
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 467: any last words?

With General Phobus incapacitated, General Fahad and Benjamin focused all their attention to the Vice General of the Ammarian Army.

Everyone knew that as long as Second was killed, the campaign on the Eastern Front would finally end.

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight us both," Benjamin said.

"That's right," General Fahad stated. "The outcome is already decided. There's no need for you to die."

Second gave General Phobus' body a side-long glance before shifting his attention to the two Rankers who were in front and behind him.

He knew that if he said no, the two Rankers would attack him at the same time in an attempt to kill him.

However, instead of feeling anxious, the Vice General of the Ammarian Army chuckled as if he found the situation funny.

"If you think you can kill me, then go ahead and try," Second replied. "I'd like to see how the two of you can put me down together."

"Arrogant fool!" Benjamin shouted. "Since you're courting death, then we will give it to you!"

General Fahad and Benjamin exchanged glances, and both of them charged at Second at the same time.

Brandishing their weapons together, they planned to use a coordinated attack to leave Second with no room to evade, allowing them to cut him down.

However, something unexpected happened.

Their attacks missed their target because Second jumped high up in the air. The Vice General of the Ammarian Army then held his sword with both hands before swinging it down with his full power.

"Rend my foes to oblivion!" Second roared. "Blade of the Forsaken!"

The sword in Second's hand turned crimson just before he swung it towards the two Rankers on the ground, unleashing several crimson wind blades that could instantly cut Rank 5 Monsters to shreds.

Benjamin and General Fahad had no choice but to take a defensive stance and block the incoming strikes, or else both of them would be seriously injured.

As soon as Second landed on the ground, he dashed in the direction where General Phobus lay helpless, only to find that his Lord's body had suddenly vanished.

Benjamin and General Fahad, who managed to block Second's attack, had noticed what their enemy was planning to do. However, just like the Vice General, both of them were surprised to see General Phobus' body no longer in the place where he laid earlier.


Over a hundred meters away from where Second and the two Rankers were fighting.

General Phobus hatefully glared at the teenagers who had bound his hands and legs with spider webs.

His mouth was also sealed shut by a thick web, preventing him from making any sound.

"Xander, take all of his artifacts," Cai ordered. "Make sure to not leave anything behind. We will split it evenly later."

"Understood," Xander obediently took away all valuable items belonging to the Ammarian General including his clothes, leaving him with only his pants.

The General's entire body was paralyzed, so even though he wanted to strangle the weaklings who were taking away all of his valuables, he couldn't do anything to them.

"So, who wants to kill him?" Cai asked. "It doesn't matter who lands the final blow. We all get the same rewards anyway."

The teenagers glanced at each other before looking at Cai.

"It is beneath me to kill someone who is incapable of defending themselves," Keane stated.

In truth, he said that to cover the fact that he could not use his sword arm for the remainder of the day as a consequence for using an attack that exceeded his current strength. Right now, his arm was numb and a bit swollen.

If Keane were to force himself to attack, it was possible that his bones would break, making him unable to wield his sword again for a very long time.

"I am a Barbarian, I like a good fight," Einar replied. "But this? Although he is my enemy, I don't like to bring dishonor to my family name."

Val, who was currently in his Giant Spider Form, raised his front legs and made an X gesture, informing Cai that he didn't want to do it either.

Cai then glanced at Henrietta and Malcolm, but both of them shook their heads.

Clearly, they also didn't want to deal the final blow to General Phobus, who couldn't even lift a finger to stop them.

"Fine, I'll do it," Cai said as its body started to grow bigger. "Second Gear…"


A four-meter tall black boar with silvery tusks and crimson eyes appeared in front of everyone.

Val manipulated his webs so that General Phobus' body would rise to the ground and hang in front of Cai, whose deadly tusks were coated with the Poison that was meant to cripple Rankers.

"Any last words?" Cai asked.

General Phobus glared at the annoying Boar before shouting with all of his might.

However, due to the web covering his lips, the Ranker could only let out undecipherable muffled words, which made Cai nod its head in understanding.

"I gave you a chance to say your last words, and yet you didn't use it well," Cai stated. "Pathetic."

The spider web covering the General's lips became red as the latter vomited blood due to Cai's insult. He had tried to say something, but since his mouth was covered, his message couldn't be conveyed to anyone.

However, despite knowing all of this, the Boar still said that he was pathetic?

These words made the Proud General of the Ammarian Army vomit blood. Cai's antics were simply aggravating.

When he was given the opportunity to say his last words, he wanted to say that he would double whatever rewards the Yelan Army promised them as long as they spared his life.

Cai moved several meters away from the hanging general before turning around and prepared to charge.

"Goodbye, General Phobus," Cai said as it stomped its hoof to the ground and charged towards the helpless General whose eyes had already turned bloodshot. "May you find peace in the afterlife."

"I'm Charging!"

Cai impaled its tusk on the General's body, but due to his high stats, the first strike didn't kill him. The Boar wasn't fazed and continued to gorge his body over and over again.

Keane and the others frowned because they wanted to give General Phobus a quick death. However, since his rank was higher than them, their attacks were not strong enough to kill him in one strike.

They understood that Cai was doing its best to end the general's life as soon as possible and not to torture him to death, but since they were dealing with a Ranker, whose body had already been refined above the standards of mortals, it still took the Boar several strikes before it was able to pierce the general's heart, and finally put him out of his misery.

Even the Rankers who were watching this scene from the entrance of the Domain of the Fallen winced, because they had imagined themselves to be in the same position as the General who finally took his last breath.

Xander's father, Hector, sighed in his heart as he looked at the Boar whose tusks were now covered in fresh blood.

None of them had wanted their High Priestess, who was loved by everyone in their tribe, to dirty her hands in such a manner.

But, this was the path that Cai chose, and their Chieftain had agreed to it.

Since that was the case, the only thing he could do was watch, and see with his own eyes, how far Cai would be able to go down the road she had chosen.

He wished with all of his heart that, at the end of Cai's journey, she would find the thing that she was looking for—the thing that would allow her to grow not only as an individual, but as the High-Priestess of their tribe that everyone could be proud of.