
Solo Max-Level Newbiechapter 204: the emergence of variables (1)

Chapter 204: The Emergence of Variables (1)


The sword, infused with vital energy, pierced through the Life Force Vessel and stuck into the opposite side. Between the shattered glass fragments, a viscous red energy started to ooze out.


Accompanied by a high-pitched metallic scream, Beirodoom thrashed in agony. Perhaps it was because he had lived for eons, but his attachment to life seemed exceptional. Now that his death was imminent, he exposed his pathetic true colors without a filter.

“S-save me. I don’t want to die like this… Not so meaninglessly…!”

He begged for his life, reaching out his hands. Beirodoom was writhing at Jinhyuk’s feet. However, it lasted only for a brief moment. With the medium that bound the lich’s soul now gone, the outcome was all but certain.


Where a mere wisp of smoke had lingered, only a black robe was left behind.

[The 14th floor’s boss monster, ‘Beirodoom,’ has been extinguished!]

[Rewards will be distributed according to contribution.]

[90% of damage dealt by player: Kang Jinhyuk]

[Final critical hit by: Baek Seollyn]

[Your level has increased.]

[Your level has increased.]

[Your level has increased.]

[Your level has……]

[A special item ‘Grand Sorcerer’s Robe’ has been acquired.]

[Your remarkable achievement will be showcased in the ‘Hall of Honor’ for a day.]

And beyond the endless list of notifications…

A woman with a twisted face of consternation appeared. It was Baek Seollyn.

“This isn’t what was supposed to happen…”

Baek Seollyn stuttered. The side attack she had planned, thinking her target was completely drained of strength and magic power, was supposed to have worked. But who could have foreseen using an ally—or rather, the Life Force Vessel—as a shield? It was an unthinkable act for a member of the righteous faction.

However, Jinhyuk was just as taken aback. Baek Seollyn being here meant she’d somehow gotten past Cheonyuseong and Wolyeong. In other words…

‘Failed to stop her…’

The two had been unsuccessful. He didn’t believe that they were dead, considering their kind always somehow managed to survive, but still, he was genuinely concerned.

‘I wanted to meet the qualification for copying next time, but there’s no helping it now.’

Given the situation, he had no choice but to fight, even if it meant pushing himself. Jinhyuk took out the ‘Fang’ from his Spatial Inventory.

But then…


Baek Seollyn, seemingly in contemplation, turned around without a second thought.

“Do you not plan to fight?”

“Regrettably, from here, it’s more of a gamble. Neither of us is in the physical state for a fight to the death.”

Now that he thought about it, Baek Seollyn wasn’t in any normal condition either. Her torn clothes and the red blood that could be seen were a testament to the considerable sacrifices she must’ve endured to break through Cheonyuseong and Wolyeong’s blockade. After all, no other martial artists made it; she alone managed to reach this place.

“Moreover, I’ll be seeing you in the middle floors soon enough. You are supported by the empire, after all. I will put an end to today’s events at that time.”

Baek Seollyn bowed gracefully and then melted into the underbrush.

Just then…


From the opposite direction, Teresa walked up with her cheeks puffed out in obvious annoyance.

“Did she get away?”

“Argh. All that corpse of a lich is talking about is how there’s no point in fighting now that Beirodoom is dead, and how there’s no honor in a meaningless fight. Seriously, aagh… If only I hadn’t been wearing this heavy armor, I could have chased her down and taken her head.”


Teresa slammed her sword, as tall as her, into the ground.

…I’ll need to treat her better moving forward. I find myself missing the formerly gentle and kind-hearted Teresa.

“It’s about time we left. I will explain everything to Eidin. Let’s meet again next time.”

Teresa whispered into Jinhyuk’s ear in a distinctly charming voice, causing goosebumps to rise all over his body.

However, by the time Jinhyuk tried to respond, that sultry atmosphere had completely vanished.

“Ahh… Huh?”

Teresa inhaled sharply, her face turning beet red—the original personality had returned. From her expression, it seemed she had not entirely forgotten the events which had happened while she was consumed by anger.

‘This is going to be a headache in its own right.’

There was a lot to discuss, and cleaning up after the outbreak would likely take a significant amount of time…

At any rate, that concluded all the fights.


A whirlwind of a week had passed since the outbreak. There were several significant changes, the most considerable being the disappearance of Wolyeong along with some martial artists.

Always lurking like a shadow, he vanished without a trace. During the week, even after extensive searching and reaching out to the Black Wind Guild and Yanghomyeong, there was no way to find him once contact was fully severed.

Secondly, the undead monsters that had swept across Europe became considerably weaker after Beirodoom’s extinction. Nonetheless, several smaller factions centered around medium-sized monsters stubbornly persisted, causing trouble for players.

Lastly, due to this incident, the ‘Hall of Honor’ experienced a near-riotous influx of activity. It was only expected, given the players had averted a disaster of catastrophic proportions.

Moreover, once it was revealed that Jinhyuk was the one responsible, global attention turned to Korea in a frenzy.

-David cROWn: What’s with Korea that they have such amazing rankers?

