
Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)chapter 326: owning a town

Damien, meanwhile, had no idea how we should proceed with the whole Tristen's fiance thing. He knew he would have to anyway visit the Krisen Kingdom and participate in the alchemy competition.

He wondered how much proficient in alchemy this Princess Yuria was and if she was as good as Reva.

He already learned from Reva that she could concoct pills with more than 95% potency with ease, even surpassing Leon Xeton's level. However, he was not surprised since he already knew about her uniqueness.

But he anways decided that she should take a look at this princess and see what kind of a person Tristen's fiance was.

It was not because he was interested in her but because he wanted to know if she was the kind of person who could tag along with him in his plans.

If she could simply play along with him, then Damien had no worries even if he wins the competition and she chooses him.

But first, he decided to focus on the blue pills and concoct 100 of them. He decided to name them as 'Strength Returning Pill'.

The morning was still early, with the sun slowly rising from the horizon. He didn't sleep at all the previous night and was busy cultivating his original body.

As for Tristen's cultivation, he believed that he could go and cultivate in the Gale Emperor's meditation chamber and increase his cultivation rapidly.

He arranged all the necessary medical ingredients and the cauldron before him and put in five Golden Leaves inside the cauldron after putting the powdered bones of an Iron Head Boar.

These were the main ingredients for his Strength Returning Pill, and then he put in some supplementary ones.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"})Finally, he then took the Poison Bite Flower, which was a carnivorous flower, and dropped a small part of it inside the cauldron as well.

Obviously, it was not a part of the ingredients of the original pill he had concocted. This was something 'necessary' for his plans.

Because of that, he had taken this flower from his soul space and did not order his servants to buy one. Even if they tried to, they surely wouldn't be able to buy it the same day due to how rare it was.

It was not that it was extremely pricey but more related to its availability. After all, not many would risk their lives to pluck such a flower, and those who would will certainly take their own sweet time plucking one.

He focused on his soul to bring out his etheric flames, or to be precise, Tristen's etheric flames.

A pale orange-colored flames birthed from his palms, and he transferred the flames to the cauldron.

He started to refine all the medicinal ingredients, but of course, he had to control his flames in such a way that he had to control the refining of each medicinal ingredient according to his needs.

Some medicinal ingredients did not need complete refining, especially the Poison Bite Flower, since he didn't want to make it obvious what was hidden in the pill.

The poison of the Poison Bite Flower was said to be as fragrant as a flower but deadly as a venomous snake.

Its properties would surely make Damien's pill smell fragrant but at the same time mask the deadly substance contained inside it.

However, the way Damien was refining it would make the poison dormant such that even if someone takes the pill, nothing will happen to that person.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"})But the deadly substance would stay embedded in their body even after the pill was completely assimilated or even if its effective time period was over.

And it would continue to stay there in a dormant state, doing no harm to the person.

But it would become active only when a certain situation happens, and Damien coldly smiled as he looked at the final product of his masterpiece.

'The perfect killing pill...deadly as a silent assassin…' Damien inwardly mumbled as he looked at the small blue pill in his hand emanating with a sweet fragrance.

He had informed his servants not to let anyone disturb him and continued to concoct the blue pills as fast as possible.

But by the time he concocted the twentieth one, exhaustion was kicking in, and he lost count of the number of hours he had been concocting the pills.

However, looking out the window, he saw that it was already afternoon and decided to cultivate for the rest of the day and rejuvenate himself.


A week passed in this fashion, cultivating in his real body for the whole night with no sleep with Valentina following suit; concocting pills in the morning, and cultivating in Tristen's body for the rest of the day.

Because of this, he surely made huge progress in Tristen's body and already broke through to the eighth level of the Earth Ethereal Realm.

He had told Valentina about owning a city soon, making her cheer in happiness. She was feeling a bit bored cultivating all the time, and as a half ethereal beast, she sure liked to roam and wander around places.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "663633fa8ebf7442f0652b33", id: "pf-8817-1"})Damien wondered how long he would have to be in the Gale Empire, especially because of the whole fiance thing going on.

He was sure that had Tristen been alive, he would have rolled on the ground out of joy and even kissed his father's feet for giving such an 'enticing' opportunity to him.

Day after tomorrow was the day he would have to set out for the Krisen Kingdom, and by this time, he had already finished concocting hundred Strength Returning Pills which were all Rank 4 Pills.

'Time to own a town,' Damien thought as he proudly exited his room with 100 Strength Returning Pills in tow. Of course, these hundred pills also contained something unique that he was sure that no one could find out even if they tried to reverse engineer the pill.

The small parts of the Poison Bite Flower he had used had thoroughly mixed and merged with the other ingredients, thus veiling its presence. He also made sure to add a medical ingredient that makes a pill produce a sweet fragrance so that even if expert alchemists scrutinized his pill, they wouldn't feel suspicious about its fragrance.

Coming up with such a meticulously made pill was no easy task. He had to go through many trials and errors to keep modifying the pill formula till he got the one he wanted.

This planning and research started when he entered the Xeton Empire. The first variant of the Strength Returning Pill was the one he gave to Roy Clive, albeit a crude version.

Had an expert alchemist bothered to check the pill he had given to Roy, they would have surely found something suspicious.

But Damien gambled on Roy's greed to take the pill in the blink of an eye, and Roy obviously was no alchemy expert to examine a pill's properties thoroughly.

He soon went to the imperial Land Keeper, who was the one that keeps a record of the matters of every village, town, city, and so on in the empire, including who owned even the smallest piece of land.

Of course, the magistrates and city lords report to this person for anything that was related to a piece of earth.

The Land Keeper's job was no simple task since they had to manage a lot of things and make sure there were no mistakes in the records they kept. Otherwise, they would end up facing serious punishments since a mistake in such records could bring about serious consequences.

The Land Keeper had already gotten instructions from the emperor. Thus he handed over a contract to Damien upon accepting hundred Strength Returning Pills from him.

The contract stated that Tristen would be the owner of Luton Town, which was one of the prosperous towns in the imperial city though not the best.

However, Damien was satisfied with it, and there was already a mansion arranged for him, befitting for an owner of a town.

The town was quite near the imperial palace, so Damien did not have to worry about controlling Tristen.

Also, to his surprise, Damien was given 10,000 Gale Troops which were part of the main army force of the empire.

These 10,000 troops did not have the same cultivation level. But there were still strong ones among them, and Damien felt it surreal to have command of such a large number of soldiers suddenly.

He never had control of such a large group but felt that it was nice to have these many soldiers to respond to his calls.

He immediately went over to Luton Town and made arrangements to let his personal guards know of Valentina and his arrival in his original body.

So far, he has made 'Damien' a friend of Tristen while Valentina was his Will Protector.

Damien returned to his original body and left towards their mansion in Luton Town along with Valentina.