
Solo Max-Level Newbiechapter 45: the sword saint’s proposal (3)

Chapter 45: The Sword Saint’s Proposal (3)

“Yes! This is what I wanted! A match must be settled!”

The one who sprang from his seat was Jeong Dohyun.

He was convinced that he was the one being singled out due to the incident in front of the Association.


“How foolish. I wasn’t talking about you.”

Beside him, Hong Deokpyo grabbed Jeong Dohyun’s wrist and pulled him back down.

“Eh? Brother?”

Jeong Dohyun questioned, but Hong Deokpyo did not respond.

Instead, he stared at Cheon Yuseong with an excited expression.

‘Yes, if you have that level of skill, you would naturally want to fight a strong opponent.’

I understand that sentiment.

After all, combat against a powerful foe had always been a rush for me too.

‘I’m liking him more and more.’

At first, I thought of Cheon Yuseong as a chess piece I wanted to possess when I heard about his rank.

After Jeong Dohyun failed and I saw the valor shown in the training ground, I was willing to meet any conditions he desired.

But now,

Seeing Cheon Yuseong’s actions, I was certain.

I must use any means necessary to obtain him.

If I cannot have him alive, then I’ll possess him even in death.

“I’ll properly stretch out my muscles for once.”

Hong Deokpyo removed his suit.

His well-toned muscles were visible through the gaps in his white shirt.


Cheon Yuseong remained stationary, still holding his sword raised.

What’s this?

As that thought crossed my mind,

Hong Deokpyo’s eyes narrowed.

Could it be…?

I noticed the direction of Cheon Yuseong’s sword tip was slightly different.

Not towards Jeong Dohyun or me, but a bit more to the right.

There, a man sat with an expression full of annoyance.


The man let out a long sigh as he reluctantly rose from his seat.

Cheon Yuseong then lowered his sword.

Before everyone’s eyes, he acknowledged his chosen opponent.

“What, what’s going on?”

“Cheon Yuseong didn’t choose President Hong, but someone else?”

“Who is it?”

“Someone I don’t recognize…”

“Check the database immediately!”

A massive turmoil broke out.

Officials from the guilds hastily tried to find the information about the target.

Anyone who enters the Association building must have at least passed the awakening test.

Surely, they should have information about him.

[Player Kang Jinkyuk, F-rank]

Soon, they were able to confirm the man’s profile.

“This can’t be. F-rank?”

“You mean to say… he chose an F-rank now?”

“I didn’t see that coming. Does that guy enjoy bullying the weak?”

The commotion grew louder.

It was an unbelievable event against common sense.

Then, Jeong Dohyun shouted loudly,

“Bi-brother. That’s the guy! He’s the one who backstabbed me!”


“Didn’t I tell you there was a guy with Cheon Yuseong before? He’s definitely the guy who came to cheer.”

“That guy…?”

Hong Deokpyo turned to look at Jinkyuk.

Jinkyuk also glanced back at Hong Deokpyo.

Their eyes met.

“Whether you understand the reason Cheon Yuseong chose you or not, reject it if you know your place. It’s not your station to step in.”

A chilly but realistic statement.

The people around them agreed with Hong Deokpyo’s words.

“That’s right. Even a duel needs to be at a certain level. It will be over in less than a second.”

“Lucky if it just ends without injury. If a bit of force enters the sword, an F-rank will be cleaved in two, right?”

“Well, even in a match, accidents can happen.”

At best, he would suffer serious injuries.

With a bit of bad luck, he could become paralyzed or die.

That was the common thought shared by everyone present.

But despite these sincere warnings, Jinkyuk began to slowly walk towards the arena.


With an expression full of annoyance.


The stadium was filled with various types of weapons.

Jinkyuk picked up a long sword that lay on the floor.

It was light and the balance wasn’t bad.

For a standard model, that is.

“I’m begging you, if you lose this time, please stop challenging me.”

Seriously, I would truly appreciate it if he could just give up.

“Why talk as if I’m destined to lose? Even after witnessing the fight just now?”

“Hmm. It seems you’ve really improved. Did you train hard?”

His muscles had developed nicely.

How much can he bench? What supplements does he take? I’m tempted to ask.

Surely, he didn’t resort to steroids?

“That’s all you’ve got to say?”

“Ah. I’ve realized just how annoying it is to receive one invitation.”

Cheon Yuseong’s face twisted.

Simultaneously, the concentration of the aura emitted by his sword changed.


The blue mist that could blind your eyes.

The weaponized energy, held back and contained, was now combining into one.

Zzzt! Zzzt!

Jinkyuk too felt a strong sensation of pressure on his skin.

‘Was the power he showed in the match being held back until now?’

It felt like he had been saving it for this very moment.

“This is just a friendly match… right?”

It felt like I was in the Colosseum, fighting until one of us dies.

“If you want the invitation, you’ll have to fight properly.”

Cheon Yuseong positioned himself with his sword extended forward.

Moving his right foot, he lowered his center of gravity.

He was ready to close the distance in a flash.


The manastone-made ground began trembling.

“Good heavens…”

“He’s serious about this!”

“Crap. Call the guards! He’s going to really kill him!”

