
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 464: i’ll just leave the rest to them

"Master, what are we going to do?" Bedivere asked. "That kid means business."

Lux frowned. He knew that Nero could potentially make them fall from the sky with his long range attacks.

The Touch of the Abyss could be resisted by Dragons to a certain extent, but Bedivere was riding on a young Dragon, and he didn't know if the flying mount could withstand a full powered lightning bolt that came from an Initiate.

"Go higher," Lux ordered. "Our goal is not to fight him. I'll deal with his lightning bolts, so you continue harassing the Generals.

Bedivere heeded his Master's orders and urged his Dragon Mount to fly higher in the sky. Seeing that Lux had no intention to fight him, Nero fired consecutive lightning bolts at the Dragon in an attempt to hit its wings to make it fall to the ground.

However, Lux countered his lightning bolts with his Elemental Shield, as well as Spinning Blades.

Just as Nero was about to fire another lightning bolt at the Dragon in the sky, he suddenly stopped his attack and jumped to the side.

It was at that moment when a blazing arrow landed on the place where he once stood and exploded.

However, it was not over yet. While Nero was in mid-air, he saw a Great Flame Skull appear in front of him with its mouth wide open.

A moment later, a blast of freezing air erupted in the surroundings sending ice crystals everywhere.

However, Nero had transformed his body into a black lightning bolt, and barely evaded the surprise attack that came out of nowhere.

Seeing that his attack had missed his target, Lazarus blinked away, while Ishtar merged with the shadows.

They would not allow anyone to get in the way of their Master, so the two decided to team up and bring Nero down for good.

Seeing that he was unable to continue attacking the Half-Elf, Nero decisively left the scene to escape.

The Guild Master of the Storm Dragon's Guild had sensed that a powerful ranker was approaching him from behind and guessed that it was the enemy's General that was heading in his direction.

Since that was the case, he prioritized escaping over attacking the Half-Elf.

He had seen how Lux was killed by the Vice General and vowed to himself that he wouldn't die in the same manner.

However, before he left, he gave the Half-Elf one last glance, and to his surprise, the Half-Elf was also looking straight at him.

"Next time," Nero said before turning into a black lightning bolt and escaping far away.

Lux glanced in the direction Nero had escaped to and nodded his head.

"Next time, you will not be able to escape," Lux said before shifting his attention to General Phobus, who was now riding Second's warhorse.

The Vice-General was simply running beside the mount, using his speed to keep up with it.

"Such a loyal person," Bedivere said. "That trait is very rare even among the retainers of High-Ranking nobles in the Vahan Empire."

"Is it?" Lux asked with curiosity.

"Yes," Bedivere replied. "I was once like him, but in the end, I was betrayed by my own Liege. I'm guessing he is born of common birth, or his family is a retainer of Phobus' family. That is the only reason I can think of why a man of his caliber is sticking with that failure of a General."

"I plan to kill him though."

"That will be better, Master. If you can make him part of your covenant, you will have another strategist aside from Asmodeus."

"... I'll consider it."

Lux had indeed wanted to kill Second, but he never thought of adding him to his Necromancer Covenant. Now that Bedivere had brought it up, the Half-Elf was starting to think that it was not a bad idea.

Eiko, who was on top of Lux's head, narrowed her gaze as she looked at the Vice General, who was running alongside the warhorse that was carrying General Phobus.

She could still remember how Second killed her Papa, and it made her very distraught. Although she fared better than Fei Fei, deep inside, Eiko carried a deep seated grudge against the person that killed one of the most important people in her life.

"Master, if this continues, I think they will be able to escape," Bedivere frowned as they pursued the fleeting general.

"Don't worry," Lux said as he summoned Pazuzu and Orion. "He won't be going anywhere."

The Jade Golem descended from the sky and crashed towards the ground like a meteor.

Pazuzu on the other hand, dove down from the sky and pointed his spiked mace at General Phobus who was riding on top of the warhorse.

"Duel [EX]!"

General Phobus suddenly felt a strong pull coming from behind him. Although his hands were firmly holding the reins of his mount, he could feel his body sliding off the horse's body.

Finally, as if his body had a mind of its own, the Great General slid off the horse's back before turning around to run in Pazuzu's direction.

