
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 421: you think you have the authority to order me around?

The next day…

"... What the F*ck?" Lux muttered as he looked at the base of the mountain that was now littered with trash.

After confirming with the Dragon King that only the Mountain Range belonged to the Half-Elf, not the entire floating island, the residents of the City of Pygmalion started dumping their trash at the base of the mountain, as if to mock Lux for trying to fool them.

Not only did he have to deal with the mountains of garbage inside the crater, now, he also had to deal with the waste that encircled his entire territory.

"You had this coming," Cethus commented from the side. "Now, you have made the entire City of Pygmalion your enemy."

The black-scaled Dragon Born witnessed how the Mayor of Pygmalion came to look for Lux and handed him a scroll, informing him that he was now banned from entering the City of Pygmalion.

If the Half-Elf were to even step foot anywhere inside the city, he would be captured by the guards and locked up in jail for Capital Offense.

The Half-Elf looked at the Dragons who were happily throwing garbage at the base of the mountain while sneering at him. Clearly, they were mocking him for his futile attempt to make them stop their dumping activities on the floating island they had treated as, The Pit.

'I wanted to resolve this peacefully, but since you guys want to play dirty, there's no need for me to hold back,' Lux thought as he discussed with his guildmates the problem they were facing.


Heaven's Gate Guild Chat…

"Um? Are you sure that the land given to us by the Dragon King is a garbage dump?" Cai asked.

"Yes," Lux replied. "It's so smelly that it is enough to wake up the dead. Do you guys have any solution to this problem?"

Cedwyn, who was the Village Head of Leaf Village voiced his opinion.

"It seems that we are facing a big problem right from the beginning of being able to found our Guild," Cedwyn commented. "However, I believe that there is a way to resolve this. Are you sure that there is no room for negotiation?"

"I don't think this is negotiable," Lux replied. "They have long regarded this island as their garbage dump. Also, the Mayor banned me from stepping foot on the City of Pygmalion. Even if I asked to talk with him, I believe that they will just ignore me."

"Why should we negotiate?" Cai interjected. "Since they want to throw filth at us, we should throw filth at them as well!"

"That's right!" Thoram, who was the Dwarf Commander of Norria, agreed with Cai's bold words. "How about you burn it? Trash and Manure burn easily. It will be even better if the wind takes the smoke to that damnable city, so that they will breathe in sh*t!"

"Yes! Burn them!"

"Make them breathe sh*t!"

"Show them who's boss!"

"For the Horde!"

After getting a unanimous decision from his Guild Members to counterattack, Lux decided to proceed with the operation they had named, Operation Deep Sh*t!

Lux hovered above the massive crater with his arms crossed over his chest.

He had been waiting for hours for the wind to blow in his favor. Finally, just before sunset, the wind picked up and blew towards the direction of the City of Pygmalion.

Cethus, who was wondering what Lux was up to, simply watched from a safe distance, far away from the stench that filled the mountainside.

Suddenly, the Half-Elf as well as the baby slime on his forehead opened their mouths and fired two Dragon Breaths at the center of the crater, igniting a blaze that caused an eruption similar to a volcano.

The floating island shook as the waste materials inside the crater combusted, raising flames and black smoke that extended for hundreds of meters upwards.

Those who were in the city also heard the loud explosion and felt curious about what was happening to the Pit, which was now emitting a dense black smoke that was now headed in their direction.

Due to the strong winds, the black smoke traveled quickly, allowing the smoke to travel faster than usual.

Several minutes later, the smell of something foul and rancid washed over the city, making everyone's eyes water and their throats burn.

The Mayor immediately ordered those who specialized in Wind Magic to deflect the smoke that was being blown in the direction of their city before summoning the City Guards to follow him to the floating island where the dense smoke was coming from.

"What in the blazes is happening?!" the Mayor shouted as he looked at the burning crater, which was spreading the filthy smoke in their direction.

"Those who know water spells, extinguish those flames right now!" the Mayor ordered.

However, before his orders were carried out, Lux appeared in front of them and blocked their path.

"This mountain range belongs to me," Lux said with his arms crossed over his chest. "All of you are trespassing my private property."

"You bastard! It was you who caused this, right?!" the Mayor shouted as he pointed his clawed fingers at the Half-Elf who was covered in green armor.

"Cause of what?" Lux replied. "Are you talking about this sweet fragrance that I am sharing with you guys? Don't worry. I'm not going to charge you anything, you can all smell it for free."

The Mayor wanted to slap the Half-Elf silly for even saying something so ridiculous. Who in their right mind would want to smell burning trash and manure, even if it was for free?

"Look, you are causing problems to other people," the Mayor said icily. "If you don't get out of the way, I will order my guards to capture you and lock you in prison for life!"

"Well, you can do that, but I will send a petition to the Dragon King, saying that you trespassed on my territory," Lux replied with a sneer as he showed the deed with the insignia of the Dragon King. "Are you going to violate the Dragon King's orders? If you want me to step aside, then I will.

"However, I will immediately report this to the Dragon King and tell him that you infringed upon my rights. I will also ask for compensation because you are interfering with the renovation that I am working on right now."

Lux even stepped aside and made a gesture for the Mayor and his Guards to extinguish the flames he started.

