
Son of the Hero Kingchapter 316: ch 285:obsession (1)

[Phoenix Realm, Nent’s City]

As always, the city managed by Nent was bustling with activity as people were all in search of making more money in order to live a more easy life.

Whenever they passed by the main palace standing proud, their eyes would show fear as well as reverence. After all, it was thanks to the ruler that they had better living conditions than many others in this realm.

In their minds, phoenixes were perfect beings full of grace and might and were worthy of their fervent admiration and respect.

What they couldn’t have guessed was that one of the people they were worshipping has seeped in worldly desire.

After all, at the end of the day, phoenixes were in no way devoid of seven emotions like any other living beings graced with intelligence.


In the depths of a palace in the Phoenix Realm, the groans and moans of a woman filled the main bedroom of the huge palace.

The room was a spacious one, sparsely decorated with a huge king-sized bed in the middle.

The one true decorations in this room that would catch anyone's eye upon entering was none of other than the large painting on a wall.

The painting was depicting a young man with a boyish smile clad in nothing but a white robe that only stopped at his hips.

His torso was completely naked, showing a beautifully well-sculpted body. His golden hair seemed to shine under the sun and his sky-blue eyes seemed to be looking at the world with gentleness.

"Ah~! My Beloved lord, when will you come back and take me with you?"

Gazing feverishly at the painting while kneeling down on the bed was a brown-haired young girl with beautiful brown skin glistening with sweat.

Her hair and clothes were completely disheveled while she continued to move her hand to caress her most secret place, showing a slovenly appearance that would shock anyone who knew how prim and proper the girl always acted when outside.

Her eyes were filled with love and worship as she gazed at the painting of her beloved that she made herself but no matter what she did, no matter how much she moved her hand, the sweet release of an orgasm refused to come to her.


Still, it did not matter to her. After all, what she wished for went beyond mere physical pleasure.

Only him. Only he could bring her to the highest peak.

Her eyes began to glow as a pink light emitted from them and her pupils took a heart shape.

She was Nefertiti and her King's name was, <<Ishtar>>.

Even though she was yet to become a proper king, Nefertiti had realized one truth—This name was not just the result of her own effort nor was it just the result of Nent years of careful selective breeding.

This name was a gift of Fate and her destiny was to serve him.

Her only Lord—Sol Dragona Luxuria.

The King of her heart.

Be it Nent or the other divine beast, they seemed to hate the concept of Fate more than anything else in the world, struggling to fight it.

However, Nefertiti was different.

She had no care for fighting Fate and simply embracedembraced it, relished it. After all, why would she fight a Fate so sweet?

If Sol was here and could use the eye of Akasha on her, he would realize that the numerous thick pink and red threads would be tying the two of them.

This went far beyond the simple string of Fate. For Nefertiti, Sol was no different from the sky and the oxygen.

His absence was weighing down on her heart and her mind was slowly sinking in confusion.

But this was not without advantage, Nefertiti realized this fast. Her King's name was clearly related to love in one way or another.

The deeper she felt for Sol, the greater the resonance of her name. This was why she was bringing herself to the brink but never released.

In a way, one could say that she was taming her own heart to make it dependent on Sol.

She was basically enslaving herself.

Was she that desperate to become a King?

Indeed she was.

But not for any selfish reason.

Nefertiti had long since realized that Sol was something above everything she could understand.

For someone like him, a mere Duke like her would basically be useless.

Inwardly, she knew that Sol had no care for her power level. Whether she stayed as a Duke or not, he would never give up on her. But she did not want to be something to be protected. She wanted to serve him in the best possible way and for that, she needed power.

Enough power to be worthy of standing alongside him.

Her eyes flared with determination and fanaticism as she stood up and approached the painting with reverence before kissing it.

‘I will be back, my lord.’

She needed to take a little bath and think about an even more efficient way to torment herself for Sol.

She missed Sol and she wanted to impress him once they finally meet each other again.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

“My lady, the Queen wishes to see you.”

Nefertiti tilted her head in wonder as the voice of her servant sounded through the other side of the door.

She had recently begun selecting a new batch of beautiful servants from the charm spirit race, just in case Sol decided to have his fun with them.

Of course, all the servants she recruited knew beforehand what was the true job description and in fact, were quite excited. After all, while they were slightly different from Succubus, the essence was still the same.

As for the queen, Nefertiti never had direct dealing with her. It was quite curious but in the absence of Nent, she was the one with the highest speaking right.

‘I hope nothing grave happened.’

“I understand. Prepare a bath for me, I cannot go meet the queen in my current appearance.”


Nefertiti could hear the steps of the servant as they went away to do as asked. Looking up at the painting of her beloved lord, Nefertiti felt her worries settle down.

“Whatever will be, will be.”


[Mortal Realm, Lustburg.]

While Nefertiti was dealing with her own mental and physical problems, someone else, someone that was surprisingly similar to her more way than one was also having her own set of troubles.

In the mortal realm, thanks to the 12:1 ratio between the mortal realm and the Astral realm, it has only been around ten days since Sol left for the Astral realm in order to make a contract with a phoenix and hopefully save Lilith from her eventual doom.

Currently, Milia, the head maid of the Tower of Babel in Lustburg was struggling with new applications as commoners and nobles alike wished to enter in service of the royal family.

Since the execution of the traitors and with the help of the three remaining Duke families, the influence of the Royal Family was at an all-time high.

It wasn’t just that, many people were sending invitations to Lilin, the only princess of the royal family, in hope of her visiting for tea parties and the like. Of course, all those invitations were just veiled attempts to have a better understanding of Lilin and for some houses, ask her hand in marriage.

Of course, the same went for Sol. The matter of who would be his fiancee was a national affair of the highest importance.

All of this came from one truth. Be it Lilin or Sol, the next King or Queen of Lustburg would be the child of one of those two and nobles were betting in order to obtain the maximum influence.

‘How filthy.’

Looking down at the different proposals, so many that they seemed to form a small hill, Milia couldn’t help but have her expression distort.

‘Wouldn’t it be better if we simply killed them all?’

Sweet whispers sounded in her ears but Milia ignored them. She knew very well that her own mental state was deteriorating quite a bit.

The withdrawal symptoms from not having Sol close to her had slightly subsided, but it was only because she had been working on a special new Sol collection lately in order to distract herself.

Furthermore, she had simply been too busy to have time for herself.

“Why am I even doing this? This isn’t supposed to be my job.”

“I am sorry. But I need your help. Without you, I don’t have enough influence.”

The one who spoke was a beautiful elf with a well-endowed figure.

Her name was Clara.

Of course, for Sol, she was more known as the forgotten elf.

(AN: Pitiful Clara making a comeback. She will be kinda important for Vol 11 or 12. I have a good plan for those. I think Clara and Chloe are two early chara I never did much until now. Of course, they will show their importance in the incoming volume. Meanwhile, we have Nefertiti who is at a whole different level of crazy. The two of them are submissive to Sol but from different perspectives. For Nefertiti, Sol is her husband and she sees herself as a devoted wife. For Milia, Sol is her lord and she sees herself as his devoted servant. A meeting between the two will be very interesting, don’t you think? XD)