
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 405.1: a human’s touch [part 1]

If someone were to ask me if I felt blessed, the answer would be yes.

Out of the millions of Dwarfs in the world, I was born as the Third Princess of the Kingdom of Gweliven and was loved by my father and three mothers.

I said three mothers because my father married three women.

My birth mother was his second wife. But, even so, all three of my mothers loved us all, just as much as they loved their own children, making me feel lucky that I was born into the Royal Family.

Perhaps because I was born on the same day as my father, he spoiled me more than the others.

But that didn't mean that he loved the others less.

My mother said that fathers usually loved their daughters more, while mothers loved their sons more. I didn't really know if this was true or not, but perhaps it was true because my father loved all of his daughters and spoiled us rotten, more than he did my brothers.

Even so, my sisters and I didn't take his love for granted and worked hard for the betterment of this Kingdom to the best of our abilities. No matter how small it was and no matter how short our reach extended, we all took pride that we were born as members of the Royal Family.

As I grew older, I realized that there were many more things that I wanted to do in order to help the kingdom. However, with the power I currently had, I was unable to do them.

The Dwarven Kingdom had always been ruled by a King.

There had been no instance when a Queen had sat on the throne and ruled the Kingdom of Gweliven since the day it was founded.

Because of this, I wanted to be the first.

The first to be crowned as its Queen, and make it so that everyone in my kingdom could live better and more prosperous lives.

When I asked my father if it was possible for me to become the one to take his position, he laughed, patted my head, and said in a gentle tone. "You can easily carry the crown on my head with a single hand. But, the moment you put it on your head, a burden, which is heavier than a mountain, will press on your shoulders. Do you think you will be able to carry its weight?"

The me back then was still naive and said with confidence.

"I can do it! I will become a Queen that will make our kingdom prosper!"

My father chuckled and rested his right hand on my shoulder before giving his reply.

"Very well, Anastasia. See with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, taste with your own lips, and feel with your own skin everything this kingdom has to offer. Compete with your brothers, and see for yourself if you are able to take this burden off my shoulders in the future."


Oh… how naive I was.

Bolstered with confidence, I began to rally people and started to build my own faction. My older brothers didn't mind having additional competition because that was how the Crown Prince of this Kingdom was chosen.

Only through great deeds, not words.

Only through actions, not words.

Only through merits, not words.

Only through great feats, not words.

The Royal Family of Gweliven wasn't only talk.

They must prove their words with action as well.

And so, my father decided to add me, along with my other sisters, as candidates who could have the right of succession.

Three Years.

In three years, the one who would be able to obtain the most merits would be hailed as the next Crown Prince or Crown Princess.

My father was still at the prime of his life and would probably still rule the kingdom for a decade or two.

Dwarves may not be as long-lived as the Elves, but their lifespan was still longer than that of Humans'.

If a Dwarf didn't choose to cultivate and raise their rank, they would be able to live up to three hundred years. However, those who chose to go to Elysium and raise their ranks could increase their lifespan fifty to a hundred years more.

Rankers, in general, gained an additional fifty years in their lifespan with every breakthrough they made.

At least, that was what people believed.

It had never been proven, but Rankers, especially High-Rankers and Saints were long-lived people.

My father was a High Ranker. Because of this, he would be able to live for a long time.

I couldn't speak for my brothers, but for me, I was content to let him rule for as long as he could because, through him, our kingdom had grown stronger and better than before.

If not for the fact that there was a Dark Guild that constantly hindered our development, our Kingdom would have already expanded and grown to new heights.

I hated this Dark Guild.

I hated it with a passion.

Because of them, many of our citizens were suffering. Many of them were hurt, and some of them had even died. Their merciless acts of violence in order to get what they wanted was something that I, my brothers, and my father, would never approve of.

Although I had already considered myself to be a target of this Terrorist Organization, I never thought that they would really go for it.

I had always thought that my guards and the two Rankers, who served by my side, were more than enough to protect me.

But, in the end, my assumptions were all wrong.

Although I, myself, didn't know why I decided to go back to the Capital to check on my family and bring the Baron's Second Son with me, I thought that seeing my parents wasn't a bad idea, so I cut short my visit in the Wolfpine Barony and returned home.

It happened so suddenly and without any warning.

One moment I was riding on my carriage, the next, I was at the center of a life and death battle.

My guards were murdered one by one, and the Ranker, who was also one of my trusted confidants, used her body as a shield to protect me against the Rankers of this terrorist organization.

In the end, I decided to go with them with the promise that they would no longer hurt or kill any of my people.

Much blood had already been shed, and I didn't want the survivors to die a meaningless death.

"Well, since her Royal Highness wished for it, then we will stop, but on one condition—you must kneel and beg us to take you," teasingly said by the Ranker, who wielded the power of flames and was stepping on my protector, Megan. A flaming lance was pressed against her neck, and I knew that if I didn't do as he asked, one of the people that had always supported me would perish right in front of my eyes.

A member of the Royal Family wouldn't kneel to their enemies, but at that time, I tossed my dignity and honor aside and knelt.

I begged them to take me and spare the lives of my people.

The Ranker who had reddish-brown hair, who I believed was called Harrus, grabbed the pendant on my neck before knocking me unconscious.

However, just before I lost my consciousness, I heard him tell me that he would honor the promise and leave my people alone.

I remembered the faces of my father, mothers, and siblings, who were waiting for me back in the capital.

'I'm sorry.'

Those were the last words I spoke in my heart before I closed my eyes.

A second later, my world, which was filled with color and happiness just a few minutes ago, was replaced by complete and utter darkness.