
Solo Max-Level Newbiechapter 80: the womb of the dead, ‘pendarion’ (2)

Chapter 80. The Womb of the Dead, ‘Pendarion’ (2)

In a world frozen still, a demonic realm mirrors itself.

This place is the final prison created by the Glacial Sculptor.

“What is this…”

Pendarion’s pupils shook as if hit by a seismic tremor.

The endless reflections of herself and zombies due to light refraction were disorienting.


She reached out to smash the walls but found only another wall blocking the way.

It was then that it happened.

[Due to the effect of ‘Bingok Manhwagyeong (Ice Prison Illusionary Realm)’, ‘Area Confusion’ is activated!]

The second ability of the Manhwagyeong bloomed, triggered by the disorienting visual effect.



The zombies let out a collective scream.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


They began smashing their heads against the walls and biting at each other.

Some, having lost their reason, even turned their fangs on Pendarion.

The situation had spiraled completely out of her control.

In an instant, red blood painted the white ice.

“Human! How dare you do this!”

Pendarion ground her teeth after seeing her children ripped apart by their own hands.

An ominous energy unlike anything before surged throughout her body.

[Pendarion exhibits Lv?? ‘Black Death’!]

The skill that wiped out Ian Smith’s raid party.

This was the notorious ‘Black Death,’ among the most deadly in toxicity.

The black energy seeped into the ice walls.


Everything that formed the barrier began to decay and blacken.

Layer by layer, the walls crumbled.

The basic framework of the Ice Labyrinth and Manhwagyeong was compromised.

Sheer overpowering force.

The true might of Pendarion’s innate ability was of a completely different caliber when unleashed in rage.

Not even the mid-tier inhabitants of the martial world, who lived within the tower, would dare confront the queen.

In the face of such preposterous ability, even the strongest personal defenses would be meaningless.

“Where. Are you. Hiding. Come out!”


Even after obliterating the icy prison, the true opponent was nowhere to be seen.


Pendarion’s eyes narrowed.

She looked around, but all she saw were the shattered pieces of ice.

Then, at that moment.

Her gaze turned to the center of the barrier.

Something was there.

A small, twinkling remnant of magic power remained.

“This is…”

Without a doubt.

It was the magic stone used to activate the barrier with a time delay.

‘Could it be a decoy? This too?’

Using her base and allies as bait.

Capturing attention with flashy skills and provocations.

And then, concealing one’s true position.

There was only one reason.

As that realization hit, her heart, long-dried and dysfunctional, began to race.

Thump! Thump! Thump!


For the first time in her life, Pendarion felt fear.

‘…That human could truly.’

Because she understood what the adversary aimed to do.

‘He may bring down everything I treasure and desire.’

Her instincts sent a maximum-level warning.

A single human was more threatening than tens of thousands of players.


The fourth floor was a base defense battle.

This applied to both players and zombies alike.

The queen left her colony to hunt down Jinhyuk.

In other words.

‘Their main base is empty.’

Jinhyuk accelerated further.

Using the ‘Demon Emperor’s Steps’ and ‘Shallow Breaths’, he was able to sustain a rapid pace and endurance.

That’s when it happened.


A powerful magic force was felt from afar.

The queen had started to power her way back.

‘Not a complete fool, then.’

If Pendarion had assaulted Sangam Stadium, her base would have fallen swiftly.

But, even so, victory in this battle remained elusive.

Only when all players’ bases on the fourth floor are destroyed, will the zombies’ victory be confirmed.

With hundreds of bases still standing, her own would likely be annihilated first, so she must have decided to retreat.

‘It’s too late to realize now.’

Level and skills.

Power and speed.

I was outmatched by Pendarion in all aspects.

It was to be expected.

She was, after all, a boss monster never meant to leave the fourth floor.

‘In combat, I’d lose.’

However, exploiting the overwhelming power gap and bending the rules to secure victory in the war.

That’s how veterans climb the Tower of Trials.


Jinhyuk took a deep breath as he neared the queen’s colony.

The guard forces left behind came into view.

‘Forty of them, huh?’

Of course, this number wouldn’t even suffice to stall for time.


His twin swords pulsed with power.

[‘Grave of Swords’ activates!]

The sword in his left hand became enshrouded in a dark aura.


A chilling blood-red sword energy violently erupted.

[‘Blessing of the Stars’ activates!]

The sword in his right hand was filled with stardust energy.


The light that protected constellations responded to the caster’s call.

Thus, the miracles that emerged with the relics lost to history were manifested in one place.



With a single strike, the approaching zombies were swept away.

Limbs rained down like blood in a downpour.

Mass-produced zombies were no match for him.

Jinhyuk mechanically swung his sword, slashing through individual creatures.