The onlookers screamed in terror, thinking that Cheon Yuseong, who they assumed would scale his powers, was now unleashing his monstrous killing intent.

But right at that moment.


A new power enveloped the entire stadium.

An aura more powerful than Cheon Yuseong’s.

It was a dark, ominous energy, almost metallical in nature.

[Unique Ability ‘Grave of Swords’ Activated!]

Boom boom boom!

The sword energy, which covered the entire length of the long sword and even extended over a meter high, caused the air around it to waver.


“Sword energy!”

“Insane. How can an F-rank produce sword energy?”

“And at a level of completeness, at that. Across the whole world, you could count on one hand the number of players capable of wielding such sword energy.”

It was natural for a reaction of astonishment to follow.

Even Hong Deokpyo stood up with wide eyes.

“What on earth…”

The guards who were about to intervene.

“I simply can’t believe it.”

And the guild officials who had been watching.

Everyone dry swallowed.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Hearts raced.

Perhaps witnessing this duel could mark a new turning point in their lives.


Amid the intense atmosphere, Jinkyuk asked,

“Do you think that sword energy will be enough? You haven’t forgotten what happened in the ruins, have you?”

Overcoming the hierarchy of abilities is never an easy task.

Especially when it comes to the sword.

“It’s true, my sword energy cannot withstand your sword aura.”


“I can create something similar.”

In an instant,

Psst psst…!

Another layer of sword energy enveloped the existing one.

Once, twice… seven times.

The layered sword energies took on a single form, like multiple layers of armor.


Jinkyuk narrowed his eyes.

Certainly, if used that way, you could withstand sword aura for a while.

Although massive expenditure of mana and physical strength would follow.

‘He’s aiming for a quick victory rather than dragging out the fight.’

Probably no more than three minutes could Cheon Yuseong hold on.

However, it was impossible to simply dodge and bide time.

Jinkyuk’s attention shifted to the long sword in his hand.

He could already see cracks forming on the blade.

It was inevitable.

A standard sword picked up from the stadium grounds couldn’t withstand sword aura.

He had chosen it on purpose to avoid being recognized as ‘Unknown’ if he used only his dagger…

As a result, he now found himself in a situation where time was equally scarce for him.

“I’m going!”

Cheon Yuseong was the first to move.


He kicked the ground, closing the shortest distance with swift movements.

His sword, propelled from his stance, aimed straight for Jinkyuk’s neck.

Jinkyuk faced the attack head-on with his sword.


The mere colliding of two weapons created a windstorm from the resulting force.


And fierce.

Bang! Boom! Boom!

A continuous exchange of blows.

Cheon Yuseong executed incredibly fast techniques, invisible to the eye.

Jinkyuk repelled every ferocious attack.

Sparks flashed, scattering numerous flames into the air.


Mana went wild.

Even the manastone-made stadium could not handle it.

“Phew. That’s really intense. Almost got blisters on my palms. So, is it over now?”

“Not yet… We haven’t even started.”

Cheon Yuseong’s sword blade began to glow red.

‘Second Sword Art.’

The layered sword energies split in each direction.

The raging fire engulfed the entire stadium.

Second Sword of the Pursuing Soul!

A power to incinerate every enemy in sight.

‘Blazing heat.’

Jinkyuk felt the heat on his face.

‘This kid is a true talent.’

Already being able to deploy the second art of the Pursuing Soul Sword.

Of course, it wasn’t perfect, but to wield the fragments of the complex Pursuing Soul Sword already demonstrated immense talent.


Seven red petals bloomed.

This was dangerous.

Jinkyuk knew instinctively.

This attack must not be faced head-on.


Jinkyuk deactivated ‘Grave of Swords’.

While doing so, he poured the mana used for the sword aura into activating a new skill.

[Ice Sculpture Activated!]

Numerous ice particles formed a rectangular shield.

Cheon Yuseong’s eyebrows twitched.

He seemed taken aback by the unexpected ice skill.

But it was only for a moment.

‘I won’t be surprised no matter what happens. This time for sure!’

With regained composure, Cheon Yuseong swung the fully bloomed petals with force.


Ice and fire collided head-on.

Complete opposites.

Yet, the completion level of the skill was unmistakably in Cheon Yuseong’s favor.

‘That’s it!’

A victorious smile spread across Cheon Yuseong’s face.

Even though he couldn’t see directly through the steam, he clearly felt the protective ice shatter.

But then,


At the moment of assured victory,

[Daylight Activated!]

A streak of light flashed through the steam.

Not an ice attribute skill.

Another elemental skill was about to be activated.


Cheon Yuseong gasped for air.

He had resolved not to be surprised, no matter what, but…

He could not help but feel a sense of despair once again at what followed.

[Cheon Yuseong Activates the Sword Curtain!]

A reflexive defensive skill.

And then,

Boom boom boom boom!

The straight beam of light pierced through the manastone, reaching all the way to the outer wall of the stadium.




Cheon Yuseong’s body staggered greatly.

Smoke rose from his entire body.

He had adjusted the power so it wouldn’t be life-threatening.

But even spreading the Sword Curtain, it was impossible to fend off an army-facing skill.

“How many… skills do you have…?”

He managed to utter the words before,


Cheon Yuseong lost his balance and fell.