explosion erupted within the forest, making the Half-Elf who was sitting in a meditative position clench his fist tightly because his attack managed to have the outcome he was aiming for.

Right now, he was sharing his senses with his Doppelganger, who was doing his best to delay the approach of the Ammarian General, allowing the cooldown of the Boots of Teleportation to finish.


< Boots of Teleportation >

Cooldown: 00:12:16


Twelve minutes still remained, but the distance that the Ammarian General needed to travel in order to reach him was less than three kilometers.

Even so, with his mount, General Revon could easily reach Lux's position in around five minutes, giving the Half-Elf no time to flee using his Boots of Teleportation.

However, before Lux could even celebrate, the General's mount, as well as a few of his subordinates', passed through the cloud of smoke that was caused by the explosion of the Blast Bombs that he and Eiko had prepared for the Ammarian General and his entourage.

'As expected, it is not easy to deal with a Ranker,' Lux thought. 'Also, I only managed to take out three of his subordinates.'

Although he had already expected General Revon to easily survive his attack, he was still disappointed that he hadn't been able to wipe out the General's subordinates, who were riding behind him.

'Let's go with Plan B then.' Lux immediately ordered his clone, and Eiko's Doppelgangers, to proceed with their next plan. Right now, it was a race against time, and he would do everything in his power to halt General Revon's advance.


"Stick close to me!" General Revon ordered as he led his men in the direction where he could sense the Half-Elf.

If not for the fact that he acted quick enough and used his sword to create a gust of wind to blow away the Blast Bombs that were in front of him, his men would have already suffered under the Half-Elf's schemes.

However, even though he was a Ranker, he still wasn't able to save everyone, so three of his people died in the process.

General Revon looked calm on the surface, but deep inside, he was quite annoyed that he had lost three of the Initiates that he had personally trained to become Assassins.

They specialized in sneak attacking people, and weren't good in face-to-face combat. Also, the amount of Blast Bombs that exploded in front of them numbered in the hundreds, which was more than enough to kill an Initiate.

Eiko and her clones, as well as Lux, made the Blast Bombs with the intention of wiping out General Revon's subordinates' using the second Skeleton Cannonball as a surprise attack.

Unfortunately, they didn't succeed, so they proceeded with the second phase of their plan.

Several bone arrows, as well as dozens of elemental bullets, descended upon General Revon and his entourage, but the powerful Ranker simply used his Sword Aura to create strong gusts of wind, repelling these attacks with ease.

It didn't take long before General Revon saw hundreds of Undead Creatures, as well as Rock Golems blocking their path.

The Ammarian General was about to slash his sword to cut them all in half, but before he could even do that, he suddenly felt a powerful attraction pulling him towards his left side.

'This might be that taunting ability that Jasper had warned me about,' General Revon thought. 'The one that managed to bring down General Phobus.'

When he first heard about this ability, he only thought that General Phobus' willpower wasn't strong enough to resist it, so he didn't think too much about it.

Now that it was being used against him, he finally understood why this skill was something that he should be wary of because even though he was using his will power to break free from the invisible shackles that bound him, it was of no use.

Shifting his gaze to his right side, he saw a Giant Jade Golem in the distance whose finger was pointing in his direction.

With an angry roar, General Revon steered his Black Panther to face off against Orion, who used the skill, Duel [EX], to force the General to fight him.

His subordinates were surprised by the General's sudden action, which left them unable to react to the volley of bone arrows, elemental magic, in addition to another Giant Skeleton Cannonball that headed in their direction.

Knowing that this was a matter of life and death, the Assassins unleashed a barrage of their most powerful spells, and abilities, in order to defend themselves.

General Revon could only hear a series of loud explosions behind him, but there was nothing he could do about it. He could only grit his teeth as he charged at the Jade Golem, whom he wanted to crush with his own two hands.

Orion took a fighting stance, knowing full well that he could only survive two blows from his opponent.

The Jade Golem had the Guts skill, which allowed him to survive an attack that could otherwise kill him instantly. However, this wouldn't save him from the next blow from the Ranker, whom he was sure wouldn't show him any mercy.

Even so, the Jade Golem had no intention of backing down because his Master's life was on the line.

"Come!" Orion declared as he pulled back his arm in preparation to unleash his strongest attack.

When General Revon was only a few meters away from the Jade Golem, he suddenly felt four powerful energy sources headed in his direction.

However, since he was forced to duel with the Jade Golem, the only thing he could do was to summon a barrier around his body in order to protect himself from the attacks that had been timed perfectly to coincide with Orion's Duel [Ex].

As Orion and General Revon were about to exchange blows with each other, Four Dragon Breaths collided with the General's barrier.

At the exact same time, the Skeleton Bombs that Lux's and Eiko's clones created, that were buried in front of Orion, detonated as well, creating an earth shaking explosion that shook the entirety of Glouswell Forest.