In his previous life, he watched a documentary about a mountain of manure that had once caught fire and how it burned for weeks. Even the firefighters hadn't able to fully extinguish the flames due to how powerful the blaze was.

Of course, the people of this world were powerful so they could easily summon powerful Water Spells in order to douse the flames inside the crater. However, what Lux needed was only an excuse to file a complaint to the Dragon King.

This was also his way of telling the King of Dragons that if he wanted to play dirty, he could play dirty as well.

The Mayor almost gagged after hearing Lux's threat. He was really tempted to order his Guards to capture the Half-Elf and lock him up in prison. However, if he did that, he would have to face the Dragon King and come up with a good excuse for his action.

Although he was confident that the Dragon King would side with him due to the current situation, there was still a chance that he would be punished for interfering with the new owner of the mountainous region that they had been treating as their garbage dump for years.

"What do you want?" the Mayor asked.

"A truce," Lux replied. "From now on, you are not allowed to dump garbage anywhere on this floating island. Although I only own the mountainous area, I dislike smelling garbage that has been placed right in front of my doorstep."

The Mayor glared at the red-headed teenager while making cracking sounds with his clawed hands. "You really think you have the authority to order me around, Half-Elf?"

"Well, you really think you have the authority to order me around?" Lux replied. "You might be the Mayor of Pygmalion, But I am the owner of the Pit. This is my homecourt, and you are the one trespassing on it."

The Guards who were escorting the Mayor found this whole conversation silly. If they had their way, they would have instantly knocked the Half-Elf unconscious, bound him in chains, and taken to their prison without even bothering to talk to him.

However, Cethus, who was Lux's supervisor, stood not far away from the Half-Elf with his arms crossed over his chest.

The Half-Elf was his responsibility, and if anything happened to him, the Dragon King might punish him for not doing his job properly.

The Mayor and the Guards might be able to deal with the Half-Elf, but they couldn't possibly attack Cethus, who was notorious in their Domain for being spoiled by his Grandmother, who was one of the Dragon King's most steadfast supporters.

Right now, they were in a pinch, not knowing how to proceed.

The standoff lasted for several minutes as both sides glared at each other.

Cethus, who originally didn't know what the Half-Elf was thinking, gloated in his heart. Although he disliked the Half-Elf, he also disliked the Mayor of Pygmalion because there was a time when the latter chastised him for not living up to the name of his family, shaming their family's history.

'Damn, I don't really know how this is going to turn out, but this Half-Elf sure has guts,' Cethus thought as he looked at Lux who stood alone, facing hundreds of DragonBorns that belonged to Pygmalion's City Guards.

Soon, more DragonBorns and Dragons showed up on the third island because the Wind Mages were about to reach their limit.

They wanted to know what the Mayor was doing because the smoke wasn't receding in the slightest. In fact, it was becoming denser, turning the Wind Mages' efforts to keep the smoke from entering the city a city-wide concern.

"Guards! Capture this bastard!" the Mayor shouted. "Don't worry. I'll take all the responsibility. Extinguish those flames now!"

The weakest among the Guards of Pygmalion were Initiates, but there were dozens of Rankers mixed in with them. Knowing that he was at a disadvantage, Lux didn't have any intention to resist.

However, something unexpected happened.

The Dragon Token suddenly shot out of Lux's Storage Ring and emitted a beam of light towards the heavens.

The sun had just set, so the brilliant radiance could be seen even from miles away.

A moment later, a loud dragon roar, filled with rage, reverberated in the sky.

Keoza's visage that was nearly a hundred meters tall appeared behind Lux, eyeing the Dragon Borns with great hostility.

He had seen how the Dragon King treated the person he chose, and he was very dissatisfied with the arrangement the King made for Lux.

However, he didn't say anything and let the Half-Elf to think of a way to manage the situation himself. Keoza thought that Lux had resolved to let himself be bullied, but he was wrong.

After seeing the Half-Elf's defiance against those who wished to trample on his right, the Crystal Dragon decided that enough was enough and made his appearance.

Although he couldn't materialize his entire body and could only appear as an apparition, he still decided to make an appearance. He felt that it was not only Lux's right that was being trampled, but also his own dignity as an Elder Dragon.


Capital City of Rex Lapis…

The Dragon King heard a Dragon Roar in the distance and shifted his gaze towards the East.

The nostalgic roar filled with defiance resonated inside his head as his gaze moved through his castle walls until he saw the stand off in the Outer Reaches.

As the Dragon King, he could see everything inside his Domain if he wanted to.

The moment Keoza's visage appeared in the sky, the King of all Dragons narrowed his eyes as he gazed at the Crystal Dragon who had gotten into a huge argument with him hundreds of years ago.

'Now you show yourself,' the Dragon King snorted before standing on his throne. 'Keoza, you don't have the courage to show your face to me, but you appear so easily when that mortal is being threatened. Looks like you really don't have the guts to face me.'

A moment later, the Dragon King disappeared from his throne.

Since the Dragon that he had been waiting for had finally made his appearance, he decided to come and see him, so that the two of them could have a proper talk.

Although hundreds of years had passed, the Dragon King still wanted to see and talk to the Crystal Dragon, who had given up the right for succession for the throne of the Dragon King.