
Solo Max-Level Newbiechapter 209: the iron-blooded guardian ‘empire’ (3)

Chapter 209: The Iron-Blooded Guardian ‘Empire’ (3)

The conference room was frozen in a collective silence.

Gulps echoed around as throats were nervously cleared.

– Such a talent dropping from the sky suddenly…

– If only we could recruit him to our household, our influence would change overnight.

– Even dreaming of becoming a ducal family isn’t too far-fetched. His skills are said to be on par with the greatest knight commander of the empire, aren’t they?

– With him, we could be certain of victory in the war against the martial world. That’s a fact.

Though it was regrettable that he was not of noble birth with a guaranteed pedigree, if someone had grand swordmaster-level skills, the difference in social status could be readily overlooked.

Especially now as the Empire was preparing for war against the martial world.

There was no need to emphasize how precious such talented individuals were.

In the midst of everyone fidgeting, trying to open a conversation with Jinhyuk at their own opportune moment, a new figure entered the scene.

“What have you all been seduced by! Instead of planning to expel this heretic magician immediately!”

A man in his mid-forties had intervened.

Not a martial artist, but the sharp aura emanating from him surpassed that of any warrior.

Without even using the ‘Eyes of Gluttony’, it was clear who he was.

Duke Bainstern.

The de facto most powerful noble of the Empire and a spy cooperating with the martial world.

The very person Ganther had mentioned in his information.

“D-Duke Bainstern?”

“Heretic? What do you mean by that?”

His sudden, inexplicable accusation stirred unrest once again.

But Duke Bainstern immediately quelled all doubts.

“Have you not seen him use a black Aura Blade?”

Typically, an Aura should be blue in color.

However, Jinhyuk’s Aura, due to the effect of ‘Graveyard of Swords,’ was a deep black.

“Now that you mention it…”

“Indeed, the color is strange. Such things are seen with necromancers or in the martial world.”

“So, you’re saying it’s not an Aura Blade.”

The seven kingdoms of today, unlike the seventeen of the past, still venerated the Goddess ‘Peris’ in the sacred Empire.

The entire nation and its leaders were extremely sensitive to anything heretical.

Duke Bainstern seized upon this to pressure Jinhyuk.

“Your identity keeps changing. First a martial artist, now a heretic. If this continues, by later accounts, you’d be called a devil.”

“If you feel wronged, then simply disarm and surrender. By doing so, you will be given a fair trial to state your case.”

“Like a parrot who’d torture one until they spoke as you wish, do you honestly think ‘fair’ is a fitting adjective?”

Jinhyuk snickered.

These stale tactics were nothing fresh to him.


“If you have something to say, make your demand with skill.”

He brandished his dagger towards Duke Bainstern.

“You may have skill, but you’re lacking in situational awareness. Standing here alone, what exactly is it that you plan to do?”

This was the Empire.

More precisely, the place where the core military conference was being held.

Though his guards had been shamefully outmatched…

The ‘real deal’ with sufficient skills to replace someone like them could be summoned at any moment.

With those words.

Footsteps began to approach.

The atmosphere shifted.

‘As expected, he’s coming.’

Jinhyuk’s eyes directed toward the door.

It appeared things wouldn’t be as easy as he had hoped.

“Hmm. I hope we’re not too late?”

From beyond the conference room, a pleasant voice was heard.

A man in his early to mid-twenties, dressed in casual clothes, blond hair, and green eyes.

At first glance, he resembled a wholesome boy-next-door, but one should never judge by appearances alone.

The Empire’s strongest weapon.

A grand swordmaster whose strength was said to surpass that of a full knight squadron composed solely of swordmasters.

‘Abraham de Felicia.’

Jinhyuk hadn’t expected to encounter this stubborn individual so soon.

Next to Abraham stood McKenzie, one of the top ten powerhouses in the Empire.

Jinhyuk thought they would be facing the martial world at the frontlines by now…

‘Maybe there’s a different agenda at play.’

He considered the possibility that not just the Empire, but other unknown factors could be getting involved.

Using ‘Eyes of Gluttony’, Jinhyuk reviewed the opponent’s status window.

Name: Abraham de Felicia

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Level: 125

Strength: 72 Agility: 85 Stamina: 70 Magical Power: 36 Ultra-Sensation: 103

Available Stat Points: 0

Class: Knight

Unique Ability: High-Speed Sword

Skills: Lv35 ‘Arcane Sword Technique’, Lv35 ‘Magical Movement’, Lv33 ‘Anti-Magic Defense’, Lv32 ‘Quickness’, Lv30 ‘Mental Barrier’… Too many skills are listed, some are ‘folded in’ for space.

[Detailed Description: The first son of the noble Felicia family, Abraham felt magic at age five and demonstrated an innate talent for swordsmanship. At sixteen, he reached the realm of a swordmaster, being able to form Aura completely, and at twenty-four, he ascended to the realm of a grand swordmaster by understanding the essence of Aura. Serving the nobles rather than the Emperor, particularly known for being in the direct service of Duke Bainstern.]

