
Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)chapter 176: fire seed awakened?

Damien frowned as his entire body was becoming red hot, and it seemed as if his clothes were about to catch fire.

A few moments ago, Damien managed to comprehend some of the Etheric Fire Laws inside his soul plane. He shifted his senses to his ethereal core and focused on his dormant Fire seed.

But no matter how much he waited, his Fire seed wasn't awakening at all. After a few moments, he decided to use a tiny amount of his etheric flames to kickstart his Fire seed.

However, to do that, he would have to carefully circulate his Fallen Flame in his body and make sure that it doesn't hurt his internal organs.

It was a very risky idea, and a dangerous one since it would require immense concentration to circulate etheric flames inside one's body, no matter how small, without causing internal injuries.

But Damien saw no other option and decided to go for it. At most, he would be bed-ridden for a while, but if he's lucky, then he would awaken his Fire seed!

He manifested a very tiny Fallen Flame in his soul plane and carefully managed to manifest them inside his body. He gritted his teeth as he concentrated his best to make sure he safely transferred his Fallen Flame to his ethereal core.

If he gets one step wrong, he might even accidentally cripple himself. He had no idea why he was trying so hard to awaken his Fire seed when he didn't even want to before.

But just as Damien was a bit lazy, once he puts his mind to achieve something, he makes sure he won't quit before giving his best to achieve it.

This was where his firm determination and perseverance played a part no matter how trivial his objectives seemed.

And now there was no going back anyway. He only realized more how dangerous it was to do something like this.

In fact, even Reva was unsure if her method would work as she knew the Fire seed worked on the principles of Ethereal Fire Laws and not Etheric Fire Laws.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"})She didn't know for sure if his Fire seed would awaken even if he completely comprehended the Etheric Fire Laws in his etheric flames.

However, with strenuous effort, Damien managed to transport his Fallen Flame inside his ethereal core safely.

He let the tiny speck of Fallen Flame clash with his dormant Fire seed, and instantly bright sparks of fire were birthed.

His tiny speck of Fallen Flame dispersed, and his dormant Fire seed showed signs of awakening!

Hot fumes escaped from his Fire Seed as it slowly became brighter with each passing second.

Within a few moments, the sparks turned into tiny bright amber flames and took the shape of a small sphere. He was a bit surprised with the color but didn't mind it.

'I did it!' Damien inwardly shouted in joy as he saw that he finally managed to awaken his Fire seed. As he had already cut off the connection between his Origin seed and his elemental seeds, the flames weren't jet black.

However, he could feel that even if he linked his Fire seed and Origin seed, the flames wouldn't be as powerful as his Etheric Fallen Flames.

He speculated that it had something to do with Etheric Fire Laws' compatibility with the Fire seed.

After all, his comprehension of Ethereal Fire Laws was almost non-existent. Even though these two laws had similarities, their fundamental properties were different, with the Etheric Fire Laws being more profound and stronger.

But on the outside, Reva's lips partially opened as her eyebrows raised. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She sensed his Fire seed slowing coming to life and was shocked at the speed at which he managed to awaken it.

Not even a single day but merely within hours, he managed to awaken it. Even after taking into account his extraordinary talent, she thought that it would take him a month to comprehend his Etheric Fire Laws.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"})Even with her powerful soul, she took two days to comprehend her Water Laws to a decent level. She wondered how someone like him was able to comprehend way faster than her.

After all, she had received the legacy of a god even though it was not complete yet. But how could a youngster with no background and coming from the weakest empire in the continent, have such abilities?

How could his comprehension talent exceed hers whose soul had mixed with the divine soul essence of a god?

But her eyes widened as she noticed his ethereal and soul aura undergoing a qualitative change.

Double breakthrough?...

Reva could feel his ethereal aura becoming denser and thicker and instantly realized that he was going to breakthrough to the Spirit Ethereal Realm!

Even his soul was breaking through to the Soul Transformation Stage. Reva was not the only one who was shocked; even Damien was amazed at the changes happening inside his body.

He realized that as he had awakened his Fire seed, it forced his ethereal core to advance to a higher level and because he had comprehended Etheric Fire Laws, his soul also advanced.

He shifted his senses towards his soul plane and saw the qualitative change happening there.

He noticed his soul plane transforming into a bigger and robust plane which allowed better circulation of his soul energy and let him process his thoughts faster.

He learned that he could even finish off huge books with thousands of pages within minutes as he could process whatever he learns faster and store them in memory.

And other good news was that he still had the soul essence in his soul plane he had stored after killing some in the Dark Sky Guild.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "663633fa8ebf7442f0652b33", id: "pf-8817-1"}) He decided to refine those soul essences after he had stored some life essences to breakthrough his ethereal cultivation.

And when he spread his spiritual perception, he was surprised that he could cover anything within a 2 km radius!

But of course, if he was to spread this spiritual perception at a whole 2 km radius, it would take more of his concentration and was not something he could do with a casual thought.

If it was someone else with the same soul cultivation as him, their spiritual perception would be at most 500 meters!

Damien also realized the change in his spiritual perception after the breakthrough and felt that the gap between the Nascent Soul Stage and the Soul Transformation Stage was indeed bigger than he thought.

His soul by now had officially broken through to the Early Soul Transformation Stage.

But he pulled back his senses towards his ethereal core when he noticed that his Fire seed was behaving unstably. He speculated that it had got to do with how his Fire seed was trying to adapt to the Etheric Fire Laws.

Unknowingly, his body kept becoming hotter and hotter that he felt as if his whole body was going to be on fire.

He saw that his ethereal core had become even denser to the point that it seemed as if it was close to changing into a liquid state. The quantity of his ethereal energy increased even further, more than even all his Nascent Ethereal Realm breakthroughs combined.

He felt his body, including his bones and muscles, getting stronger by a small margin. But most of all, he could feel the connection between his ethereal core points and the ethereal energy in the surroundings being strengthened.


A popping sound resounded softly in his ethereal core as it marked his breakthrough to the First Level of the Spirit Ethereal Realm!

But as he broke through, a tide of his ethereal energy streamed through his entire body carrying along with his Fire ethereal energy without him doing anything.

On the outside, Reva's eyes squinted when she saw a wave of ethereal energy releasing from his body as amber flames covered his whole body.

Damien slowly opened his eyes and was surprised that his whole body was covered in flames as if he was a avatar of the god of fire.

He lazily got up as he inspected himself with a smug smile while thinking how amazing it was that even though the flames roamed all around his body, he wasn't hurt in the least.

He was glad he had cut off the connection of his Origin seed to his elemental seeds. Otherwise, he would have inadvertently manifested Ethereal Fallen Flames on his body before Reva, which would have been troublesome.

Reva slowly got up from her chair with a glazed stare. She couldn't believe the things that had just happened. Not only did he get to awaken his Fire seed, but he also managed to achieve a breakthrough in both ethereal and soul cultivation.

What a monster…

Even Reva felt that there was no other word to describe him and now realized that she had underestimated his talents. Her eyes were glued to the flames on his body as she couldn't understand why his etheric flames were amber in color.

Who are you exactly...Damien Godwin?

The same question ringed in her mind again as she felt that he seemed more mysterious the more she witnessed these shocking things.

Damien's ethereal energy was burning at a rapid rate as the amber flames were continuously burning on his body.

He dispersed all the ethereal energy on his body with a single thought, and the flames got extinguished.

But when Damien saw Reva's shocked and slightly flushed face, he looked at his body and muttered, 'Oops.'