
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 450.2: a fake general [part 2]

"You're not inferior to him, Sir," Lux replied. "He was just able to take advantage of the terrain and set traps beforehand. His style of fighting is very cowardly. Because of this, your army has suffered great losses."

"That's right!" General Phobus slammed his fist on the table, breaking it apart. "The bastard only relies on these dirty tricks in order to chip away my forces! If he faced me head-on like a real man, the one who would be getting trashed would be him!"

"It is as you say, General. The Enemy is simply playing dirty like a street rat. This kind of strategy in my eyes is simply pathetic."

"Right! That's right! Finally, someone who understands me!"

Lux once again laughed in his heart as he looked at the General in front of him.

After observing for three days, he finally understood what kind of person General Phobus was, and it made him want to leave the Ammarian Camp as soon as possible.

In Solais and Elysium, they called Rankers with High Ranks and no substance Fake Rankers.

These were people who only relied on their family background to raise their ranks by buying Beast Cores to boost their stats.

This practice was quite common among the nobility, as well as the members of the Royal Family.

Such practice was frowned upon in Wildgarde Stronghold, and other places in the Six Kingdoms.

This was also why Gerald had set a rule that parents and relatives of the children, who had passed the Trial to enter Elysium, were not allowed to give the children Beast Cores to temporarily raise their ranks.

The reason was because this would give them a mindset that as long as their rank was high, they could easily overpower the Monsters around them as long as they had higher stats.

This kind of thinking prevented the children from honing their skills at an early age and simply rely on the stat boosts they receive from Beast Cores, making it so they lacked true battle experience.

Even if they became Rankers, they would be the first to die if they were to fight people of the same Rank as them.

In Lux's eyes, not only was General Phobus a Fake Ranker, he was also a fake General.

After having casual chats with the soldiers in the Ammarian Camp, the Half-Elf found out that General Phobus was born into a family of Generals that served the Ammar Kingdom since it was founded.

Because of this, they would always have one General on active duty and, this time, it was General Phobus' turn to represent their family.

Perhaps, understanding that the General, who was still in his early thirties, lacked the aptitude, his family sent him an aide that was proficient in warfare, who acted as his adviser and right hand man.

This man was the one who advised General Phobus about the military strategies that he used in the previous battles like setting up barriers as they advanced. However, as soon as something went wrong, the General would immediately lose his composure and issue the wrong commands.

If not for the fact that the Vice General whom his family had ordered to accompany him had been there, the losses they would have gained would have be much higher than the ones they had now.

"General, I propose that we let our soldiers rest tomorrow so that they can recover their strength," Lux proposed. "The Morale of the army is low due to the underhanded tactics that the enemy is using. Letting them fight in this condition will just increase our losses."

General Phobus nodded. "I know that even if you don't tell me. Just make sure that you and your Mercenary Group participate the next time my army advances to the enemy camp."

"Yes, Sir!" Lux replied as he pressed his right fist over his chest as a sign of acknowledgement.

When the Half-Elf exited the tent, he noticed that the Vice General, who was busy talking to some of their military officers, glanced in his direction.

A few seconds later, the Vice General gave Lux a brief nod, and the Half-Elf returned the greeting.

After that, Lux walked back to his camp where his members were waiting for him.

As he walked away, he could feel the man's gaze on his back, but Lux didn't make any attempts to let the other party know that he had sensed his scrutinizing gaze.

'He's starting to take notice of me,' Lux thought. 'Although I managed to delay the next battle for a day, I just hope that I receive a reply before we are ordered to join the assault on the Yelan Camp.'

Although he was given free reign to do whatever he wanted to do on the battlefield, this freedom could easily be revoked if General Phobus gave them the order to join them in their next battle.

At that point, Lux would have to show some impressive results, or else General Phobus would really do something reckless, like attacking him or his Mercenary Group because he deemed them to be useless.

Even though General Phobus was a Fake Ranker, his Vice General was the real deal.

One wrong move and the careful plan that he had set in motion would burn to ashes.

Fortunately, an hour before midnight, Lux received a report from Diablo, telling him that he should come to the Yelan Camp and personally talk to the commanding general.

Because of this, the Half-Elf left the camp under the cover of Darkness and used the Boots of Teleportation to teleport directly to where Diablo was.

The Boots of Teleportation was a Pseudo-Legendary artifact and was one of the rewards he obtained in Keoza's Dungeon.

This artifact allowed him to teleport directly to an ally, up to five miles from his location.

Since the Death Knight had told him that he could come, it meant that there was a positive response to the letter that he had sent to his two acquaintances, who were commanding the Main Army of the Yellan Kingdom, in the Great Plains.