
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 425.1: dragon borns and kobolds [part 1]

The sun was just about to set when Lux received Cadmus' message, informing him that all of the Kobolds who were willing to join his Guild had been successfully recruited.

Since time was of the essence, the Half-Elf immediately flew toward the City of Pygmalion in order to summon them using his Guild Skill, Heaven's Call.

After the incident, the Mayor and Lux had come to a truce. Both sides would no longer do anything to harm each other's interest and would cooperate with each other during times of need.

Because Lux had the backing of Keoza, the Mayor of Pygmalion thought that it would be in his benefit to give the Half-Elf an opportunity to grow and develop his Guild. After all, whether he liked it or not, the two of them were neighbors now.

Since that was the case, it would be in their best interest to form a friendly partnership as no one knew what the future held.

Of course, the Mayor's opinion was not shared by the majority of the Dragon Borns, as well as citizens of Pygmalion. For them, Lux was an eyesore and should be banned from entering their city.

But, since the Mayor had already said that the Dragon King wanted this matter to be settled peacefully, no one dared to voice their opposition out loud.

Lux went straight to the Mayor's house to inform him that he would be summoning his Guild Members inside the city and asked for his permission.

The Mayor, whose name was Jorinn, agreed to Lux's request and gave him permission to summon his Guild members in the plaza, where the teleportation gate that allowed the citizens of Pygmalion to return and arrive from the Lower Realm was located.

Since the city was a hub for people of different races to mingle with each other, a teleportation gate was created to allow those that had been given permission by the Dragon King to travel from the Lower Realm to the Outer Reaches of Karshvar Draconis.

The other races were also not allowed to leave the Outer Reaches unless they were summoned by the Dragon King or given official permission to travel to the other parts of Karshvar Draconis.

Although Lux's Guild Members hadn't receive the permission of the Dragon King to enter the Outer Reaches, Jorinn decided to give them temporary gate passes to enter and leave his city, but warned Lux that he should tell his Guild Members that they were forbidden to go anywhere outside of the Outer Reaches.

Lux promised to obey this rule, and he was escorted by some of Jorinn's Personal Guards to the Plaza.

The Mayor did this because of one simple reason. He was very curious to know what kind of people Lux's Guild Members were like, but he didn't want to appear to be overly curious, so he decided to let his guards accompany the Half-Elf with the order to report everything when they returned to his residence.

After arriving at the Plaza, Lux chose a place that wasn't too crowded and pressed his closed fist over his chest.

"Heaven's Call!"

Several flashes of light illuminated the surroundings as Lux's Guild Members appeared in the plaza one by one.

"Is this the Legendary City of Dragons?" Cai asked as it looked around with great curiosity. "Fei Fei do you sense any treasure around? Just whisper it to me quietly so we can get it when no one is looking!"


Fei Fei scanned her surroundings before shaking her head. Clearly, she didn't detect any treasures nearby, which made Cai slightly disappointed.

Aside from Cai, there were also others who decided to accept the invite to come sightsee for the time being.

Randolph, Keelan, Keane, Cadmus, and his Kobold brethren all looked around their surroundings with great curiosity.

The others also wanted to come, but since they had responsibilities to attend to, they decided to put their visit on hold until the Guild Headquarters was built.

Suddenly, a commotion started as soon as the Dragon Borns around them noticed the Kobolds that had arrived in their city.

"What are these pieces of trash doing here in our city?!" a Dragon Born shouted. "You filthy Kobolds are not welcome here. Go back to where you came from and stay there!"

The Kobolds, who had been called pieces of trash, glared at the Dragon Born and shouted back.

"Yuck! What is this? A wannabe Dragon?!" one of the Kobold Warriors shouted.

"Do they really think that just because you have dragon scales, dragon horns, and dragon wings, you are dragons?" another Kobold commented. "What a bunch of fakes!"

"Calm down, brother. This is why they are Dragon Wannabes not Dragon Borns."

"Um, you make sense brother. These pieces of sh*t should just smash their heads on a rock or boulder and get it over with."

As if a spark had been ignited, the Dragon Borns and the Kobolds started to hurl insults at each other, making Lux blink his eyes in confusion.

"I forgot to tell you, we don't like Dragon Borns much," Cadmus commented as he glared at the Dragon Borns who were talking crap about his brethren. "Kobolds worship Dragons, but for us, Dragon Borns are just fakes. Naturally, Dragon Borns think of us as lowly creatures because we are born weak and aspire to become Dragons. This is why we don't get along well."

