
Solo Max-Level Newbiechapter 170: ancient species (1)

Chapter 170: Ancient Species (1)

The retreat path was perfectly sealed off.

“It’s over…”

“Da-, damn it.”

“We’ve made a mistake. It’s all wrong now!”

Despairing exclamations came from those watching.

Despite his movement that seemed touched by the divine, dodging attacks, it all ended here.

If under attack from both the front and rear, not even a flying ranker could survive.

Affirming that notion, a black sphere and carnivorous plant targeted Jinhyuk simultaneously.

Spines transcending perception surged towards Jinhyuk’s heart, while dozens of tendrils fell to crush his entire body.

At that moment, Jinhyuk activated the hidden card he had been preparing while evading.

[Lv9 ‘Element of Fire’ has been activated!]

[Unique ability ‘Blessing of the Stars’ has been activated!]

The flames left atop the streetlights, infused with the power of stars, erupted into an immense blaze.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The area became a sea of fire in an instant, as if tons of explosives had detonated.

The inevitable smoke obscured vision, adding confusion even to ‘Vibration Detection,’ creating a perfect surprise.


Jinhyuk seized the gap and moved.

‘They don’t attack each other because they recognize a unique biological signal.’

Despite possessing overwhelming power, they didn’t harm each other for this reason.


‘Conversely, if we can identify the location emitting that signal, we can exploit their system.’

Jinhyuk leaped towards the plant through the smoke, his ‘Blessing of the Stars’ causing confusion in its vibration detection, allowing him to penetrate unhindered.


A weak interior appeared among the flailing vines.

At first glance, the green innards all looked the same.

However, a smile curled at the corners of Jinhyuk’s mouth.

‘As expected, it’s hidden within the seventh peak.’

Spotting the subtle difference in the flow of magic was key, and the second Despair’s weakest point was always at the innermost part – probably a basic instinct to hide a fatal weakness.

Jinhyuk quickly tore open a piece of the epidermis.



The plant started glowing brightly.

Its part managing biological signals was destroyed, throwing it into chaos.

The tendrils lashed out, demolishing everything in front.


A direct hit caused a building to collapse in one strike – a truly brutish display of power.

But, what it was targeting,

The globe reacted to the indiscriminate attack.

As a tendril hit the surface of the sphere,


The surface of the sphere contorted.

[The third Despair ‘Abyssal Globe’ uses its unique ability ‘Thorn of Erosion’!]

Power of an indescribable magic surged from the sphere.


A clean sound of penetration followed, and green fluids gushed from the body of the plant, as dozens of thorns shredded it completely.


The plant’s large size became a disadvantage at this moment.

An easier target to hit.


The gigantic plant crumpled to the ground.

[The second Despair has been extinguished.]


‘Two down…’

Jinhyuk nodded slightly, satisfied.

Using one’s own kind against itself is always the best way.

Ideally, the plant would have taken care of the globe, but given their difference in strength, that was wishful thinking.

‘Still, no rise in levels.’

Although indirect interventions sometimes counted for experience, Despair-level monsters were an exception.

Without direct involvement, it was impossible to gain experience or items.

‘It’s a shame I can’t reap it all.’

However, if he could deal with the last remaining globe, he could receive the greatest reward yet.

[Upon dealing with all three calamities, you will gain a top-rank reward relevant to the unique abilities of the target.]

The adjective ‘related’ was ambiguous, making it difficult to guess the exact reward.

But one thing was certain – the reward would befit an almost impossible feat.

Previously, it had given Over-rank fusion materials, and now Jinhyuk couldn’t wait to see what he would get this time.

And that’s when it happened.


Jinhyuk reflexively swung his fangs.


A black thorn collided with his blade, barely changing its trajectory, but the severe impact sent a shiver down to his bones.

Damn it.

Could it locate him precisely even in such smoke?

To think it aimed perfectly at his vital spot seemed no coincidence.

He was aware of its higher levels of sensory ability, but could even the ‘Blessing of the Stars’ not deceive it?

What kind of sense organs did this thing possess?

Jinhyuk promptly regained his posture.

It came at him again.

And this time, it was chillingly accurate.

Boom! Bang!

A red flame erupted within the smoke.

An intensely lethal exchange unfolded—the spear of swift death against the dagger guided by experience and reflexes, neither giving an inch.


The attacks stopped abruptly, and from the globe came a flat voice.

[…Annoying human.]

Through the dissipating smoke, the twisted surface of the globe was visible.

The deadly war machine spoke at last.

Indeed, one could become quite annoyed.

A normal player wouldn’t even withstand the first attack.

“I never was the type to charm anyone.”

Usually, they would fall ill with rage or give up on talking altogether.

