
The flagship's bridge buzzed with activity as officers quickly adjusted the ship's course, their movements precise and swift. The news of Aldred's successful meditation, finding their way back to familiar territory, spread like wildfire throughout the armada. Relief and excitement filled the air as crews on every ship prepared for the journey home, their spirits lifted by the prospect of seeing familiar stars again.

In the midst of this bustling atmosphere, Captain Ilsa found herself surrounded by fellow captains, their faces alight with curiosity and admiration. "A man as powerful as Aldred was bound to find our way back," Ilsa remarked, her voice carrying a mixture of respect and fondness for their enigmatic leader. "It was only a matter of time."

Her companions nodded in agreement, their expressions a mix of relief and intrigue. "We heard about your mission to that strange planet," one of the captains interjected, leaning in closer. "And that you acquired the Shielding Halo. What was it like, meeting the Forgers?"

Captain Ilsa took a moment to collect her thoughts before diving into her tale. "The planet was unlike anything we've encountered before. Hidden beneath its surface was a forge of incredible scale, operated by robots with technology far beyond our understanding."

She paused, her gaze distant as she recalled the awe-inspiring sights within the forge. "We were led through vast halls filled with the sound of creation itself. Workshops where materials we can't even begin to classify were being manipulated into forms of incredible complexity."

"The Forgers," she continued, "were not beings of flesh and blood as we understand it. They were presences, ancient and powerful, bound to the very essence of creation. Their wisdom was profound, yet they were guarded, wary of the impact their technology could have on the galaxy."

Her audience listened in rapt attention, hanging on every word as she described the chamber of the Council of Forgers, the ethereal light that filled the room, and the voice that seemed to resonate from the very walls themselves.

"And the Shielding Halo," another captain asked eagerly, "how does it work?"

Ilsa held up the artifact, its simple design belying its potent capabilities. "It's a tool of protection, capable of creating a barrier against dark forces. But the Forgers insisted it must only be used defensively. They were very clear about the dangers of misusing their technology."

The group fell silent, contemplating the heavy responsibility that came with wielding such power. "Aldred is considering its potential," Ilsa added, her tone careful. "But we must tread lightly. The Forgers' warnings about preserving the cosmic balance were stark."

Back within the heart of Aldred's flagship, the atmosphere shifted from the bustling activity of the bridge to the focused intensity of the simulation chamber.

Tacticians and admirals gathered, their attention riveted on the massive holographic display that filled the center of the room. Aldred stood among them, his presence commanding silence.

The simulation flickered to life, casting its eerie light across the faces of those assembled. It depicted the armada, vast and formidable, yet suddenly dwarfed by the emergence of a demon fleet, their numbers staggering, twenty times that of Aldred's forces. The sight was a sobering reminder of the threats they faced.

As the projection played out the chaos of battle, the admirals began to outline their proposed strategy. "Our primary objective," started one of the tacticians, "is to navigate through the enemy ranks, identify vulnerabilities, and exploit a path to break the encirclement."

The simulated armada moved with precision, ships darting and weaving in a desperate bid for survival. Yet, as the scenario progressed, it became evident that the overwhelming numbers of the demon fleet left little room for escape.

Aldred, watching the unfolding simulation with a critical eye, interjected suddenly, "Why don't you activate the Shielding Halo?" His voice, firm and inquisitive, cut through the tension in the room.

The room fell silent for a moment before the admiral in charge of the simulation nodded to an operator. With a few swift commands, the projection shifted, now focusing on a single ship as it attempted to activate the Shielding Halo. The display detailed the process, revealing a critical limitation: for the Halo to be activated, the ship's electronics and weapons systems had to be completely powered down.

Aldred's brows furrowed as he absorbed this crucial detail. "So you're saying that we're just a sitting duck while we use it?" The skepticism in his voice was palpable, a stark contrast to the earlier optimism that had surrounded the artifact's potential.

The admiral responded, the weight of responsibility evident in his tone. "Yes, sir. The Halo's defensive capabilities are unmatched, but its activation requires us to be vulnerable. It's a significant risk, especially in the midst of combat."

"What are the primary limitations?"

"The Halo need 15 minutes cool down after activation. Furthermore, our engines and weapons need 5 minutes to fully restart."

Aldred grabbed his chin, in thought. "So we are basically vulnerable for a good five minutes. This isn't very good. In battle, every single seconds, count."

Aldred paced a few steps, his mind racing through scenarios and implications. "This changes things," he mused aloud. "The Halo, for all its power, demands a sacrifice of our offensive capabilities. It's a shield, yes, but one that leaves us exposed."

Turning back to his officers, Aldred's gaze was sharp, his decision clear. "We need to rethink our strategy. The Shielding Halo is a last resort, a means to protect us when all other options have failed. Our focus must remain on maneuverability and tactical advantage. However, we should also prepare protocols for the Halo's use, scenarios where its protection outweighs the risk of temporary vulnerability."

The officers nodded, understanding the complexity of incorporating the Shielding Halo into their defensive measures. The simulation was paused, the room now abuzz with discussion as they began to outline new strategies, taking into account the unique nature of the artifact.

Aldred couldn't help but feel scammed. He thought this technology would help him turn the tide of war, but its limitation meant that they need to get creative to employ it effectively.

"I still believe we can make strategy with this. Keep trying and simulate as many data as possible."