
Solo Max-Level Newbiechapter 66: one-man army (2)

Chapter 66: One-Man Army (2)

The two forces faced each other across the battlefield.

Of course, there was a difference in numbers.

There were about 2,800 chess pieces.

On the other hand, the statues numbered over ten times that, reaching 30,000.

“Indeed… I must admit you are different from the humans who have come before.”

Muhon murmured softly to himself.

Even after the Tower of Trials had been opened and faced numerous challengers,

this was the first time someone had challenged it in such a unique way.

For the first time, he felt what could be called a threat.

“I’ll admit one thing too.”

Jinhyuk shrugged his shoulders, making an acknowledgment he didn’t want to but couldn’t avoid.

“You seem to become more foolish over time, don’t you?”

“What, what did you say?”

“Isn’t it true? Getting arrogant from beating some weakened foes and then getting careless. That’s why you’re still stuck on the 3rd floor, isn’t it? You don’t have the skill to go higher.”

The bosses of the Tower of Trials served as gatekeepers of their respective floors while exercising influence over them.

It meant they were like administrators ruling over their floors.

However, not just players, but even they could expand their influence by ascending the tower.

That was, of course, if they were powerful enough.

“Haha, this is really something. What a presumptuous human.”

Muhon let out a hearty laugh containing a mix of anger, frustration, and a certain self-deprecatory humor.

“Do you think my strength insufficient to covet the territory of the 4th floor?”

“I didn’t just think it; I said it to your face. Ah! In case my words weren’t clear enough, I’ll say it again. Someone of your level has no business on the 4th floor. ‘3rd Floor Earthbound Spirit’. That’s the position that suits you.”

The mockery became more blatant.

An outright provocation.

Enough to make one’s blood boil.

“So stirring up the enemy is also part of your plan, huh?”

But Muhon did not take the bait.

“Go ahead, ramble to your heart’s content. However, remember that the absolute difference in troop numbers and the superiority of tactics can never be overturned.”

Instead, he began to assess the situation calmly and started commanding his subordinates.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

The statues began to move busily.

In an instant, a perfect defensive formation was established.

Despite the overwhelming difference in numbers, Muhon was intent on crushing Jinhyuk with all his might.

“Just a war of attrition alone will shrivel up your soldiers.”

2,000 versus 30,000.

If both sides started to lose numbers at the same rate, the victor was all too obvious.

And then.

“One mistake will end this battle.”

A single poor decision could lead to the annihilation of the entire force.

Muhon slowly rose from his seat.

From atop a lavishly carved statue, he surveyed the entire battlefield.


With his low command, the front statues kicked off the ground.

The curtain of war was raised.

It was now the beginning.


Jinhyuk watched the charging statues.

Not sending all their forces at once, a vanguard of about 1,000 moved rapidly to close the gap.

“Expectedly, he’s testing our response first.”

If the handling is poor, the rest of the force will be sent immediately.

In other words, Muhon is testing right now.

‘Whether I’m all talk or not.’

A sneer escaped Jinhyuk’s lips.

[‘The First Chessboard’s’ power is activated!]

[Field magic ‘Battlefield Domination (戰場支配)’ is activated!]

[All chess pieces on the field gain a 30% increase in attack and defense power!]

[Morale increases by 10%!]


A blue magic aura spread along the ground.

The bodies of all chess pieces on it began to glow faintly.


Of course, they are smaller.

Laughably smaller in comparison.


don’t assume the combat strength of each individual is the same.

“Pawns in the center, retreat five steps. Left and right flank pawns, move one step forward.”

Jinhyuk gave the order.


Clank! Clank!

Pawns clad in black armor rapidly changed their formation.

[Chess piece ‘Pawn’ activates ‘Iron Endurance!’]

Shields, that reached 2 meters in height, were deeply embedded into the ground.

All to brace for the imminent impact.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

The stomping of the statues grew louder.

The ground shook, and the moisture in the air dried up.

And at that very moment.


A gray wave crashed over the black barrier.

The clash of iron sparked a deafening roar that could tear ears apart.

Now it was a battle of pure force.


The pawns were pushed back slightly, but the solid horizontal formation held firm.

A momentary deadlock ensued.


Jinhyuk bellowed.

[Chess piece ‘Rook’ activates ‘Volley!’]

Steel arrows were simultaneously launched from the tightly drawn bowstrings.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

The arrows, arching through the air, pierced the side of the statues.



To defend against the arrows, the statues began to huddle together, forming a round shield, trying to eliminate any corners.

But that was their mistake.

For now, from the opposite side, massive flames began to fly toward them.

[Chess piece ‘Bishop’ activates ‘Flame Strike!’]

The bishops, who had been casting from before the battle commenced, released the compressed magic they held.

It was like a rain of meteors, flames falling from the sky.