-poker J: Full guild raids couldn’t even break through the Normandy coast, yet he managed to get to the heart and take out the boss in one attempt.

-Live Trend: I’ve only seen the edited clips, but seriously, it’s unbelievable. Is Korea a game powerhouse because they have so many veteran players? It sure seems like they are full of talents.

-Brown May: Koreans are strong, but that Kang Jinhyuk player is a freak of nature, even among them. Even the rankers from Dangun Guild, one of the seven major guilds, couldn’t even get close to the European core.

-부먹찍먹 ㄴㄴ 쳐먹 ㅇㅇ: Ah, this is the so-called ‘Kimchi Power.’

-주모국뽕한사발: Do you know Gangnam Style? Have a steaming bowl of Korean hot soup.

-새영언환: Our Jinhyuk is a bit special, alright. The guy is just different by nature.

-수리부엉이: ㅇㅈ. I’ve been watching him since he was a noob, BGJinhyuk knew he would make it big. Of course, he’s too popular now to remember someone like me.

While sipping his coffee, Jinhyuk scrolled through the comments. He noticed some familiar nicknames and a few that concerned him.

“Anyway, it’s amazing how humans recover so quickly. They’re pretty remarkable, huh?”

Elis, decked out in a black lace dress and matching hat, looked around curiously. With construction-related players leading the repairs, the city’s restoration was beyond imagination. People were already walking the streets and living their lives as if nothing had happened, showing that the damage caused by the outbreak was healing.

“Wow, so this is the world where players live. Everything is so big and beautiful.”

Next to her was Andria, trying her best to look like an ordinary person. Watching the two of them squealing away, a deep-seated rage seemed to well up within him.

“Why did you two come out here? I told you to train inside.”

“We did train hard. But you know, if you stretch a rubber band too tight, it’ll break. Resting at the right moment is like stepping back for a moment to leap forward.”

“She’s right, I really have become much stronger!”

Tsk, the pair were matching each other perfectly. After spending so much time together, they looked like they could be sisters.

“I raised tiger cubs. Alright, do as you please. As you wish.”

Jinhyuk clicked his tongue as his gaze returned to the table filled with all sorts of delicacies. German beer, thickly sliced sausages, French fries, and even the German pork knuckle dish, the Schweinshaxe—all were the perfect way to soothe fatigue built up from a fierce battle.


Elis, evidently famished as well, sparkled at the sight of the food.

“Can’t we eat now? A beer with this meat will wash down any heaviness.”

“Just wait a bit longer. We have someone else coming.”

While Yoo Yeonhwa and Lee Taemin had gone back to Korea due to work, Theresa and Cheonyuseong had promised to join soon. It was slightly past the agreed time of 5:30 PM…

Just as he was contemplating their arrival, a voice called out.

“Jinhyuk! We’re here!”

From the alleyway, Teresa and Cheonyuseong emerged. Both had changed into casual clothing, which was surprisingly refreshing to see. Teresa was a usual sight on TV, but Cheonyuseong, who always wore battle gear, appeared almost unrecognizable in his casual hoodie and jeans. It suited him but it was as if Jinhyuk were looking at a different person.

‘He’s still completely sullen.’

Ever since his defeat by Baek Seollyn, Cheonyuseong hadn’t been responsive. What had transpired there, why Wolyeong disappeared after the battle—this time, he had to hear the truth.


As the after-party started in full swing, with laughter and joy all around, Cheonyuseong was quietly emptying his glass without touching the snacks, typical of someone who took on the weight of the world alone.

“Hey! Hey! Even though I’m getting such treatment now, back in the day… just a flick of my finger would make the whole tower tremble in fear.”

Wobbly drunk, Elis began her storytelling. While the rest were distracted by her grand speech, Jinhyuk seized the opportunity to ask.

“It’s getting late, shouldn’t you tell me now? What happened with the martial world?”


“Wolyeong has disappeared. Yeonhwa and Taemin lost consciousness in the middle of a fight with the martial artists, so they can’t answer even if they wanted to. I get that your pride was hurt by Baek Seollyn, but if you keep silent too…”

“I didn’t withhold information because of my pride.”

Cheonyuseong finally broke his silence.

“Then, why have you been like this?”

“While I was dealing with Baek Seollyn, after cutting down the remnants of the martial world, someone else interfered.”

One sentence, but the weight behind those words was by no means light.

“…Who interfered?”

“An ominous old man. I don’t know much besides his appearance… he had asked me this.”

Cheonyuseong recalled the bitter memory of that time.

“Are you the one pretending to be my disciple?”


Jinhyuk’s pupils quaked. No way…

Finally, it all made sense why Wolyeong had disappeared. And why Cheonyuseong had fallen into despair.

The Demon Cult.

They had finally ended their seclusion. He had expected it, but the timing was an issue.

‘It’s too soon…’

A new variable appeared, and Jinhyuk moistened his parched lips with his tongue. This time, the unfolding events could be quite a headache.

At that moment…


The phone in his pocket vibrated. The caller was Han Sangjin, the President of the Korean Awakeners Association. Under normal circumstances, Jinhyuk might have ignored the call, but it was a different story when ‘Class 1 Security Code’ was activated for players.