
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 476.2: a way for two sides to fight as allies [part 2]

Returning on the same dungeon after dying twice was not something that Lux and his friends wanted to experience.

The Half-Elf had a feeling that if they were to force themselves to return, they would be taken to a different Instance Dungeon that was separate to the one where the other factions were fighting.

"So, you want to change sides?" Cai snorted. "Isn't it a bit too late for that?"

"I'm just asking if the possibility existed," Jasper replied. "I mean, look, I admit that none of us wanted to have a debt of a million gold coins, in addition to losing 2,000 of our stat points. Do you know how hard it is to get that many points in Elysium?

"Even I can't get that many stat points after raiding dozens of Dungeons because the resources are shared in the Guild. But, it happened here, and it made me think that even if I fail to finish the Gate of Conquest, I've already gained a lot from this expedition.

"Although it is a selfish way of looking at things, I will have no regrets whatsoever… is what I'd like to say, but after seeing you guys, I'm starting to regret my decision to play it safe. So, I'll ask again, is there any way for us to fight on the same battlefield again, not as enemies but as allies?"

Cai and the others didn't reply to Jasper's words because they didn't have the authority to do that.

Right now, Lux was their leader, and whatever decision he made, they would follow them for the duration of their mission.

Lux pondered for a bit before giving his reply.

"I don't know if it's possible, but if it is, I will let you know my reply in two days," Lux replied. "In order to prevent the Ammarian and Yelan Armies from misunderstanding, I will just send a skeleton to deliver my reply to your proposal in this location in two days.

"If you don't see any of my Undead Minions here with a letter, it means that I wasn't able to find a way to allow you to change your allegiance. However, if there is a way, rest assured that I will do my best to let you know as soon as possible.

"Just remember, you may still lose a million gold coins, as well as 2,000 stat points once you change your allegiance. There is also a possibility that the penalty will be more this time because you already passed the opportunity once."

Jasper nodded his head in acknowledgement of Lux's words because he already thought of this possibility.

"Very well, I will monitor this place for two days," Jasper said as his body slowly merged with the Earth under his feet. "I hope that I will receive good news the next time we see each other."

After saying those parting words, Jasper disappeared completely from view.

If not for the fact that the blinking yellow dot on the screen showed his location, the Half-Elf wouldn't know where the prodigy of the Xynnar War Pact had disappeared to.

'I don't know if it is possible for them to switch to our sides or not,' Lux thought. 'But, making the other factions indebted to me is not a bad thing.'

Lux had wanted to explore the Human territories in Elysium for quite some time because his Grandma Vera had told him about interesting places and Dungeons he could visit that would benefit him a lot.

As long as he was blacklisted from being able to operate in the Human territories belonging to the Skystead Alliance, as well as the Xynnar War Pact in Elysium, the Half-Elf had no choice but to remain in the Kingdom of Gweliven and explore the Dwarven Kingdom, looking for opportunities to help increase his Rank.


Yelan Army Camp…

"I'll be perfectly honest with you," General Carran said after hearing Lux's inquiry about letting the members of the Half-Elf's former mercenary group to join their side. "I don't like to have people who easily switch sides under my wing. I am able to tolerate you and the people you have in your team because you had helped us keep the Ammarian Army from invading our lands in the past.

"Also, you played a crucial role in defeating General Phobus' army, allowing General Fahad to regain control of the Marshland Area. If your friends had sided with you before General Phobus was defeated, I might have considered your request. However, it is simply too late now. They are only asking to change sides because they feel that the wind has blown in our favor.

"But, what if the wind starts to blow in the other direction? Will they switch sides again just because the other side has the upper hand? You know, I hate these people. I'd rather kill them than have them work under me just because I have the advantage in this battle.

"The only way for me to accept their allegiance is if Great General Watson and Great General Sherlock order me to. But, even then, I will not think highly of them because those who can easily betray others can betray you just as easily. The last thing I want is to have a sword stabbed into my back by my own men, whom I thought were fighting with the same ideals as me."

After saying what he wanted to say, the General ordered Lux to get out of his tent without even bothering to listen to his reply or counter argument.

'He is truly a stubborn person,' Lux thought. 'But, I guess his way of life had allowed him to reach where he is now. I can't blame him for his distrust of my former comrades. After all, I'm also finding it hard to trust them after what happened last time.'

However, Lux had given his promise that he would at least try to find a way to make Jasper's request possible.

This left Lux no choice but to try and ask Great General Watson and Great General Sherlock, who were currently fighting with the bulk of the Ammarian Army at the Great Plains with the hope of preventing them from regaining the territories that the Yelan Army had captured as their own.

'Good thing I left Diablo and Asmodeus at the Main Headquarters of the Yelan Army in the Great Plains,' Lux mused. 'I knew that I could use this as a convenient way to communicate over great distances.'

The other reason why the Half-Elf also left Diablo and Asmodeus in the Great Plains was to allow him to instantly teleport to their location using the Teleportation Boots if the need arose.

Now that General Carran had denied his request, he decided to let his Named Creatures talk to the two Great Generals to see if they were willing to hear Lux's proposal and find out if it was possible to make some last minute changes to the current situation of the battlefield.