
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 757: binary star system

Aldred, after ensuring the training of the 10 million soldiers, turned his attention to finding an environment that would test them to their limits. He chose a harsh planet, notorious for its extreme weather conditions, massive storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. But the most formidable challenge would be the monsters that roamed the planet, each implanted with tracking technology, allowing them to home in on the soldiers' locations at five-minute intervals within a certain range.

The planet was a crucible designed to forge the soldiers into warriors of unparalleled skill and resilience. As the soldiers descended onto the planet, Aldred watched briefly from his ship, his expression stoic. This was the baptism by fire they needed, and only the strongest would survive.

Turning away from the viewport, Aldred refocused on the larger picture - the war. The victory over the demons was his top priority; everything he had built hinged on this conflict. Failure was not an option.

He contacted Vortimer, his tone direct. "Vortimer, have you located any demon admirals?"

Vortimer's hologram shook his head, his mechanical voice echoing slightly. "No, Aldred. They've become more cautious since you killed one of their admirals. They're not taking any chances."

Aldred nodded, understanding the demons' strategy. It was a logical move, yet it made his task more challenging.

Suddenly, another call came through. It was Salamander, his face lit up with a mixture of excitement and pride. "Aldred, I have news. We've located a demon admiral. He's hiding outside their territory, trying to regroup his forces."

Aldred raised an eyebrow, surprised. Salamander was a brilliant engineer, but he had outdone himself, surpassing even Vortimer in intelligence gathering. "Impressive work, Salamander. How did you find him?"

Salamander's smile widened. "I've been developing new surveillance tech, enhancing our scanning capabilities. I believed we needed to diversify our intelligence sources. It paid off."

Aldred nodded in approval. "Well done. Prepare to engage. I'll join you shortly."

As the call ended, Aldred contemplated Salamander's growth. Since being granted special powers by Aldred, Salamander had worked tirelessly, driven by a belief that they should not rely solely on Vortimer. His initiative and dedication were proving invaluable.

As soon as Aldred issued his command, a colossal armada coalesced in the vastness of space, assembling with swift efficiency that spoke volumes of his influence and the loyalty he commanded. The fleet, comprised of ships from various sectors of the galaxy, stood ready, a testament to Aldred's formidable leadership and the respect he had earned from his followers.

Aboard his flagship, Aldred surveyed the armada, his presence commanding and assured. His officers and crew members moved with purpose, their actions synchronized like a well-oiled machine. It was clear to all that Aldred's words held the weight of divine decree; he was more than just a leader - he was the cornerstone of the Celestial Platoon.

"Admiral Kalen, ensure all ships are in battle formation," Aldred instructed, his voice carrying across the command center. "We move out as soon as we're ready. Time is of the essence."

Admiral Kalen, a veteran of countless skirmishes, nodded sharply. "Understood, Lord Aldred. We'll be ready to jump in ten minutes."

As the preparations continued, Aldred's gaze lingered on the star charts displayed on the holographic screen in front of him. His mind was a whirlwind of strategies and contingencies. He knew that the upcoming confrontation with the demon admiral was critical. It wasn't just about defeating a single enemy; it was about striking a decisive blow to the demons' morale and asserting the might of the Celestial Platoon.

Around him, the crew worked diligently, aware of the gravity of their mission. They trusted Aldred implicitly, knowing that he had led them to victory time and again. His prowess on the battlefield was legendary, his strategies ingenious. But it was his willingness to be at the forefront of every battle that earned him their unwavering loyalty.

A young officer approached Aldred, his expression one of admiration and resolve. "Lord Aldred, the troops are ready, and morale is high. They're eager to follow you into battle."

Aldred turned to face the officer, his eyes reflecting a depth of experience and an unspoken understanding of the cost of war. "Tell them I am proud to have them at my side. Today, we fight not just for victory, but for the future of humanity."

The officer saluted and swiftly relayed the message. A ripple of determination swept through the armada as Aldred's words were broadcasted. Every soldier, every pilot, every engineer stood a little taller, their resolve strengthened.

Aldred then turned to the viewport, watching as the stars twinkled in the void. He knew that the success of the Celestial Platoon hinged on his leadership. Without him, the organization would likely falter. It was a heavy burden, but one he carried with honor and a relentless drive to see humanity triumph in a galaxy fraught with peril.

As the armada made its final preparations to jump into hyperspace, Aldred stood at the helm, a beacon of strength and hope. He was more than just a commander; he was the embodiment of the Celestial Platoon's spirit - indomitable, fearless, and unyielding.

The engines roared to life, and the armada surged forward, embarking on a mission that could change the tide of the war.

