
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 443: big game hunters

Three hours later, the battle finally stopped as both armies retreated to their respective strongholds in order to rest.

The Half-Elf waited for one more hour before he, and the others reported to General Phobus, telling him of their intention to join the war.

"Rafael sent all of you here?" General Phobux asked as he eyed Lux while eating his meal.

"Yes, General," Lux replied.

Lux was about to say more, but stopped because he saw the sudden change in General Phobus' expression, which made the words he was about to say stay inside his chest.

"That bastard! He is belittling me!"

General Phobus cursed out loud, which made Lux and the others feel as if General Phobus was displeased that more people had been sent to him by the Great General in order to help him fight his war.

"Fine, since you're already here, make yourselves useful," General Phobus said before placing the fork and knife in his hands aside. "Hunt some game for the army. Having more people means more mouths to feed. Go, and make sure that you, and your mercenary group, earn your keep."

The General shooed Lux and his group away with his hands, making them leave the General's tent while wishing that the General would choke on the food he was eating.

"That bastard! How dare he treat us like this?!" Malcolm said through gritted teeth. Clearly, he was very annoyed about how they were being treated by the General, who was currently having no success in his campaign.

"Calm down," Lux said as his finger poked something in the air, making everyone hear a familiar notification sound inside their head.


< Ding! >

< You have accepted the Sub-Quest Big Game Hunters! >

< Big Game Hunters >

Rating: B

– The War between The Ammar Kingdom and Yelan Kingdom is being fought on four battlefields. Currently, the supplies of the Marshland front are dwindling at a rapid pace because of the reinforcements that Great General Rafael has been sending to support General Phobus' campaign.

– In the eyes of others, this may seem like a responsible superior sending aid to his subordinate. However, is that really the case?

General Phobus believes that Great General Raphael was purposely sabotaging his campaign by making things difficult for him. However, since he has no proof about his assumptions, he is forced to endure and not voice his irritation to their commanding General.

– Help General Phobus by replenishing the food supplies of his army. Take note that the bigger the size of the game you bring to the camp, the better the rewards you will receive.

< Rewards >

– Dependent upon the quality, quantity, and size of the Beasts that you bring back to the Camp.


"Did you all receive it?" Lux asked after he finished reading the information of the quest.

Earlier, when the General ordered them to bring some game to their camp, the Half-Elf heard a notification in his head, as several rows of text appeared in front of him, asking him if he would accept the mission called Big Game Hunters.

Since he didn't know if the others would receive it, he decided to wait until they had exited the General's tent before accepting the quest.

Everyone looked at Lux in surprise, which confirmed his guess that everyone in his team would receive the same quest he had as long as they were in the same party as him.

"For now, we should take this opportunity to get some rewards," Lux stated. "The leaders of each faction will lead their members to hunt. However, we are not familiar with the beasts that roam these lands. Make sure to take caution, and don't fight Monsters that surpass your current ranks. I want to finish this mission with as many members as possible."

Everyone nodded their heads and began to discuss where they would hunt their prey. For a brief moment, Lux thought that he could see a bit of excitement in their faces because the unknown rewards they would get from completing this mission had piqued their curiosity.

Naturally, Cai, Keane, Einar, Val, and Xander, didn't leave Lux's side and waited for him to give his orders.

The Half-Elf herded his group to a corner of the camp, while looking at the map in his Soul Book.

Currently, there were green, red, and yellow dots on his map. The green ones were allies, the red ones were enemies, and the yellow dots were neutral entities.

Seeing that some of these yellow dots were alone, or traveled in groups, the Half-Elf assumed that they were Monsters.

This discovery actually surprised Lux because he thought that all the Monsters in the area would have already escaped due to the war that was being held in their territories.

After taking a closer look, the Half-Elf discovered that some of the yellow dots on the map were located in the rivers, which meant that they were River Monsters, who used the waterways to travel around the marshlands.

But, since they were close to the battlefield, their numbers were quite few.

'Maybe these Monsters are Rank 5 Alpha Monsters or above,' Lux thought. 'They could even be Field or Wandering World Bosses.'

Lux looked at the sun above the sky and calculated how many hours it would take before it set. Since it was still early, he decided to hunt some monsters first and complete the Sub-Quest, while waiting for the opportune moment to initiate his plan.


Outside of the Domain of the Fallen…

'Not bad, this Half-Elf is more capable than we thought,' Aron mused after seeing Lux's current performance.

Unlike the other factions, Lux, Cai, Keane, Einar, Val, and Xander, refused the artifacts that would allow others to see what was happening in their surroundings.

For them, this wasn't compulsory, and it also breached their privacy. They also didn't want others to see how they operated alongside Lux, which made the Half-Elf applaud them in his heart.

However, since the other factions were being ordered by their superiors, they had no choice but to wear the artifacts, and allow all of their actions to be scrutinized by the people watching the projections in the outside world.

Lux understood this, so he assigned the different factions to hunt their own game, which the other teenagers believed to be a sound decision.

What they didn't know was that the Half-Elf had planned this all along, so he could do things without worrying about the others minding his business.


Back in the Marshlands…

When Lux and his friends were safely far from the Army Camp, as well as the other members of his "Mercenary Group", the Half-Elf summoned Diablo, Ishtar, Pazuzu, and Asmodeus.

He also summoned a dozen of his Skeleton Gang Bangers and told them the plan he had in mind.

After hearing his plan, his Named Creatures, as well as his Skeleton Summons moved into action.

Cai chuckled after hearing Lux's true motive, which made it give the Half-Elf two thumbs up in its heart.

Truth be told, Cai, Keane, Einar, Val, and Xander, were quite worried about the details of their main mission, but they didn't voice it out loud because it might make the other factions look down on them.

Now that they understood that Lux was on the same page as them, they were able to breathe a little easier knowing that the Half-Elf already had a plan in mind.

"Let's go hunt us some Big Game," Lux said with a smile. "I want to see what kind of rewards this mission will give us."

Everyone nodded their heads enthusiastically as they climbed onto their mounts and followed the Half-Elf.

They didn't plan to hunt near the Marshlands because they didn't want to provoke the Yelan Army, who was guarding the border, and start a misunderstanding that they didn't want to happen.