Boom! Ba-boom!

A massive crater instantly formed in the middle of the ground.

Symbols of shattered bodies and flung limbs.

Statues that had been turned into mere rags emitted groans.

It was an immense force.

Especially because they clustered to avoid the arrows, the damage was unimaginably massive.

Of course, all this was within the picture Jinhyuk had painted too.


The pain was inflicted enough; now it was time to choke the very breath out of them.


With a short command,

the pawns pulled out the embedded shields.

No longer holding their ground, but pushing forward instead.

And so.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A one-sided massacre began.



An exclamation escaped Muhon as he watched.

He had anticipated a grueling battle.

Unexpectedly, the first engagement ended quickly.

The thousand stone statues sent as the vanguard were completely annihilated.

In contrast, less than a hundred of the chess pieces had fallen.

It was nothing short of a one-sided rout.

‘We won’t win if we fight them in equal numbers.’

The front rank, where the shield bearers were, seemed quite sturdy.

While pushing through with sheer numbers was possible, Muhon’s forces would also suffer significant casualties.

However, sending the vanguard had been worth it just to confirm this.

[Muhon activates Lv14 ‘Tactics!’]

Countless experiences on the battlefield.

‘Tactics’ was a skill that drew upon extensive records to produce optimal outcomes.

The reason player assaults struggled so much with this boss was due to being outmaneuvered by his superior tactics and strategy.

‘The overall formation is excellent, but there’s a gap on the left flank.’

A relatively thinner wall, and mainly where the bishops that required long casting times were positioned.

A delectable vulnerability.

Even a little poke seemed like it would bring the whole thing crumbling down.

But why then?

Muhon did not immediately give the command to attack.

‘It seems too appetizing.’

Like having a poisoned apple right before one’s eyes.

There was something there.

Only when he understood what kind of poison the apple contained would he consider making a move.

[Muhon activates Lv14 ‘Weakness Insight!’]

As the skill was triggered, consecutive status windows appeared.

1. Destroying the crown ‘on the chessboard’ will result in the destruction of all chess pieces.

2. Only the King or Queen may use the crown.

3. The crowned King or Queen must always receive protection from other chess pieces deep in their territory.

4. A King or Queen without a crown has all stats increased by 100% during combat with the enemy commander.

The crown could only be worn by the King and the Queen, just those two.

Muhon’s eyes narrowed.

‘So, the girl takes on the role of the Queen.’

Among the ranks of soldiers, a silver-haired girl wearing a crown was visible.

Meanwhile, Jinhyuk, who could be the King, was preparing to move somewhere with the Knights.

At that moment,

something flashed through Muhon’s mind.

‘That’s it.’

He finally understood the opponent’s intent.

Providing a gap on purpose meant inviting an attack.

And why invite an attack?

Muhon’s thoughts reached further.

‘To fight me.’

Precisely, to trigger the fourth trait, ‘100% stat enhancement in combat with the enemy commander’.

Outwardly, he claimed he wouldn’t sacrifice his soldiers and that he’d fight at the forefront.

Internally, he was setting up the whole headquarters as bait to aim for Muhon’s life.


Despite his sly appearance, he was like a snake with a belly full of tricks.

But, knowing the goal, it was a point he could very well use to his advantage.

‘Let’s give you what you wish for. However, before your sword reaches me, my soldiers will strike your Queen.’

The corners of Muhon’s mouth turned upward slowly.

‘…I wonder if that’s what he’s thinking.’

Jinhyuk leisurely stretched his body.

Having provoked so much, Muhon would now want the safest and most certain victory possible.

It made sense.

If he were to lose, he wouldn’t be able to bear the disgrace.

‘And possessing the skill ‘Weakness Insight’, it’s only natural he’d have identified my intentions and tactical vulnerabilities.’

The suspicion followed by the resolution after understanding the scenario usually fits very well to clever minds.

Of course, the repercussions of being wrong would be painfully felt.

It was then.

“Are you really okay?”

Elis, the girl with the crown, approached and spoke.

“What, are you worried?”

“Of course, I’m worried. I mean, I know you’re not ordinary either. But that guy isn’t someone to be underestimated either. He isn’t guarding the 3rd floor for nothing.”

“Is it my first time seeing you praise someone like that? So, are they stronger than you and your vampire kin?”

“What! What are you saying…! How dare you compare those brainless stone heaps to the noble Aristocrat of the Night that is me? If only I hadn’t been secluded in the corridor, I’d easily…”

Elis raised her voice in protest.

Her agitation seemed to signal her nerves had calmed.

“Don’t worry, there’s a plan. You just have to guard the crown here as I instructed.”

Who can guard the crown longer.

Who can behead the enemy commander first.

Those two points would be the key to deciding the outcome of this battle.

And Jinhyuk already had the answer.