As Aldred's armada traversed the vastness of space, they approached a binary star system, intent on harnessing the immense energy of the two stars to bolster their battle capabilities. The celestial dance of the twin suns created a breathtaking backdrop, their fiery coronas casting a brilliant light across the fleet.

However, the awe-inspiring spectacle was abruptly shattered. Emerging from the folds of space, a massive demonic armada, led by Zelthrax, the Riftweaver, made a sudden and devastating entrance. Zelthrax, renowned for her mastery over gravity, dark energy, and spatial forces, had laid a cunning trap.

The Celestial Platoon, caught off guard by the ambush, scrambled to respond. Ships that were moments ago aligning to absorb stellar energy now found themselves in the throes of battle. The Platoon's vessels, though disoriented, began a valiant counterattack, their weapons lighting up the void.

Onboard his flagship, Aldred's expression turned into a frown, his strategic mind rapidly assessing the situation. He knew that Zelthrax, notorious for her cunning and brutality, was still aboard her flagship. In their previous encounters, Aldred had always chosen to confront her directly. This time, however, he decided on a different approach.

"Maintain formation! Focus fire on their flanks and use the solar radiation to our advantage!" Aldred commanded, his voice resonating through the comm system.

The Celestial Platoon's ships, adapting to Aldred's orders, began a series of intricate maneuvers, using the binary stars' intense radiation as both shield and weapon. Solar flares and cosmic phenomena became part of their arsenal, turning the battlefield into a maelstrom of light and energy.

Zelthrax, observing the battle from her ship, couldn't help but feel a tinge of respect for Aldred's tactical acumen. 'He chooses not to face me directly this time,' she mused inside.

The battle raged fiercely, with both sides suffering losses. The Platoon's ships darted between solar flares, using the stars' magnetic fields to disrupt the demonic fleet's coordination. In return, the demons unleashed their dark energy weapons, tearing through space with devastating gravity wells and spatial distortions.

On Aldred's flagship, the crew worked tirelessly, their faces set in grim determination. Every officer knew the stakes; this was not just a battle for survival but a pivotal moment in the war against the demonic forces.

Aldred, standing resolute at the helm, watched the battle unfold. His mind was a whirlwind of tactics and countermeasures, his eyes never leaving the viewport. "Stay sharp, everyone. We need to outmaneuver them at every turn. This is a battle of wits as much as it is of firepower."

The binary stars, with their tumultuous solar activity, added an unpredictable element to the battle. Massive solar eruptions and waves of radiation swept across the battlefield, adding chaos to the already frenetic combat.

In the tumultuous heart of the binary star system, the Celestial Platoon's officers led their groups with a fierce determination, turning the chaos of the ambush into a disciplined counteroffensive. The battle had erupted into a maelstrom of fire and destruction, with each side inflicting heavy casualties on the other.

Commander Rael, a seasoned veteran of the Platoon, maneuvered his squadron with precision. His ship weaved through the battlefield, evading dark energy blasts and returning fire with lethal accuracy. The loss of their comrades was a heavy blow, yet it only steeled their resolve.

"Focus on their heavy cruisers!" Commander Rael barked over the comm, his eyes locked on the tactical display. "For each of our ships they take, we take ten of theirs!"

His squadron, a mix of experienced veterans and eager new recruits, responded with a coordinated strike. Their ships, nimble and well-armed, danced around the larger demonic vessels, exploiting every weak point with a barrage of plasma fire and torpedoes.

On the bridge of his flagship, Aldred observed the battle, noting the resolve and bravery of his officers and crew. The sight of his ships, outnumbered yet unyielding, fighting with such valor, filled him with a fierce pride.

As the Celestial Platoon's ships relentlessly engaged the demonic armada, Aldred's keen eyes caught a sudden shift in the enemy's formation. It was subtle, yet to his experienced gaze, it was unmistakably deliberate. His intuition, honed through countless battles, sensed an impending pivotal moment.

"Something's about to happen," he muttered under his breath, his gaze fixed on the shifting patterns of the enemy fleet.

At that instant, a blinding flash erupted from the heart of the demonic armada, followed by an ominous, pulsating signal that resonated through space. The signal, alien and foreboding, was unlike anything Aldred had encountered before.

"Report! What was that?" Aldred demanded, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere of the command center.

His officers scrambled to analyze the data, but before they could respond, the binary stars began to react strangely, their behavior deviating from any known stellar phenomena. A deep, unsettling realization dawned on Aldred.

"We're not just fighting Zelthrax and her fleet," he said, his voice low, "there's something else at play here, something far more dangerous."