
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 760: chaotic work

In the bustling command center of the Celestial Platoon, Shinari navigated the chaos with a practiced ease that belied the mounting pressure. The large, open chamber was alive with the constant ring of communication devices, each call a thread in the sprawling web of logistics and strategy that held the Platoon together in Aldred's absence.

Shinari, stationed at the central console, fielded inquiries with a calm that served as a stabilizing force for the crew.

The room was a hive of activity, with operators dispatching orders, relaying messages, and coordinating movements across the Platoon's scattered forces.

"Shinari, we have a supply convoy that's gone dark in sector seven. What are your orders?" a lieutenant called out, his voice cutting through the din of ringing phones and hushed conversations.

Without missing a beat, Shinari responded, "Deploy a recon team immediately. Use minimal force; we can't afford any more confrontations without Lord Aldred's strategic oversight."

As she turned to address another concern, her communicator buzzed with a priority signal. She answered, her voice even, "Shinari speaking, go ahead."

The voice on the other end was anxious, a field commander on the front lines. "Shinari, we're facing heavier resistance than anticipated. Without Lord Aldred's tactics, we're at a disadvantage. We need reinforcements or an alternative strategy."

Shinari paused, her mind racing through the options. "Hold your position but switch to defensive maneuvers. I'll arrange for a diversionary tactic to relieve some of the pressure. Stay sharp and await further instructions."

The call ended, and Shinari took a brief moment to collect her thoughts.

The weight of command was heavy, but her resolve was unshaken. Turning to address the room, she projected confidence, "We are under pressure, but we are not broken. Each challenge we face is an opportunity to demonstrate our resilience. Aldred has entrusted us with the safety and success of the Celestial Platoon. We will not let him down."

Her words seemed to invigorate the team, a renewed focus taking hold as they tackled the myriad tasks at hand.

But only now she realized how much the Celestial Platoon dependend on Aldred's presence. The organization could be said to be massive, and it was usually impossible to disrupt its operation even if the head of the organization was not present.

And yet his absence was felt by everyone. Not just the commanders but those below them as well.

In the midst of the controlled chaos, Shinari's communicator buzzed again. This time, it was a secure line from the science division. "Shinari, we've made a breakthrough in our attempts to triangulate Lord Aldred's last known position. We might have a way to establish a stronger communication link."

Hope flickered in Shinari's eyes, a rare smile touching her lips. "Excellent work. Prepare a detailed report and bring it to my office immediately. This could be the advantage we need."

No sooner had the words left her mouth than her communicator crackled to life once more, this time with a much-awaited connection to Aldred's distant flagship. "Aldred, can you hear me?" Shinari spoke into the device, her voice laced with both urgency and hope.

The response was a jumble of static and fragmented audio, Aldred's voice barely breaking through. The connection, fraught with interference from their unknown position in the galaxy, made comprehension near impossible. Shinari strained to piece together his message, catching only brief snatches of sentences, none of which provided the clarity they desperately needed.

Frustration mounted around the central console as the communication ended, leaving more questions than answers. Shinari's expression hardened with determination, not willing to let this setback deter them. "Record every piece of that transmission. Tell the engineers, analyze the audio. We need to know what Aldred was trying to tell us, no matter how long it takes."

As the team rallied to decode the garbled message, an urgent update from the frontline broke through the focused tension. A junior officer, pale-faced and breathless, approached Shinari with dire news. "The frontline… the demons have broken through. Our forces… decimated. They're advancing."

The urgency in the command center escalated as Shinari processed the junior officer's report. Before she could issue her next command, another call came through. This time, it was from Admiral Harrow, a seasoned veteran whose experience in battle was unparalleled within the Celestial Platoon.

"Admiral Harrow," Shinari greeted, her tone betraying none of the anxiety that churned within her. "Report."

Admiral Harrow's voice was grave, "The frontline has crumbled faster than anticipated. We're outmaneuvered and outgunned. Our only option now is to retreat, but we must do so strategically."

Shinari nodded, even though Harrow couldn't see her. "What do you suggest?"

"There's merit in a tactical withdrawal," Harrow began, his voice steady. "We retreat but lay traps and decoys in our wake. The demons will expect a chase, and we'll give them one they won't forget."

Shinari considered the proposal, her mind racing through logistics and possibilities. "A calculated retreat could work, but it requires precision. How can headquarters assist?"

"We need platoons of small, swift vessels," Harrow explained. "Vessels capable of hit-and-run tactics. They'll harass the enemy, slow their advance, and buy us the time we need to set traps and prepare our defenses."

Shinari could visualize the strategy unfolding, a deadly dance of deception and guerrilla warfare. "Consider it done, Admiral. I'll mobilize the units immediately. Your insight is invaluable."

"Thank you, Shinari," Harrow acknowledged. "This won't be an easy fight, but with the right moves, we can turn the tide."

As the call ended, Shinari sprang into action. She dispatched orders to assemble the requested platoons, her commands echoing through the command center.

Operators relayed her instructions with urgency, the room a flurry of movement as the Celestial Platoon adapted to the new strategy.

Shinari then addressed her team, her presence commanding the room. "We are at a critical juncture. Our forces on the frontline face overwhelming odds, but we are not defeated. We fight smart, we fight hard, and we fight together. Admiral Harrow's plan will lead our enemy into a maze of our making. It's time to show them the true strength of the Celestial Platoon."

After saying that, she entered her private office and let out a big sigh when she sat down on the chair.