
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 773: unseen front

Back within the secure confines of the Celestial Platoon's territory, a crisis was unfolding far from the front lines of battle. The Mechanosphere, a colossal ring-shaped habitat, engineered from the zenith of mechanical and technological prowess, now played host to a scene of tumultuous discord.

In a room shielded by layers of protective technology, Shinari, a high-ranking official known for her strategic acumen and unwavering resolve, was at her wit's end. The vast, circular table before her, a marvel of engineering that could project real-time holographic maps of the warfront, now bore the brunt of her frustration.

"All these fools suddenly want to reduce their contributions? And some of them even want to take back what they already sent?!" Shinari's voice, usually calm and composed, was laced with incredulity and rage. She slammed her palm against the table, the impact sending a ripple through the holographic display, distorting the images of troop movements and supply lines.

Her aide, Commander Varik, stood by the doorway, his posture rigid, reflecting the tension that filled the room. "The war is going on in our favor, what is wrong with these people?" Shinari continued, her gaze fixed on the distorted images, her fingers threading through her hair in a gesture of deep frustration.

Varik stepped forward, his voice steady but cautious. "Many fear the tide may turn, Shinari. Rumors of Zelthrax's secret weapon have spread like wildfire. Confidence is a fragile thing."

Shinari's glare shifted from the table to Varik. "Fear," she spat the word as if it were a curse. "Fear will be our undoing, not Zelthrax or his weapons."

The commander nodded, acknowledging her point. "Perhaps it's time to remind our contributors of what's at stake, of the progress we've made. We could arrange a demonstration of our technological advancements, reassure them of our position."

Shinari considered this for a moment, her mind racing through possibilities. "Yes," she finally said, the edge in her voice softening slightly. "A demonstration, but it needs to be impactful. We need to show them not just our strength, but the inevitability of our victory."

A plan began to take shape, a spark of strategy igniting in her eyes. "Gather our top engineers and scientists. I will ask Salamanderfor help as well. It's time the Mechanosphere showcased its true capabilities. We'll hold a summit, invite all major contributors and skeptics. Let them see firsthand the power they're backing."

Commander Varik saluted, a gesture of both respect and agreement. "I'll make the arrangements immediately. What about the dissenters, those who wish to retract their support?"

Shinari's expression hardened once more, a cold determination settling over her features. "They'll be invited as well. After the summit, if they still wish to withdraw their support, they can do so. But they'll be doing it with the full knowledge that they're turning their backs on the only force capable of ensuring our survival."

As Varik left to execute her orders, Shinari made a call to Salamander.

Shinari initiated the secure communication channel, the signal weaving through layers of encryption before connecting to Salamander, the Mechanosphere's most reclusive and brilliant mind. The screen flickered to life, revealing the cluttered workshop of the genius engineer, a chaotic symphony of ongoing projects and half-built machines.

"Salamander," Shinari began, her tone a blend of urgency and respect, "we're facing a crisis of faith among our contributors. I need your help."

On the other end, Salamander leaned back in his chair, an array of holographic blueprints floating around him, momentarily forgotten. His face, marked by the signs of countless hours of labor and sleepless nights, lit up with interest. "That's all you need? You want to show off our arsenals to people?" His voice carried a hint of amusement, a stark contrast to the gravity of Shinari's request.

Shinari's lips twitched in a half-smile, recognizing the typical response from her old friend. "Not just show off, Salamander. I want to make a statement. Remind them why backing out now would be the gravest mistake they could make."

Salamander laughed, a rich, booming sound that seemed too large for the cramped quarters of his workshop. "Shinari, my dear, you're thinking too small. The Celestial Platoon's arsenal is far beyond what even our key personnel realize. Even Aldred doesn't know the half of it."

Shinari's interest piqued, her strategic mind already turning. "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

"Exactly." Salamander's gaze turned serious, the weight of his knowledge apparent in his eyes. "It's time we unveil some of our hidden gems. But we'll do it our way—leave a lasting impression that will silence any doubts about our capabilities."

Shinari leaned forward, her mind racing with the possibilities. "What do you have in mind?"

Salamander's workshop suddenly seemed to buzz with a palpable energy, as if the very mention of unveiling his secret projects had breathed life into the space. "I've been working on something…let's just say it makes everything the Platoon used look like a child's toy."

Intrigued, Shinari asked, "Can it be ready for the summit?"

A sly grin spread across Salamander's face. "For you, Shinari, it'll be ready. But I'll need something from you in return."

"Name it," Shinari responded without hesitation, the gravity of the situation leaving no room for bargaining.

"Your word that when this is over, you'll take a break. Visit the Nebula Gardens or something. You're running yourself ragged."

Shinari's expression softened, a rare moment of vulnerability. "You I can't do that. Everyone us working hard. I must keep up."

Salamander frowned. "Even Aldred takes his break from time to time. One time I met him, he had tables of grapes, wines, and other delicacies."

"Perhaps, I can visit him to ask for some grapes," Shinari jokingly replied.

"You do that. Visiting him is always a good idea. Aldred always had ways to calm my nerves."

Shinari liked that idea. "I will do that after I am done for the day. You should go too, show me what you've been working on."