
Solo Max-Level Newbiechapter 111: the mirror that breaks boundaries (1)

Chapter 111: The Mirror that Breaks Boundaries (1)


Sweet Potato, who had properly filmed its magic stone eating show, stretched satisfyingly.

Its small, adorably tiny wings and tail extended straight out.

Jinhyuk watched Sweet Potato with contentment.

He sincerely wished… that this creature could eat its fill and grow heartily.

‘After all, the magic stones here weren’t mine to begin with.’

Yes. That’s the most important part.

It’s thrilling to grow using someone else’s precious resources. Even if it guts the food bowl clean, there isn’t a hint of regret.

‘Shall we see how much our Sweet Potato has grown?’

Using ‘Eyes of Gluttony,’ Jinhyuk checked Sweet Potato’s status window.

[Due to level difference, the target’s status window cannot be checked.]

As expected, he received this message. But…

It doesn’t matter.

Sweet Potato wasn’t treated simply as another person.

[Due to the relationship between ‘master’ and ‘pet,’ level difference is disregarded.]

[Sweet Potato]

Race: Ancient Species (古代種)

Age: 1

Level: 98

Strength 105, Agility 98, Stamina 90, Magic Power 192

Lv1 ‘Acidic Saliva’, Lv1 ‘Feast’s Time’, Lv1 ‘Acid Breath’, Lv1 ‘Flight’, Lv1 ‘Intimidate’

Trait: When the Ancient Species engages in battle, the master’s magic power is also consumed. A regular battle requires 5 magic power per minute, and intense battles demand 15 magic power per minute.

[Experience points are doubly supported. In other words, both the master and the pet can obtain experience points for the same monster.]

Born strong, but after devouring 35,000 magic stones, Sweet Potato boasted a ridiculous amount of magic power.

This is like having stats close to a Hatchling at level 1.

‘It’s strong but the magic consumption for battle seems quite heavy.’

Jinhyuk currently has 80 magic power.

If Sweet Potato were to be deployed in battle, he’d barely last over five minutes.

‘And that time would be greatly reduced if I had to fight alongside it.’

It would be best to think of it as a hidden card to pull out only when truly needed. Although he didn’t expect to encounter such a precarious crisis…

Life, as it goes, might just throw an unexpected curveball.

At that moment,


The door opened, and a familiar middle-aged man entered.

It was Kang Byungchan.

“What on earth has happened…”

His beaming face now a total mask of dismay.

Hmm. What can I say?

It’s pathetic, in a way… or not at all.

The cider that gushed down his throat tickled his throat.

The pent-up frustration from his broadcasting life seemed to have washed away in an instant.

“Ma-magic stones. You’ve used them all? It’s a lie. Haha. This can’t be real. Haha, yes. I must still be in bed, and this is surely a dream.”

They say people refuse to accept reality when faced with immense shock.

Kang Byungchan chuckled repeatedly, as though he had lost his senses.

But does he know?

That this nightmare is not the end, but just the beginning.

Jinhyuk approached Kang Byungchan.

“I feel a bit like I’m fanning the flames, but… it’s about time to receive compensation for the unfair contract you made with Lee Jongsoo.”

“What…? Compensation, you say? What are you talking about?”

What am I talking about?

“It’s strictly speaking a fee for appearing. Compensation for the wrongs you committed in the past is a separate issue.”

If you commit two sins, you compensate in two ways.

Who tries to lump it all together?

Ever heard of separate issues?

“Could it be… After taking everything away, you’re still unsatisfied? You demon! Are you even human? Huh? Are you a human?”

“I’ll repay exactly as I’ve suffered. If that’s a fault, well. I’ll take the blame. But aren’t you in no position to raise your voice right now?”

Jinhyuk’s eyebrows twisted into a frown.

At the same time, a cold magic power began to seep out.

Magic power owned by an S-rank player.

A mere civilian…

Naturally, couldn’t last a moment.


Only then did Kang Byungchan realize the gravity of what he had said.

He’d been in such a panic, not caring what he blurted out.

Only now did he comprehend that he had provoked a monster that even the nation wouldn’t dare to touch.

“Make no mistake… Remember who holds the knife right now.”

After finishing his words, Jinhyuk activated the ‘Broadcasting System.’

Stored there was the video of the conversation they had the night before.

Not only did he pressure with force,

But he also bound him with evidence.

For Kang Byungchan, it was a no-win situation.

“If you harbor any useless thoughts, you’ll see yourself on the 9 o’clock news. The tyranny of a media person exploiting a helpless individual broadcaster… Oh, imagine how it’ll buzz around election time, as candidates conscious of public sentiment swarm around like a beehive.”

Kang Byungchan turned a shade pale when politics were mentioned.

He hadn’t expected things to escalate to this level.

“Please… anything but that! That must never happen. I absolutely insist.”

“Ah. Don’t worry. Your secret will be safe. That is, if you behave and comply, that is.”

If he becomes a gentle retriever, we can maintain a good relationship.