[Are you trying to provoke me with words, hoping I’ll get excited? Not a bad method. The one who takes control can steer the situation to their advantage.]

The mechanical voice went on.


It’s no fun provoking someone so stoic.

A blush of irritation would at least prompt another jab.

“So you’re opening your mouth now because if we keep going on like this, we’ll just run parallel forever. You’re giving up and saying you’ll return to your cozy grave… Is that right?”

[Hardly. It’s just that if I’m lax with a pest like you, it’ll be endless. So I’m saying, I’ll face you properly now.]

That’s when it happened. The globe began to morph.

Ripples formed on its smooth surface.

It contorted, and after the ripples ceased, the spherical globe had transformed into a human shape.

[The third Despair ‘Nameless’ is revealed.]

A monochrome figure cloaked in black.

Void of eyes, nose, or mouth, but undeniably human in shape.

“Hmm, it’s been quite some time since I assumed this form.”

Nameless stretched and extended its hand.


A black thorn about 1.5 meters long sprung from its palm.

“How about we start with a simple spear throw?”

Nameless assumed a throwing stance, and the air seemed to freeze.


Forfeiting the advantage of rapid attacks and adopting a human form wasn’t just for a warm-up—it was gathering strength.

Forsaking petty blows for one that couldn’t be deflected. An overwhelming strike.

Realizing this, Jinhyuk’s body reacted first.


His fangs bit into the ground.

[Partial transformation of ‘Mandala’ activated.]


A golden barrier materialized.

[The 1st section ‘Four Directions Cut Off’ is activated!]

A tri-layered barrier, enhanced by the ‘Moon’s Mark,’ sprouted with white-runed light.

A seemingly robust shield obstructed between Jinhyuk and Nameless.

“Interesting. Even without using magic, you sensed the danger. Can’t be anything other than good instinct.”

Nameless seemed genuinely amazed as it let out the sound.

Almost instantly,

The twisted black thorn was launched.


A sonic boom ensued due to breaching the sound barrier.

It was followed by an attack worthy to be called the strongest spear.

Jinhyuk pulled up all his magical power.

The runes glowed even brighter.

At that moment,


The thorn collided with the Mandala shield.


Biting down hard, Jinhyuk almost lost consciousness from the shocking impact but managed to cling to his senses.


The half-shattered shield.

The first layer was obliterated on impact, and the second was already pierced.

Yet the spinning thorn lost none of its might, stripping away layers as it approached Jinhyuk’s face.

Now, just 10 cm away.

‘This way…’

…It’s dangerous.

But it was too late to dodge.

The thorn, having penetrated the barrier, smashed into Jinhyuk’s face.


Jinhyuk’s head snapped back.


With the wind knocked out of him, he slowly toppled backward.



Teresa stuttered.

The absurd scene made her lips tremble.

“No, it’s a joke, right? Please get up… Please. Pleeease!”

Checking if she saw it wrongly, the thorn was indeed piercing through Jinhyuk’s head.

With such a wound, anyone would be unsurvivable.

“Don’t worry too much. Soon, I will send all of you to join him.”

Delivering another thorn, Nameless said.

“You’ll kill us too…?”

“Yes. You disturbed the rest of the grave as well. Every human linked to you, even those of the Neutralization Guild and others, will die.”

“All this for disturbing your sleep?”

“Do not judge the severity of your sins with your petty standards. To us, it’s a grave sin not even washable with blood.”


Sorrow and emptiness.

And above all, a long-suppressed rage began to rise.

Overwhelmed by emotions, Teresa’s chest heaved violently.

At the same time,


A single black-tinged teardrop fell from her eye.

Nameless’s surface rippled.

“…Is the holy power corrupting? An interesting ability.”

A rare phenomenon considered exceptional.


“If I destroy it before it fully matures, that’s all.”

Still speaking in an unchanged voice, Nameless wielded the spear.

It could simply end Teresa and wipe out all humans marked by the Neutralization Guild and beyond.


There was more to the abnormality.

Nameless halted in place.

Its gaze fell upon where Jinhyuk had fallen.

There was something there,

Something that could even make an entity meant to maintain order and balance quiver in fear.

At that moment,

[The Aether Inventory is forcibly opened.]

Reacting to its master’s death, something responded.


The 20-meter wide Aether Inventory, completely surreal, opened.

“This is…”

Even Nameless’s voice carried an unfamiliar tone for the first time.

And no wonder,

For what emerged from beyond was…

A being that could never be caged by the likes of Tower’s floors.


The weighty footsteps were as if a mountain had stepped.

The pinnacle of magical power, if it were to have a pinnacle, would be described thus.


The sharp roar split clounds and stirred the atmosphere.

It was the true embodiment of Despair and Calamity.