
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 478: he has the devil’s luck

Immediately, several Clerics within his army chanted as they pointed their hands and staffs at the Skeletons that were falling from the sky.

"""Turn Undead!"""

One by one, Lux's skeletons exploded mid-air and turned to ashes as one of the abilities that specialized in killing undead creatures was used against them.

This scene made the Half-Elf curse under his breath, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Just like he was able to raise the dead because of his profession, there were professions that countered his abilities.

One of those professions was Clerics, who were blessed by the power of Holy Magic, allowing them to banish and annihilate any Undead creatures from their sight.

Those that survived the Clerics' counterattack were obliterated by the spells that the magic casters had cast to prevent them from repeating their earlier suicide attack.

Still, Lux persisted and, this time, he simply used the corpses as ammunition. Although the outcome didn't reach the magnitude of his earlier attack, it still gave the Ammarian Army cause for concern.

Lux didn't stop using every trick in his book to try to deter the Ammarian Soldiers from pushing through their defensive line.

"Animate Undead!" Lux roared as he finally used the Necromancer Powers he gained long ago.

He raised the dead Ammarian Soldiers and forced them to fight against their former comrades, affecting their morale.

Right now, Lux could only revive 50 dead people, but since he had summoned his Clones and had Eiko with him, he was able to command 300 Undead Warriors, who fearlessly attacked their comrades without care.

The Rank of the Undead Zombies that he had revived were only Rank 3 Monsters, but it was enough to cause a commotion in the area of the battlefield that he was fighting on.

The Ammarian Soldiers hacked their Undead comrades through gritted teeth, cutting off their heads and putting an end to their misery.

However, since Lux could raise new dead people every time an Undead was down, this scene repeated over and over again, making even the fiercest of warriors lose their composure because they were attacking their former friends and comrades at arms.

"Take out the Necromancer first!" General Revon shouted as he pointed at Lux, who was standing beside the Bone Catapults in the distance.

One of General Revon's trusted subordinates, who specialized in long range attacks, nocked an arrow on his bow and aimed at the Half-Elf from a distance.

After making sure that his aim was true, he released the arrow, which flew towards the Half-Elf with great speed.

A few seconds later, the arrow hit the Half-Elf's forehead, making blood spurt from the wound.

Jasper, as well as the other members of the different Factions who saw this, inwardly cheered because the Half-Elf, who was the greatest threat in the battlefield, was now dead.

However, their happiness didn't last for long when they saw the dead Half-Elf turn into particles of light.

One of the Bone Catapults also shattered, but the others remained.

This meant that the one they had killed was only a clone, while the original was still alive somewhere, waiting to detonate a series of Corpse Explosions on their heads.

Lux wasn't stupid. He knew that he would be targeted as soon as they deemed him the greater threat on the battlefield.

This was why, after summoning his clones, he and Eiko hid somewhere safe and commanded the clones remotely.

He also revived the dead from a safe distance, helping the battle in any way that they could.

Einar and the others didn't participate on the battlefield as per Lux's order.

All of them were protecting the Half-Elf as he remotely attacked their enemies.

It was at this moment when the Half-Elf realized that there was one more thing that he could do to even out the odds of this battle.

After reviving an Undead Zombie, he ordered them to throw the corpses near them at the back of the enemy ranks, allowing Lux to detonate them.

This strategy was quite effective because the injured soldiers at the back caused chaos, preventing those behind them to reinforce those at the front in fear that they would be caught up in the chain of explosions that might follow.

This allowed the Yelan Soldiers to get a second wind, as they pushed their enemies back with renewed vigor.

Seeing that his plan worked, Lux then summoned his Skeleton Army, as well as his Rock Golems, to join his Zombies in throwing the dead bodies behind the Vanguard of the Ammarian Army.

Since these corpses weren't Undead Creatures, the Clerics couldn't use Turn Undead on them.

Also, the soldiers that were near the path of falling corpses, immediately spread out in fear that it would explode in their faces.

As more soldiers tried to evade the corpse bombardment that was happening around them, the Ammarian Army started to gain more losses in the war.

Knowing that their momentum had been lost, General Revon glanced in the direction where one of the Half-Elf's clones was standing and ordered his subordinate to kill it.

Only after the second clone had turned into particles of light did the Ammarian General order his troops to retreat.

Continuing to fight while his troops' morale was failing wasn't a good idea, so he immediately cut his losses while he still could.

"He has the devil's luck." Jasper hissed before backing away from the frontlines of the battlefield. "We will retreat for now. Prince Enlil, please cover our retreat!"

His team listened to his orders, and Enlil, the Elven Prince, summoned gusts of wind to blow away the corpses that were flying in their direction.

They understood that this battle was lost, so they could only retreat as fast as they could in order to fight another day.

Seeing that their enemies were retreating, the Yelan Army cheered and General Carran snorted.

He then gave a side-long glance in the direction where the Half-Elf was hiding before shifting his attention back to the fleeing enemies.

The Yelan General didn't order his soldiers to pursue them because he knew that it would only work in their enemy's favor.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the one that deterred the enemy wasn't him, but the Necromancer, who had the ability to cause a one-sided genocide if the right conditions were met.

Lux, who had seen the retreat of the Ammarian Army, sighed in relief before chugging a bottle of mana potion.

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, as he felt slightly nauseous after exhausting his mana twice over in the span of an hour.

Magic Casters who relied on their mana to fight usually didn't deplete their mana reserves because it would cause a backlash if they pushed themselves to their limit.

Eiko was faring slightly better than Lux, but the downside was that she was feeling very drowsy. The baby Slime was having trouble keeping her eyes open, and because of this, the one that fed her a mana potion was Fei Fei, who was tasked to take care of Eiko, while the others kept watch on their surroundings.

While the two drank potions in order to recover their strength, the Yelan Army started to take the dead bodies of their comrades away from the battlefield. On the other hand, Lux's Undead Army collected the corpses of their enemies in preparation for the next battle.

Now that General Carran had seen first hand how deadly Lux was on the battlefield, he decided to assign a few of his strong subordinates to act as the Half-Elf's bodyguards to ensure his safety in the battles ahead.

Although he could be stubborn at times, the war had progressed to the point where he couldn't be picky about the methods that were used.

Since the Half-Elf had the ability to deter their foes, he was willing to give him preferential treatment, allowing him to fight safely at the back of their formation.