"You bastard!" General Phobus summoned his lance and swung it against the Fortress Defenders, who had activated his Shield Wall ability.

The giant blue tower shield clashed against General Phobus' strike and shattered like a wine glass getting hit by a baseball bat. The momentum of the strike didn't pause and smashed against the shield in Pazuzu's hand, sending the Fortress Defender flying.

The Fortress Defender's body didn't even manage to land on the ground before turning into particles of light.

Although General Phobus was a Fake Ranker, he was still a Ranker, and his stats easily overwhelmed the Demonic Defender, who served as the Tanker in Lux's Undead Army.

'Sorry Pazuzu,' Lux said in his heart. 'I thought that only Second was a threat, but I guess General Phobus' stats are similar or even higher than him.'

Orion, who saw one of his comrades dying with a single strike, remained firm as he prepared his strongest attack.

"Duel [EX]!"

Lux's Jade Golemn also activated his taunt skill, forcing General Phobus to exchange one blow with him.

"You puny insects!" General Phobus roared in anger as he once again swung his lance with his full power. "Stop messing with me!"

Orion didn't back away and unleashed his strongest attack without holding back.

"Gaia Smash!" Orion shouted.

A moment later, the lance, and the giant jade fist collided with each other, sending a shockwave in their surroundings.

General Phobus grunted as he was forced to take one step back due to the force behind Orion's blow.

Orion's right hand and arm broke apart, but the latter ignored it and raised his left fist to punch General Phobus' face.

But, before he could do that, Second appeared in front of him and slashed his sword down.

Lux's expression became grim when he saw Orion's body cut cleanly in half by the Vice General, who had come to his Lord's aid.

Two of his Named Creatures died so easily, showing him how powerful Rankers truly were.

Fortunately, although Pazuzu and Orion died, they were able to complete their mission.

Bedivere's Dragon Mount had unleashed a Dragon Breath, and burned the Warhorse that the General was using as his mount.

Now that their means of travel was dead, their escape would be significantly slowed down.

Suddenly, the sound of dozens of hooves galloping from the Woodlands was heard.

"Finally, they're here," Lux said with relief as General Fahad and his Elite unit emerged from the Woodlands, making General Phobus' expression become extremely pale.

"We finally met, Phobus!" General Fahad roared as he and his soldiers charged towards the flustered General.

"Get behind me, My Lord," Second said as he stood in front of General Phobus with a fearless expression on his face. "Since the enemy General has delivered himself to us, this is a good opportunity for us to take his head."

"Hah! Take it if you can!" General Fahad sneered. "Benjamin, you take care of Phobus. I'll handle this man."

"Yes, General," His right-hand man, Benjamin replied.

General Fahad could sense that the man protecting General Phobus was very strong, so he decided to take him on himself.

Lux, who had done his part, summoned his Soul Book.

The Half-Elf had merged his Map Projector with his Elysium Compendium, and merged the compendium with his Soul Book.

Although the Compendium had a built-in map, the Map Projector which was a Pseudo-Legendary Item that Sherlock had given him in the past had a wider range.

Lux had marked Nero in his Map, and could see that the latter was slowly circling his way back to the battlefield.

The Half-Elf knew what the latter was planning and that was to launch a sneak attack on General Fahad or his Aid, Benjamin, in order to give General Phobus and Second an advantage.

If one of the Rankers of the Yelan Army was taken down, the other Ranker would die not long after.

This development would overturn all the efforts they had made in the war, and it was something that Lux wouldn't allow.

"What a troublesome opponent," Lux thought as he asked Bedivere to fly in Nero's direction.

He would personally deal with this variable first and prevent anyone from changing the outcome of the war.

As for whether General Fahad would be able to beat Second, or whether Benjamin would be able to beat General Phobus, this was no longer in his hands.

'They're still out there, so I'll just leave the rest to them,' Lux thought as he gazed in the direction where Nero was hiding.

He was not fighting this war alone.

He had comrades who were very capable individuals.

Although their ranks had degraded back to the Apostle Grade, he believed that Cai, Keane, and the others would not let the chance of getting the last hit on General Phobus slip through their fingers.

After all, the rewards they would gain for defeating a General was something that would allow them to regain what they had lost after being killed by the Vice General, who was currently exchanging deadly blows with the General of the Yelan Army.