Where they congregated, he utilized the holy ‘Daylight’ to eradicate them in one fell swoop.

Not far now.

The flag of the queen, deep within, was less than a hundred meters away.

‘About time for it to show up…’

Jinhyuk eyed the slightly discolored ground.

A sense of unease caught his attention.

He had been startled by this foe numerous times in the past.

In the very next moment.


From the ground sprung long blades.

Yet Jinhyuk had already leaped far back.

Predictably, it had appeared.

“Ea… eat… you!”

“Tasty! Blood! Guts! Flesh!”

A head-splitting zombie with an abnormally bulging back emerged from the ground.

The queen’s flag guardian, the ‘Butcher.’

One of the most troublesome special-type zombies to deal with.

Why, you ask?

You know those pesky named monsters in games, the ones nobody wants to face again?

On the fourth floor, the Butcher tops the list of those creatures.

Wielding 2-meter scissors with ease and lacking a vital spot, he’ll keep going even without a head.

To stop its breath completely, you’d need to disintegrate it on a molecular level or dismember it entirely to incapacitate it.

Despite the distance from Pendarion, Jinhyuk had rushed for the sole purpose of dealing with this creature.

There were about 3 minutes left.

“Choose. How shall I finish you this time? Shall I burn you up, or should I slice you clean?”

Jinhyuk offered a choice.

“What… are… you talking about?”

“We’re… seeing… you… for the… first time?”

The Butcher tilted its head, avoiding bumping its two heads together by alternating movements.

“Right, I guess so. But, I’ve fought you guys around 30 times now.”

Climbing up from lower levels again, the dreadful memories came flooding back.

He tried cutting them with a sword.

Burning them with fire.

He even tested how many times he had to hit them with chopsticks before they’d die.

Turns out, about 180,000 hits would shatter one head.

‘Damn. Never doing that again.’

Thanks to his spirit of challenge, he felt like he’d done enough hard graft.

“Foooood…… being cocky…… doesn’t suit you.”

“We’re going to… eat… your bloody flesh! I’ll start with… chomping on your head!”

Chink! Chink! Chink!

The Butcher menacingly moved his scissors.

A torture device capable of slicing through thick metal like paper, its lethality was proven through the many lives claimed.


This time the prey was different.

As the scissors aimed for Jinhyuk’s legs.

Jinhyuk plunged his twin dragons deep into the ground.


The scissors were blocked by the swords.

“It’s… not moving?”


The Butcher couldn’t comprehend why his blades failed to cut through the seemingly thin swords.

Mistaking them for ordinary blades was his first misjudgment.

And the second was.

[Lv6 ‘Fire Element’ activates!]

Overlooking the capabilities of the human, who was seen as mere prey.

Ablaze, Jinhyuk had climbed onto the Butcher’s head and smiled faintly.


A stream of fire scorched the eyes.

The blaze seared through the retina and burrowed into the brain.


“Blinded… my eyes!”

The meticulous torment with chopsticks had taught him that.

Naturally, he learned the fastest and most effective way to kill too.

‘Blinding them temporarily lays the groundwork.’

Next, exploit any gaps created to strike at the enemy’s weakest defenses.

Jinhyuk focused flames at his fingertips.

And beneath the Butcher’s feet, he drew a runic spell.

From below.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

From above.

The calamitous fire ravaged the Butcher’s flesh and melted his bones.

Yet Jinhyuk did not stop there.

A gap, even slight, could lead to a named zombie’s recovery—taking advantage of this weakened state was crucial to shatter the foe.

Jinhyuk swept his sword, charged with energy, from side to side.

A red line sliced through the grey flesh.

“Ugh… Ah… It hurts! It hurts!”

The Butcher howled, wildly swinging the scissors out of base instinct rather than a calculated attack.

Predictable trajectory and emotionally charged assaults followed.

“Thanks. One minute left and I’ve set a new record.”

The 31st encounter would be a personal best.

Thump! Thwack!

The twin dragon blades penetrated the Butcher’s spine.

Almost simultaneous.

Jinhyuk transformed all gathered mana into ‘Mandala.’

The view turned golden.

[Your level has increased.]

[You’ve acquired ‘Scissors Filled with Vengeful Souls’.]

Where light had swept, nothing remained.

The Butcher, returning to nothingness, left behind only a blade as evidence of his existence.

Level up and reward.

‘This is why we endure the struggle.’

His efforts after a lengthy battle felt worthwhile.

Stat distribution and item checks could come later.

Only the flag remained to be seized.

No more enemies stood in his way.

The battle was over.

But just then.


An unexpected status window appeared.

“Look at this?”

The corners of Jinhyuk’s lips twisted subtly.