"I see," Lux nodded his head in understanding. Thinking that the situation might get worse and end up in a fistfight, the Half-Elf asked Cadmus to pacify his brethren and make them stop hurling insults at the Dragon Borns.

Right now, they were only visitors to the city, so they should not antagonize the people that lived in it.

Cadmus did his best to pacify the Kobolds, and since their Guild Master and Leader had spoken, they did their best to reign in their anger and endure the insults that the Dragon Borns were still shouting in their direction.

Even the Mayor's Guards, who had come to escort Lux, were looking at the Kobolds in disdain, making Lux shake his head helplessly.

"Let's go," Lux ordered as he led the way outside of the city. "The sooner we leave, the better."

Due to the commotion, many spectators gathered at the scene to see what was happening.

However, after seeing that the source of the problem was Kobolds, they joined the Dragon Borns in making fun of them, thinking that they would get into their good graces in the process.

Cadmus glared hatefully at these people who just couldn't keep their mouths shut but didn't do anything aside from that.

Lux was right. They were the visitors to the city, so it was only natural that they behaved themselves if they didn't want to risk being kicked out or, worse, exiled from the Outer Reaches.

After leaving the City Gates, the Kobolds finally managed to breathe a sigh of relief.

However, just as Lux was thinking about how to get the Kobolds to fly towards the third island, several dragons landed in front of them.

"Wow! A real dragon!"

"God! My prayers have been answered. I am not worthy!"

"Your Excellencies, we are not worthy of standing in your presence. Please, allow us to kneel and pay tribute to all of you!"

One by one all the Kobolds prostrated themselves in front of the Dragons, making the corner of Cai's lips twitch.

However, to Lux's surprise, even Cadmus was looking at the Dragons with great respect and adoration, which reminded the Half-Elf of how much Kobolds worshiped dragons.

"These little ones are funny," one of the Dragons laughed as they looked at the prostrating Kobolds who did their best to flatter them.

"It's been a while since we've been treated in this manner," another Dragon commented. "Such novelty."

In Karshvar Draconis, although Dragons were revered, no one would go so far as to treat them the way Kobolds did. Because of this, they looked at the Kobolds fondly and thought that having them around wasn't such a bad idea.

"This is the first time I am seeing Kobolds in the City of Pygmalion," a Wind Dragon approached the Kobolds with a smile. "Speak. What is your purpose for coming here?"

The Dragons were talking to them using telepathy, which was the special blessing bestowed upon them by the God of the world, allowing them to communicate with all of the creatures regardless of their race, gender, and language.

This was similar to Eiko's speech ability. As long as they were talking to sentient creatures that were able to communicate, having a conversation was not a problem.

Judging by the tone of its voice, the Half-Elf assumed that the Wind Dragon was the leader of the young dragons, all of whom were just as big as Bedivere's Dragon Mount.

"Great One, we came here due to the summons of our Guild Master," Cadmus replied to the Wind Dragon's question. "We are planning to build a Guild Headquarters on the third floating island of the Outer Reaches."

"Ah. So it was you," the Wind Dragon shifted its attention to the Half-Elf, who was one of the people that weren't kneeling in front of them. "I heard that there was a bold Half-Elf that had made The Pit his new home. It seems that you plan to build your Guild Headquarters there, how interesting."

The Wind Dragon then glanced at the prostrating Kobolds on the ground then back at Lux.

"Well then, how are you planning on bringing these little ones to the third floating island?" the Wind Dragon asked. "Aside from that Draconian Kobold, none of them can fly."

Lux scratched his head because this was the problem he was facing.

"Your Excellency, truth be told, I haven't thought that far," Lux replied. "I needed a lot of help, so I thought that bringing them here wasn't a bad idea. But, now that they are here, I am having trouble thinking of ways to bring them to the third island."

The Wind Dragon chuckled before looking down on the Kobolds who were still bowing their heads in worship.

"Well then, since we are in a good mood today, how about we offer you guys a little help?" the Wind Dragon said before it flapped its wings, summoning a gust of air, making the Kobolds who were kneeling in the ground float.

"Your help is greatly appreciated, Your Excellency," Lux bowed respectfully to the Wind Dragon. "Once our Guild Headquarters are complete, feel free to visit us. We will do our best to provide you with our best hospitality."

"Hoh… very well. I'll come and visit one of these days." the Wind Dragon smirked before glancing at its comrades.

Half an hour later, all the Kobolds, as well as Lux's other guild members were transferred to the third floating island with the help of the Wind Dragons.

Allowing them to see the place where their Guild Headquarters would be born.