But if he turns into a problem dog like a beagle or schnauzer, the lost magic stones will seem like child’s play.


Gulping nervously, Kang Byungchan’s body trembled slightly.

He must have realized that Jinhyuk’s words were not an empty threat.

“I understand…”

Kang Byungchan nodded slowly.


Another useful chess piece had been acquired.


The 6th floor of the Tower of Trials.

Jinhyuk took out the ‘Mirror that Breaks Boundaries’ from his subspace inventory.

Before meeting Sylvia and participating in the Elven Festival, he had one last thing to do.

“……you say you will teach a method to become stronger. Is this what you meant?”

Cheon Yuseong looked at Jinhyuk and the mirror alternately with a face that couldn’t hide his incredulity.

An assistant he had summoned to handle various chores(?) for the upcoming raid.

As a Sword Saint, he’d do well in dealing with nuisances.

Of course, given his character, I phrased it nicely.

I promised I’d teach him a way to get significantly stronger in a short period if followed me.

“Why? If you breathe in the upper air, you can suddenly become stronger. If we use this mirror…”

“I roughly know what this is, too. How did you manage to get your hands on such an absurd item?”

“Got a bit lucky, that’s all.”

“Lucky… Let’s just accept that for now. But why do you need my help to conquer the upper floors of the tower? You could handle it alone.”


Cheon Yuseong hit the nail on the head, causing Jinhyuk to flinch.

Truth is, if you use this type of shortcut to get to the boss, additional named monsters appear.

They are nasty to deal with despite being completely worthless in terms of nutrients.

He had planned to have Cheon Yuseong play meat shield, but…

This guy. Surprisingly cautious.

Apparently, after fighting over a hundred times, his intuition had sharpened.

“Ahem. It’s uh…um, it’s because I care and want to look out for you. We shared an experience climbing the tower, there’s a connection. Let’s all do well together. That kind of sentiment.”

Jinhyuk gave a lengthy excuse.

He flattered and cajoled him, stirring his heart.


But Cheon Yuseong still had a doubtful expression.

Damn it. I hate how quickly this little brat catches on.

Jinhyuk quickly changed the subject.

“Oh. Before we start, there’s something I have to tell you. I’ve been operating under a bit of a cover identity. Thought I should inform you beforehand. Actually…”

“I already know you are the Unknown.”

Cheon Yuseong interjected, cutting short the conversation.

The certainty in his tone nailed it.

He completely equated Cheon Yuseong to Jinhyuk.

“I can’t be fooled just by editing. No one else but you has that unique movement. I’ve known it from the beginning.”

“……Is that so?”

“Thinking there was another player who could compete with you didn’t make sense. Plus, with your trademark brooding, there’s no one else I could imagine.”


The last line was a bit bothersome, but it was unexpected.

This annoying leech was even capable of recognizing someone else.

“Living to see you give such a remark.”

“Don’t get the wrong idea. I acknowledge your greatness, but ultimately, the one who will surpass you is me.”

What was I expecting from this battle maniac?

In the end, the only conclusion is a clash of blades.

“Right… I must have been stupid to be moved. Stupid.”

Jinhyuk shook his head and turned around.

The banter was enough.

Now, it was time to move to a new floor.

‘Finally, it’s time to use this.’

Jinhyuk lifted his head.

Places in the tower he had no business being seen on the 6th floor.

With the ‘Mirror that Breaks Boundaries,’ rated as an Over Rank, they could reach the 10th floor in one go.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

His heart began to race.

Not because he was scared of going to the 10th floor while still underdeveloped.

But because of the rush of excitement at the possibility of reaching higher difficulty levels.

‘It’s going to be fun.’

You’d only have 30 minutes to stay in the upper layer.

But that was enough.

More than enough.

For a veteran player, 30 minutes was like 30 days for average players.

Jinhyuk channeled magic power into the palm-sized mirror.

Then, at that very moment,


[The Mirror that Breaks Boundaries is activated!]

[The targets are Player Kang Jinhyuk and 1 other (Player Cheon Yuseong).]

The surface of the mirror swiftly expanded and soon transformed into a massive gate.

It gave the same feeling… as the gate Rick opened.

‘Well, it’s clear it’s an item that can interfere with causality to this extent.’

A gate to the 40th floor or the one right before your eyes were both utterly preposterous.

“Interesting. With such powerful magic, it’s indeed possible to skip the tower’s floors.”

Cheon Yuseong’s gaze narrowed.

“So what floor are we aiming for?”

Why ask the obvious?

Jinhyuk slowly opened his mouth.

“Open the 10th floor.”

He chose the highest floor he could reach between the 6th and 10th.

The home of the boss monster with [Invincibility].

[The gate is activated.]

[A path to the 10th floor, “The Warriors’ Rest,” opens.]

The surface of the gate rippled and then calmed down.

“Predictably, a choice fitting for you.”

Cheon Yuseong smirked and stepped toward the gate.