
Solo Max-Level Newbiechapter 71: residents of the tower (2)

Chapter 71: Residents of the Tower (2)

Seeing Yu Cheon-yeong’s reaction, Jin-hyuk bit his lip tightly.

‘As expected, my hunch was right.’

No matter how strong the mana emanating from the Tower of Trials, it wouldn’t be enough to leave someone like Yu Cheon-yeong comatose.

Especially after confirming his stats and skills through ‘Gluttonous Eyes,’ it was clear he was a top-class ranker.

That meant one thing.

‘Something pushed Yu Cheon-yeong to his limits.’

Of course, among non-players, there was no one who could rival Yu Cheon-yeong.

Not in the entire world.

The only beings capable of such a feat were the residents dwelling within the Tower of Trials.

Basing on such hypotheses, Jin-hyuk established a major premise.

The premise that Yu Cheon-yeong had already encountered a resident.

“Heh. You have a real knack for startling people. Just how far do you plan to toy with an old man’s heart?”

Yu Cheon-yeong exhaled a weary sigh.

“Should I take that as confirmation of my prediction?”

“Indeed, you’re right. On the very day the Tower appeared, someone came to me.”

Jin-hyuk narrowed his eyes.

This was concerning the Tower’s resident.

The question was…which floor’s resident had come…

“Could you tell me any specific details? Features like their appearance, armament, or fighting style. Anything will do.”

“The person had long black hair and wore white clothes, seemingly of Eastern descent. The weapon was a sword… exceptionally sharp and quick. I’ve never seen such a rapid blade technique before.”

A swordsman of Eastern descent?

That narrows it down.

‘…Someone from the martial world.’

The massive force on the 21st floor of the Tower, Murim (武林).

They dominantly control the entire 21st floor and are very aggressive about moving towards the upper levels of the Tower.

‘Those guys were a real headache even when I was playing in the Tower.’

A group that ruthlessly eliminated any threat to their progress.

And would resort to any means necessary to persuade, if they deemed it necessary.

A horrid group that felt like nothing but a collective of irritating bloodsuckers.

Jin-hyuk frowned.

Of course, the most troublesome ones had to show up.

“Do you know these people?”

“Roughly speaking, yes.”

“Heh, expected no less. You knew after all.”

Yu Cheon-yeong nodded.

He then opened his mouth to speak again.

“Would it be alright if I ask you a question now?”

“Of course.”

“I myself have connections with high-ranking officials and top guilds in Korea, but it seems you know far more than what we’re aware of. Even those who call themselves the best in Korea didn’t know about the ones coming out of the Tower.”


The Murim resided on the 21st floor.

It stood to reason that there were no players who had reached that place.

Except for one.

‘If you set me aside…’

Jin-hyuk remained silent, neither confirming nor denying.

“Ah, I’m not trying to meddle. I’m just looking for someone who can be a beacon of hope for the murky future of our species.”

“Are you implying that I might be that person?”

“I’ve met countless people in my life, whether I liked it or not, but one thing has certainly improved with time.”

Yu Cheon-yeong’s lips curled up.

“The ability to judge people.”

Knowing who is all talk and bluster without substance.

With age and experience, one’s ability to discern such attributes inevitably improves.

“I think you might be overestimating me.”

“Do you think it’s overestimation? From my perspective, it’s the players in the current world who are overrated. Barely two months have passed and they’re being ranked simply based on mana capacity and unique abilities? That’s laughable.”

There’s a saying that mastery in any field requires at least 10,000 hours.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Yet, with the world having changed and people gaining abilities, they think they’ve become strong.

Yu Cheon-yeong found all this distasteful.

“But you’re different. How should I put it? You seem weathered by countless trials. You bear the bitter taste of victories and defeats and have learned to overcome them with seasoned finesse.”

“That’s an overstatement.”

“Haha! You’re modest too. But you can’t hide the easy-going grace that comes naturally.”

Yu Cheon-yeong laughed with an air of contentment, not forgetting to add one more thing.

“I won’t breathe a word about you to anyone, so don’t worry.”

That would be true.

Yu Cheon-yeong wasn’t one to recklessly blab wherever he went.

Besides, even if he talked, who would believe it?

“Well, moving on. Since you saved my life and even used that precious elixir on me… I’d like to offer some form of repayment. Is there something you want?”

Jin-hyuk hesitated at Yu Cheon-yeong’s words.

The most authoritative martial artist in Korea.

He had not only swept through international competitions, but there were also hundreds of martial artists learning from him.

Naturally, the treasures and wealth he held were beyond imagination.

“In fact, there is something I need. Can I ask for anything?”

“Don’t worry, just speak your mind.”

He said anything, didn’t he?

When an opportunity presented itself, Jin-hyuk had no desire to prioritize manners over gain.

When you’re hungry, you should say you want to eat, instead of worrying about appearances until you starve.

“I’d like to have the ‘Twin Dragon Sword (雙龍劍)’ that you’re holding.”

Admiral Yi Sun-sin’s legendary sword, miraculously recovered after being lost for a long time, was a weapon that could stand against the sacred relics in the Tower.

“The Twin Dragon Sword?”

Yu Cheon-yeong’s pupils shook as if struck by an earthquake.

He hadn’t expected such a request.

“Perhaps, have I asked for too much?”

With a grin, Jin-hyuk smiled radiantly.

“*Ahem*. No trouble at all! I’m not one to say one thing and do another.”

Yu Cheon-yeong composed his expression.

A little surprised, maybe, but to someone who had saved his life, Yu Cheon-yeong was ready to give even his entire fortune, not just the Twin Dragon Sword.

“I’ll tell Yeon-hwa to send it to you by tomorrow. Is there anything else you’ll be needing?”

