
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 93: mysterious village

As Aldred took a wooden bowl and grabbed himself some meat and eggs, Pongo leaped and snatched a mouthful. Pongo sneered and ran away expecting Aldred to chase him, but Aldred sat and ate calmly.

Pongo tilted his head. What was wrong with this guy? And why did he wear such a smug and annoying face?

Aldred got the widest and happiest smile glued to his face.


"I am in a good mood today. Nothing you can do to ruin it. By the way, where have you been? The cold might not bother you, but there are a lot of beasts around here.

"Pongo pongo."

"There's a village? You think I believe your fish-stink mouth? We're in a freaking mountain."

"Pongo!" He vomited out a clump of wool. Unlike ordinary wool, it was thicker and hard.

"This proves nothing. You have poop in your stomach, it's no surprise if there's wool in it."

"Pongo pongo!" The penguin slapped his leg, demanding him to believe.

"If you lie I will cook you alive."


"What did he say?" Mary asked.

Bartrem and the others were curious as well.

"There's a village nearby. Apparently, they have houses and rear sheep-like animals."

They all looked at each other, finding this information hard to swallow.

"We're going to climb the mountain anyway. We can find out if it's true or not." Bartrem put his empty bowl.

"Pongo said there were beasts on the way there. Not large beasts like the Phantom Claw, but small ones."

"We can handle that."

After they finished eating, Aldred put all the tents and supplies to his divine dimension. This power should be a secret, but he didn't care anymore. At least they didn't know about his leveling power.

And sure enough, Maverick who saw the tents flashed with lights and disappeared widened his eyes. Aldred simply waved his hand, and everything vanished. How was that possible? From his knowledge, only someone with space magic could do this and it was one of the rarest magic to ever exist.

"A—Aldred, do you know space magic?"

"Not really. Storing supplies is the best that I can do." Aldred didn't tell him that could bring everyone to his dimension and stay there for 3 hours.

Also, he got three teleportation points that he hadn't used yet. He wasn't sure where to put them.

"How much supplies can you store?"

Aldred tilted his head. "Hmmm… as much as I want? I think I have more than 2 Kilometers of space (1,2 miles)."

Two kilometers of space? Maverick blinked a bunch of times. The boy could bring enough supplies that lasted an army for months in a war. He had to bring the boy to his father after this. Aldred was too valuable.

"Right… So are we going to continue?"

"No doubt."

"Let me pack my supplies."

"No need." Aldred sucked in his supplies to the divine dimension.

"That's so convenient. All I have is storage pouches that can only contain a few treasures.

Aldred smiled. "Comparison is the killer of all joy."

They walked on the cliff with the wall on their left. The cliff led upward, and Bartrem figured it'd be safer to use this path. He recalled the giant eagle attack a few days ago, and he did not want that to happen again.

A few hours later, a group of small wolves came. They were the size of an elephant, but to Aldred's standard, those things were babies. Will the Phantom Claw stepped out of the mist and cut them with his tentacles. In less than a second the pack of wolves were shredded to pieces.

When a swarm of these wolves came, Aldred decided to summon all of his undead. 182 Silver Ranks and 6 Gold Ranks in total. With this army guarding the front, Aldred breezed through the cliff like nothing was there.

Maverick and the adventurer following them from behind could only marvel and gape at this show of strength. Aldred was like an army by himself. If he went to siege a fort all alone, he might have the chance to win.

Thought it would be impossible if the fort was guarded by a Platinum Rank or a Diamond Rank.

Mira trembled in the cold as the temperature got colder. Arthur looking from the distance was about to cover her with warm clothes, until he saw Aldred putting a thick coat over her. He saw Mira smiling and thanking Aldred.

Arthur did not say anything and continued to walk.

After killing god knows how many monsters, they arrived at a small village.

"It's real. Pongo told the truth."

Pongo crossed his arms and held his head high.

The villagers wore a simple brown robe that hid their face. Large sheep-like animals grazing the land. How the grass survived in this cold temperature was out of his knowledge and logic. But in this magical world, logic wasn't always right.

Aldred walked up to one of them. "Hello, may I ask if you know how to reach the top of this mountain?"

The man ignored him and kept walking. Aldred did not mind and asked someone else, but they also ignored him. Bartrem, Mira, Mary, and everyone else asked the villagers, and yet no one answered.

"Maybe they don't speak our language." Aldred scratched his cheek.

Suddenly, someone walked to one of the villagers and grabbed him. "Tell me how to get to the top of this mountain or I will kill you!"

The villager stayed silent, and suddenly, the adventurer's hand turned to dust and was blown by the wind. The effect ran up to his arms which scared him and he screamed as his whole body disappeared into particles.

They all gasped in shock. Aldred stepped back. Thankfully he did not touch them.

"What do we do now?" Aldred asked. "Should we climb the wall?"

Bartrem frowned. "I have a bad feeling about this."

A group of four men walked past the villagers and started climbing on the wall. Just as they reach a few meters above the ground, the four of them turn into particles.

"They become dust!"

"How the hell are we going to climb now?"

Aldred checked the status of the villagers with his godly eyes, but there was nothing. He frowned. "This is so weird."