[Copying Condition: Abraham holds great affection for his best friend and colleague, McKenzie. However, McKenzie suffers from an illness from childhood that not even the court magician could treat… If you provoke Abraham about this sore point, you may copy one of his unique abilities or skills. (Please provide at least 3 creative quips.)]


Even just reading the stats was astounding.

Not only was his level over 100, but the stat that predicted the opponent’s movements, ‘Ultra-Sensation,’ was triple digits.

‘A complete monster.’

He had a superior spec to any player or resident he’d encountered thus far.

An absolute outlier.

The sensation of goosebumps and the rapid beating of his heart felt unfamiliarly pleasant.

Simultaneously, the anticipation of facing stronger foes as he ascended the tower rose inside him.

‘A jackpot with the vine.’

Given this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he had to satisfy the copy conditions at all costs.

Particularly ‘High-Speed Sword,’ which could synergize well with his currently stored skills.

If he could fuse it to create an even more advanced version of a skill… well, missing out would haunt him for months.



Jinhyuk was shocked by the most crucial copy condition.

It was necessary, for McKenzie’s sole flaw and trauma was his conspicuously bald head.


“Heh-heh. Quite timely. You have come at the right moment.”

Duke Bainstern laughed heartily, as if he had gained the strongest ally in the world.

“Then I am relieved. Is this the person who pointed his blade at the royal guards and trespassed?”

“An overconfident one. Teach him a lesson. Show him how serious his crime of disrespect in the presence of His Imperial Majesty is.”


Abraham reached for his sword.

Just at that moment.

“There’s no need for Sir Abraham to intervene. Please, leave this to me.”

McKenzie stepped forward.

“My body was craving a good challenge anyhow. His Grace has given me the command.”

“It wouldn’t look good to have the Empire’s top swordsman deal with a mere trespasser.”

“Hmm. You are right. What does His Grace think?”

“As long as he takes care of that man, I have no objections.”

Duke Bainstern agreed.



A two-handed sword swung mightily towards the ceiling.

The gathered nobles instinctively stepped back, knowing getting caught in the crossfire would leave them nowhere to recuperate.

“Gulp. That guy is as good as dead.”

“The might to cleave a wyvern’s head in one blow… to witness it in person.”

“There won’t be much left of him to even collect…”

But as McKenzie confidently approached…

The follow-up comment brought his stride to a halt.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

“Extending such trouble for a master… Such profound ‘hair’ loyalty. Would’ve been nice if some of that thickness had stuck to your scalp.”

Jinhyuk clapped his hands.


“W-What did he say?”

“Is he out of his mind?”

The noble crowd gasped in shock.

It was an unspoken taboo, and Jinhyuk had just blatantly ripped through it.

Despite his tough exterior and dedication to training, McKenzie was well-known for suffering tremendous stress from baldness.

No one in the Empire was unaware of his affliction.

“… Oh no.”


Not only Duke Bainstern but even Penheimer, who had been putting on a good front, was taken aback.

‘Damn. I know.’

Jinhyuk was well aware it was too much.

But what could he do?

If the copy conditions were set this way, he had to follow them – that was the player’s destiny.

“I will kill you!”


McKenzie leaped from the ground into the air.

His bulky stature belied his lightning-quick speed as he closed the distance between them swiftly.

A blue Aura Blade filled the room, while Jinhyuk’s ‘Fang’ radiated a blade of energy nearly one meter long.



Two swords collided, and blue and black sparks flew.

A pure clash of force versus force.

McKenzie, being at a higher position, pressed his sword down from above.


“That’s hefty.”

“Don’t joke around and focus on this moment. With those frail arms and legs, who knows how long you’ll last.”

“Sure. Even if I’m not all muscle, aren’t I still better off than you, ‘legless’ as you are?”


McKenzie lost his balance in a rage, swinging his sword violently.

A desk split in two, and the wall bore the mark of his sword, but the strike didn’t reach Jinhyuk.

Like a flying squirrel, Jinhyuk darted off to the corner of the conference room.

‘That’s the second quip…’

He wanted to complete the third, but further taunts might endanger the nobles.

‘My objective is to prove my worth to the Emperor, not to annihilate the nobility.’

Besides, he had firmly made his first impression.

It was a different kind of start than he had expected, but beginning in such a spectacular fashion didn’t seem too bad after all.

“Could it be…?!”

Sensing something amiss, Abraham immediately drew his sword.

It was, of course, a beat too late.

[‘Glacial Construction’, ‘Frosty Mist’ activated!]

Their vision clouded as ice particles and steam mixed into a dense fog, filling the room.

“Damn it. Even if you try to buy time with diversions, there’s no escape from here…!”

In essence, it was like a mouse trapped in a jar.

That was the desired declaration.

Yet when the mist cleared, Jinhyuk was gone, having left behind only an open passage leading underground in the conference room floor.



All this while observed in silence, the Emperor exhibited a rare display of emotion on his face.