“No, that will be sufficient.”

With everything he needed now in hand, it was time for him to depart.

Just as Jin-hyuk was about to turn around, Yu Cheon-yeong spoke up one last time.

“This is just something I heard through unofficial channels…”

Yu Cheon-yeong began to speak again.

“There’s information that some who came down from the Tower have been in contact with Chinese players.”


“Be careful.”

There might be threats to humanity outside the Tower as well.

Yu Cheon-yeong warned cautiously of the worst-case scenario.

“I’ll remember that.”

Jin-hyuk nodded slowly.

* * *

Having settled matters with Yu Cheon-yeong, Jin-hyuk headed straight for Lotte Signiel.

Despite many events, ultimately, everything had gone according to his plans.

Enormous sums of money, new information, and even Yu Cheon-yeong’s secret techniques and the Twin Dragon Sword.

He’d neatly extracted only the most tantalizing morsels.

‘Pockets are full, now I should enjoy some proper rest.’

Under normal circumstances, such extravagance would be unthinkable—the price for one night in a suite room exceeded his monthly expenses from the past.

But now, having made billions from those healers, he was no longer burdened by financial constraints.

Having purchased a one-year membership, Jin-hyuk enjoyed the suite’s myriad benefits as he made his way upstairs.


As the door opened, the opulence of the hotel suite came into view.

Marble floors and a lavish chandelier.

Furniture imported from Italy and Germany laid about, flaunting their elegance.

Of course, the pinnacle of grandeur was the glass window that presented a panoramic view of Seoul’s nightscape.


Jin-hyuk couldn’t help but admire.

Money was indeed a marvelous thing.

After a light welcome drink and sinking into the supple bed, the cumulative fatigue seemed to hit him all at once.

Truthfully, he wanted to surrender to sleep.

The down-filled goose comforter was far too inviting.

But to squander his rare respite in slumber alone would be something he’d regret upon his return to the fourth floor.

‘A shower first, then dinner.’

After calling room service, Jin-hyuk headed for the shower.

Around 20 minutes later?

Jin-hyuk re-entered the living room, only to be astonished once more.

A lavish spread awaited him: a premium steak enhanced with truffles, thick slices of salmon sashimi, lobster, caviar, and an assortment of European cheeses—enough to overwhelm even a party of five.

Jin-hyuk sliced into the steak with a knife and fork.

The crisply seared surface parted to reveal its pink flesh.

As he bit into it, the juices filled his mouth to the brim.

Accompanied by the divine droplets from the wine ‘Chateau La Fleur Petrus.’


It was insane.

This was a taste completely otherworldly compared to his old meals of stale rice, aged kimchi, and burnt soybean stew.

After hardship comes ease; it was the strenuous past that made the present joys shine even brighter.

But just as he was basking in the feast,

A familiar topic appeared on the TV, left on to alleviate the solitude.

[“So, Eun-seok, what do you think is the most effective way to climb the Tower?”]

A special on the Tower of Trials.

An anchorwoman was discussing the Tower with a man known for his eye-smiles.

It was Jang Eun-seok, a ranker belonging to the ‘Dangun’ guild, deemed the strongest in Korea.

[“Well, to become stronger in the Tower of Trials, there are two main methods. The first is to hone your unique abilities and skills or increase your level.”]

[“Like in a game?”]

[“Exactly. The stronger you become, the tougher the dungeons and labyrinths you can clear.”]

[“And the second method?”]

[“That would be using coins.”]

[“The very currency that’s exclusive to the Tower.”]

[“Right. The power to buy better items is indeed the ultimate way to become a ranker. If the dollar has been the power moving the world till now, the future will see coins doing the same. I’ve invested the coins I’ve accumulated so far into upgrading my broadcasting system, with that future in mind.”]

Jin-hyuk chuckled without a sound.

‘Investing coins in the broadcasting system…’

There was a trend among players to upgrade their personal channels’ broadcasting systems to attract more subscribers.

Of course, it was amiss.

What’s the use of all the promotion and flashy thumbnails?

The most crucial content was still hollow.

‘Even if not displayed at the top of the screen. Even if it’s an unknown channel, it doesn’t matter.’


It was the overwhelming performance and production, something only veterans could offer, that could captivate subscribers.

[“No one has entered the 4th floor despite its opening, can you explain why?”]

The anchorwoman shifted the topic.

[“Well, the 4th floor can only be attempted once the player who opened it declares a challenge. Of course, if ten days pass without an attempt, others can enter. But there’s a condition.”]

[“And that is?”]

[“The thing is, the 4th floor is swarmed with massive zombie waves, and you have to defend a stronghold to clear it. And there’s only one chance to challenge the 4th floor.”]

[“You mean, if you fail once, it’s over? No second chances?”]

[“In the game, failing meant a reset to level 1, but in reality, it means the immediate extinction of mankind. Hence the phrase: only one chance.”]


[“Yes. The player known as ‘Unknown’ won’t be able to challenge the floor unless they team up with major guilds. At least another month or two is needed to gather the required forces and resources.”]

[“Anything less would be inadequate?”]

[“I’d stake my name on it. Entering unprepared would only escalate the difficulty of the zombie waves. What’s the use of earlier rewards if you can’t withstand even five waves and the stronghold gets destroyed? No rational person would ever do that.”]

But, following the message,

[Player ‘Unknown’ has declared the 4th floor challenge.]

the leisurely broadcast and the anchorwoman,

[All players preparing for the 4th floor, please get ready.]

who had been responding with ease,

[Eight hours from now, the first wave will commence.]

and all the viewers watching,

[If you cannot withstand 100 waves, humanity will perish.]

they all lost their words.