
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 771: an amazing ship

Captain Ilsa and her select team made their way to one of the Celestial Platoon's secret bases, nestled on an uncharted planet far from the prying eyes of demonic forces. These bases were the backbone of their logistical network, ensuring that no matter where in the galaxy they were, a resupply point was never too far away.

As they entered the base, a sense of purpose replaced the reflective mood that had enveloped them during their departure from the main stronghold. The base, though hidden, buzzed with the same energy and determination that defined the Celestial Platoon.

Celestial Platoon had many secret bases in various places for their factories or weapon storage. This was extremely needed just in case Celestial Platoon needed resupply and the nearest secret base would be promtly available.

The hangar doors slid open silently, revealing a sleek vessel that seemed to absorb rather than reflect the light around it. Its design was unlike any standard reconnaissance craft; it was clear that this ship was built with a singular purpose in mind—stealth.

The officer eagerly launched into the specifics. "This marvel of engineering is equipped with a cloaking system that's light years ahead of anything else—it operates on a frequency modulation principle that essentially renders it invisible to both radar and the naked eye. We're talking about a detection evasion rate of 99.97% under standard enemy surveillance conditions."

He circled the ship with an almost reverent air, pointing out its less visible virtues. "The engines? Oh, they're a masterpiece. Dual-phase ion turbines with a variable output range from 0 to 12,000 terawatts, capable of silent running for up to six hours on a single charge. And that's at a cruising speed of Mach 15, mind you."

As he continued, his enthusiasm only grew. "Now, for the shields—these aren't your average deflectors. We've integrated a multi-spectral shield matrix that can adapt on the fly to incoming frequencies, making it nearly impossible for enemy weapons to lock on. And, just in case we get into a tight spot, the ship's armed with retractable plasma turrets. They pack a punch with a yield of up to 500 megatons per blast. But remember, using them might as well light up a billboard of our location, so discretion is advised."

Captain Ilsa absorbed every detail, her mind already racing through mission scenarios. "Armaments and defenses are clear. How about the electronic warfare capabilities?"

The officer grinned, pleased with the question. "Glad you asked. The EW suite is the cream of the crop. We're talking about an integrated system capable of jamming scans and communications over a 50,000-kilometer radius, not to mention its ability to inject false data into enemy systems to lead them astray."

The team gathered around, captivated by the officer's rundown. They spent the remainder of their time at the base pouring over every inch of the ship, the officer's detailed explanations painting a vivid picture of its potential.

As they concluded their briefing, Captain Ilsa turned to her team, a serious note in her voice. "This ship is more than just our transport; it's our lifeline. Understanding its capabilities and limitations will be crucial to our success."

"But with only a running time of six hours. I don't think that will be enough." A crew member pointed out.

The officer replied immediately. "Unless you are running the ship at mach 15 all the time, you will have more time. If you use it in mach 5, it can give you an extra twenty-two hours."

The crew member was satisfied with that answer.

The officer noticed that and satisfied with himself. This ship was his favorite.

"How reliable is it?"

"You can certain of its reliability. Almost all of Celestial Platoon's weapons and machines were made in house with hand-picked engineers and scientist working on it. And, it has tested numerous times in all kinds of environment. More importantly, this one is designed by Salamander and Vortimer himself."

"Sir Salamander? Why I didn't know about this."

"It would be weird if you did know. A lot of weapons are kept secret. Some say even Salamander himself can't keep track of how many weapons he has invented. Those were probably exagerration though as Celestial Platoon documents everything."

Captain Ilsa simply nodded and put her thoughts at the matter at hand.

"And its refueling process? Given its advanced systems, traditional methods might not suffice."

The officer's eyes lit up, excited to share another piece of the technological marvel they were about to commandeer. "Ah, the refueling process is where this ship truly shines," he began, his voice brimming with pride. "This vessel is equipped with state-

of-the-art solar blocks across its surface, capable of absorbing stellar energy directly from a star. But that's not all."

He guided them to a panel on the ship's side, revealing a compartment that housed several sleek drones. "These are solar drone pods, one of the most innovative features of the ship. They're designed to approach a star, collect a small amount of plasma with minimal disturbance, and return to the ship. Once docked, they convert and transfer the collected energy directly into the ship's reserves."

The team leaned in closer, marveling at the drones. "This means we're not limited by fuel in the traditional sense," the officer continued. "As long as there's a star within operational range, this ship can refuel itself, making it perfect for deep-space missions or prolonged stealth operations behind enemy lines."

Captain Ilsa nodded, impressed by the ship's self-sufficiency. "That's ingenious. It essentially grants us unlimited range, provided we manage our resources wisely and avoid detection during the refueling process."

"Yes, exactly," the officer agreed. "And with the ship's stealth capabilities, even when deploying the drones near a star, the risk of detection is minimal. We've run simulations, and the energy signature during the collection process is negligible, well within the stealth parameters."

The crew members' eyes lit up. This ship was nothing but amazing. No wonder the officer was so excited about this ship.

Even Captain Ilsa could not hide her excitement. "What do you think, Ren?"

Dr. Ren only had one word to say. "Let's take this one."