
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 481: lux’s proposed strategy

A day after his meeting with Jasper and General Revon, Lux told General Carran that he had found a way to pinpoint the location of two important people in the Ammarian Army, with one of them being the Ammarian General himself.

General Carran knew that this information was very critical. Having access to the enemy General's location at any given time was crucial to their victory.

But, there was one problem.

Only Lux was able to pinpoint General Revon's location, but only General Carran had the strength to face off against the enemy General.

The Yelan General knew how important Lux was in the war, so he couldn't bring him to the frontlines. He was well-aware that General Revon would definitely do his best to kill the Half-Elf at all costs.

Because of this, General Carran decided to assign a fast rider to always accompany Lux so that he would be updated on where General Revon was on the battlefield.

However, Lux had a better idea and tasked Ishtar to accompany the Yelan General to relay General Revon's location to the General in real time.

"This is a good idea." General Carran agreed. "Very well. I will leave four of my most seasoned men to protect you at all times. I'd like to give you more, but we lack manpower at the moment. Make sure to stay at the rear and update me of any changes happening on the battlefield."

"Understood, General," Lux replied. "I will make sure to always keep you updated during the battle."

After finishing his report, Lux once again gathered his teammates to tell them the strategy he had in mind.

"I'm sure that all of you want to participate in the war, and I will not hold you back from doing so," Lux replied. "However, I will choose what side of the battlefield you guys will be fighting on. Right now, I can pinpoint General Revon's and Jasper's location, so I'll make sure that all of you won't be fighting anywhere near them."

Lux knew that his teammates were strong, so fighting against ordinary soldiers wasn't a problem. Although their ranks had degraded everyone, except Malcolm who had kept his Initiate Rank, were still Grade A Apostles.

The ordinary soldiers that belonged to the Ammarian Army consisted of Grade C to A Apostles, so they should be more than capable to handle them. There were Initiate Ranked Soldiers, but Malcolm would be there to protect the others if the former were to appear and attack them.

Lux also assigned Lazarus to guard and relay his orders to his friends, giving them added protection.

Orion's role would be to guard him and keep him safe while he controlled his clones remotely on the battlefield.

"This is a good plan," Cai replied. "But I am worried about you, so Fei Fei and I will stay with you. Isn't that right, Fei Fei?"

"Wae!" Fei Fei replied.

Lux didn't mind if Cai stayed with him, so he nodded his head in agreement.

Xander sighed after hearing Cai's words because he really didn't want her anywhere near the battlefield, especially if there was a chance that a Ranker would suddenly appear in front of them.

The others also didn't have any objection to Lux's strategy.

"I also asked General Carran to give you guys the armor used by the Yelan Army," Lux stated. "This will allow you guys to blend in perfectly, preventing our former teammates from recognizing right away. From now on, Lazarus would be the one telling you guys where to go, so be sure to stick together.

"As for you Val, I'm sorry, but you are not allowed to use your Spider Form. you can only use it as a last resort. The moment you use that form, Jasper and the rest will know your identity and might send several Initiates your way.

"In order to fool them, I will send Pazuzu and one of my clones on the opposite side of where you guys are fighting to fool them into focusing on that location. I believe that everyone in the Ammarian Army wants to kill me, so they will swarm that place like flies."

The Barbarian Prince, Einar, smiled after hearing Lux's detailed plan. He was even touched that the Half-Elf was doing his best to prevent a repeat of what happened with the Vice General back in the Marshlands, where they were killed without having the power to even defend themselves.

"I have no objections with this plan," Einar replied. "How about you guys?"

"I have no objection," Keane replied.

"No objections here," Val stated.

Xander, Henrietta, and Malcolm all shook their heads, telling the Barbarian Prince that they didn't have any problems with the plan.

Lux nodded and ended the meeting. He still had things he needed to do before the next battle started, so he left the camp and looked for an ideal place where he could observe the battle from a safe distance.

After nearly two hours of looking, the Hal-Elf found a cave that was well hidden due to the vines that covered its entrance.

It had good elevation, allowing Lux to have a scenic view of the forest.

"Eiko, I will need your help," Lux said as he lightly patted the baby slime on top of his head and told her what he wanted her to do.

"Pa!" Eiko nodded in understanding and immediately did what her Papa asked of her.

While the baby slime was working, the Half-Elf opened his Soul Book once again to check the location of the purple dots that represented Jasper and General Revon.

Naturally, he didn't believe General Revon's excuse of asking him to join their side when Jasper asked to meet with him. Since he knew that their meeting might be a trap, he sent his clones instead of his original body.

The Half-Elf was sure that Jasper and General Revon knew that he would do this, so he believed that they had another agenda when they had set a trap for him.

As to what that agenda was, Lux had no idea. However, he had this nagging feeling that wouldn't go away no matter how much he tried to ignore it.

'There's no use of thinking about these things,' Lux thought as he gazed in the distance where the Ammarian Army camp was located. 'Whatever they planned to do, I'll be ready for it.'

Even though he was feeling slightly anxious because his instincts were telling him that something was wrong, he had no other option but to keep his calm and continue with the plan he had in mind.

Right now, he only needed to win.

Nothing else mattered.

Deep inside, Lux was very curious about what kind of rewards he would gain once he cleared the Gate of Conquest.

He already acquired two keys that would allow him to go to two SSS-Ranked Kingdoms after clearing the Gates of Death and War.

If the third reward was also a key that would send him to another SSS-Ranked Kingdom, Lux would need to revise his thoughts about the Sacred Dungeon.

A Dungeon that was able to give such rewards couldn't be a simple dungeon, which might be the reason why only those of the Initiate Rank and below could enter it, preventing Rankers and those stronger than them from uncovering the secrets that hid behind the Gates that represented the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.