
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 752: against mordrak

As Mordrak's sinister laughter echoed through the battlefield, the air thickened with the impending clash. The demon admiral, his presence a dark, looming shadow, charged forward with a terrifying velocity. In each hand, he wielded a massive hammer, pulsating with dark energy, raised high and destined for destruction.

Aldred, his eyes a mirror of calm amidst the storm, moved his fingers in an intricate dance. The space around him responded, bending to his will. A series of shimmering, translucent barriers sprang into existence, weaving together to form an impenetrable shield. The hammers crashed against it, sending reverberations through the air, but the barrier held firm, unyielding.

In a fluid motion, like a conductor orchestrating a symphony of forces, Aldred pushed the spatial barriers forward. The lines of force, invisible yet as sharp as the finest blade, sliced through the air, severing Mordrak's limbs. The demon admiral's roars of pain and surprise filled the air as his arms and legs fell to the ground, dark ichor seeping into the earth.

But Mordrak, undeterred by his sudden dismemberment, focused his malevolent will. His severed limbs began to regenerate, emerging from the stumps with a grotesque, rapid growth. His eyes, burning with hatred and fury, fixed on Aldred.

"You think such tricks will defeat me?" Mordrak bellowed, his voice a tempest of rage. "I am eternal!"

Aldred, observing Mordrak's regeneration with a mix of fascination and caution, replied calmly, "Your resilience is impressive, but it only delays the inevitable, Mordrak. Also, you are much easier to fight than Zelthrax."

Mordrak's face contorted with rage, veins throbbing on his temple. The mention of Zelthrax, his long-time rival, struck a nerve deep within his dark soul. "Zelthrax? That pretender! She is nothing compared to my might!" he spat, his voice a mix of envy and disdain.

He lunged forward, his regenerated limbs pulsing with a sinister energy.

The hammers swung in a deadly arc, each movement a blur of speed and power. Aldred, anticipating the attack, executed a series of backflips, his body moving with the grace and agility of a seasoned acrobat.

The hammers smashed into the ground where he stood moments ago, sending shockwaves that shattered the very earth.

Aldred drew his sword, a blade that shimmered with demonic light. He parried Mordrak's relentless onslaught, the clanging of metal echoing across the battlefield.

With each block, Aldred felt the jarring impact vibrating through his arms, a testament to Mordrak's incredible strength.

Mordrak, driven by fury, increased the ferocity of his attacks. "You will not belittle me!" he roared, swinging one hammer with such force that it created a sonic boom.

Aldred narrowly dodged, feeling the rush of air as the hammer passed inches from his face.

The battlefield roared with the fury of their duel, the air charged with tension and electric anticipation. Mordrak, embodying the wrath of the abyss, swung his hammers with a ferocious might, each strike aimed to crush and annihilate. Aldred, a specter of agility and grace, danced around the blows, his movements a blur of deft precision.

As Mordrak's hammer carved a path of destruction, Aldred countered, his sword cutting through the air in a series of swift, lethal arcs.

The Phantom Doom Blade met the dark hammers with a chorus of metallic clashes, sparks flying with every collision. Aldred's muscles tensed with each block, the shockwaves reverberating through his body, a constant reminder of the demon admiral's monstrous strength.

Mordrak's roars of frustration filled the air as Aldred's sword grazed his armor, leaving deep gashes. Dark ichor flowed from the wounds, but the demon seemed unfazed, his rage fueling his relentless assault. "You cannot match the power of the dark realms!" Mordrak bellowed, his voice booming across the field.

"You talk too much. Zelthrax was more quiet."

Mordrak's fury reached a boiling point at Aldred's taunt, his face twisting into a snarl of unbridled rage. "Silence!" he thundered, his voice echoing ominously across the battlefield. In that moment, a dark aura enveloped him, shadows swirling and coalescing as he began to transform. His body grew, muscles bulging and expanding, his stature becoming more imposing and terrifying. The hammers in his hands seemed to fuse with his very essence, pulsating with a newfound, malevolent power.

Aldred watched, his eyes narrowing, as Mordrak completed his transformation. The demon admiral now towered over him, a colossus of darkness and fury. "Impressive," Aldred muttered under his breath, "but size isn't everything."

Mordrak roared, a sound that reverberated like thunder, and launched himself at Aldred. The ground shook with each step he took. He swung his massive hammers with even greater force, each blow capable of leveling mountains.

Aldred, responding with the agility of a panther, dodged the colossal strikes. He weaved through the onslaught, a dance of death and survival. Each hammer strike that he evaded left deep craters in the ground, the sheer force sending debris flying. Aldred's breaths came in quick gasps, his focus absolute as he calculated his next move.

As Mordrak's relentless barrage continued, Aldred saw his opportunity. With a swift, acrobatic leap, he propelled himself backward, putting distance between them. Mordrak, undeterred, pursued, his eyes burning with a desire to obliterate his foe.

Suddenly, the air crackled with a new energy. From the direction of the Celestial Platoon's position, a massive artillery shell, glowing with a radiant intensity, hurtled towards Mordrak. Its trajectory was perfect, its timing impeccable.

Mordrak, sensing the incoming threat, turned just as the shell reached him. The impact was monumental, a blinding explosion that rocked the battlefield. A shockwave of energy rippled outward, the ground trembling under its force.

Aldred shielded himself from the blast, feeling the heat wash over him. As the dust and debris cleared, he saw Mordrak emerge from the smoke, his form battered but still standing, his demonic resilience on full display.

Mordrak's laugh, though pained, was defiant. "Is that the best you can do?" he growled, his voice a deep rumble.

Aldred, catching his breath, replied with a smirk, "Just getting started."