
Yuria sprang forward as she sat up on the bed, as beads of sweat trickled down her temples. Her eyes were red, and her chest was heaving up and down without any stop, as if her heart had gone out of control.

Tears were still slipping out of her eyes, and with a glazed expression, she touched her face to wipe those warm tears and looked at her hands and then her surroundings slowly.

She saw an unfamiliar yet familiar palace room with luxurious furniture, bedding, and decorative accessories around the room that seemed quite extravagant.

"What...just happened…A dream? These memories...my name is Yuria? Then who is Nathasia..." Yuria felt as if a torrent of two different memory sets were mixing together in her mind, making her quite confused with her own identity.

After a few minutes, she silently got off the bed and looked at the mirror to see a gorgeous beauty with auburn hair and honey-colored eyes. She wasn't narcissistic, but she felt as if she had never seen a woman as beautiful as the one she saw in the mirror.

She touched her face and knew that this was her, but at the same time, she wondered why she was looking so different and beautiful to the point she could hardly believe her eyes.

When everything slowly settled down in her mind, her eyes gave off a more mature light, and her face no longer contained the trace of child-like innocence of before.

"Is this a second chance? A rebirth?...Wait a minute…Damien!!" Yuria suddenly got hold of her confused mind and remembered how she saw and even interacted with Damien in this world.

Her eyes began to warm up again as her lips arched into an ecstatic smile. She didn't waste any more time and was about to rush out the door when she suddenly saw the nightclothes she was wearing.

Keeping in mind her current status, she quickly put on her usual dress and rushed out the door.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"})It was only dawn, and the sun hadn't fully risen yet. The air was very cool and calm, and there was no walking through the halls except for some guards standing here and there.

'Damien...you are really here...I can't believe this...I want to see you again….' Yuria couldn't stop thinking about Damien as her heart continued to overflow with complicated emotions.

In her perspective, the last time she saw him was just before she was about to die and saw him frantically trying to save her.

She couldn't really make sense of how she was here and why everything was different. But she didn't care as long as she knew Damien was here with her. She really believed that the gods had given her and Damien a new life as a second chance to live the life they couldn't before.

Sila, her maid who had gotten up early and was walking towards her mistress' quarters, saw Yuria running through the corridors without showing any concern for her demeanor or maintain her usual elegant style of walking.

She knew Yuria was not the usual kind of princess, but even if she saw her run before, she never saw her run openly like this where others could see her, making her vulnerable to a lot of rumors.

So she quickly moved towards Yuria and stopped her, "Your Highness!"

Yuria came to a stop upon seeing her maid and hurriedly said, "Sila, not now. I really have someplace to be right now. I promise I will return quickly, okay?"

"Your Highness!" Sila was taken aback to hear that Yuria was trying to leave her residence at such an hour that too, all alone.

She waved her hands and said, "I am sorry, Your Highness. But you can't go like this. It's my duty to make sure of your safety, and that includes making sure you don't run off anywhere alone so early in the day. It's dangerous."

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"})Yuria grabbed Sila's hand and said, "Please, Sila. I just want to quickly visit the guest residence and come back before you even know it. I will put on a cloak or something and slip out through the secret passage. Nobody will know about me going in and out."

Sila had a difficult expression, not knowing what to do. She also knew that she would have to answer for her in case something happens and maybe even face the wrath of King Krisen.

But knowing how Yuria had been moving in and out of the secret passage all this time without anyone's knowledge, she felt that it was fine not to stop her this time as well, seeing how she had something urgent to take care of.

Yuria smiled, seeing that Sila gave in, and quickly shot forward to her library where the hidden passage was located.

She took out her cloak from her spatial ring and put on her cloak as she made her way through the secret passage.

Her heart was thumping as it was brimming with excitement and nervousness upon knowing that she was going to meet Damien again.

She had no idea what to tell him or whether he would even believe that she was Nathasia in the past life. But she felt that he would recognize her once she revealed everything.

However, she wondered why Damien was the only one who had the same face as he had in his past life and why she didn't in this life.

Even though her present body was way more strikingly beautiful enough to charm anyone she wants, she preferred her previous life face since she felt that then there wouldn't be any need for words to make Damien recognize her.

She couldn't help but wonder how Damien was going to react as she excitedly made her way through her passage.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "663633fa8ebf7442f0652b33", id: "pf-8817-1"})But just as she came out, her smile froze as she slowly straightened her body upon seeing a man she least expected to see here now.