
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 745: show them hell

745 Chapter 745 Show Them Hell

The sudden blare of alarms and the echoing robotic voice propelled Francus, Grigor, and Rael into immediate action. They swiftly exited the pub, their relaxed demeanor replaced by the intense focus of seasoned commanders. The streets outside were in chaos, with soldiers and mercenaries scrambling to their positions as the city transformed into a buzzing warzone.

Francus quickly took charge, his voice authoritative as he barked orders. "Form up! Defensive positions! We need to hold the line!" His gaze was fixed on the sky, where the demonic ships loomed like a dark omen.

Grigor, alongside him, was coordinating the troops through his communicator. "Echo squad, take flank positions! Delta team, man the anti-aircraft turrets!" His voice was calm but firm, a stark contrast to the panic around them.

Rael, his eyes scanning the skies, readied his weapon. "We've trained for this, now's the time to show what we're made of!"

The trio watched as the massive demonic flagship, a colossal behemoth of war, began powering up its formidable weapons. A deep, ominous whirring sound filled the air, heralding the impending attack.

But as the flagship unleashed a blinding burst of light, aimed directly at the heart of the city, Francus, Grigor, and Rael shared a knowing grin. A powerful barrier, shimmering with energy, materialized in the sky, intercepting the attack with ease. The light from the demonic weapon splashed harmlessly against the barrier, diffusing into a cascade of harmless sparks.

Francus laughed heartily, a rare sound amidst the tension. "They think they can take us down that easily? Not on my watch!" His confidence was infectious, spreading to the soldiers around him.

Grigor, still coordinating through his communicator, added, "Prepare for a counter-attack! Let's show them the might of the Celestial Platoon!" His fingers moved rapidly over the device, sending out precise instructions to the various units.

The smaller demonic ships, realizing their flagship's initial strike had failed, joined the fray. They swarmed around the barrier, unleashing a relentless barrage of missiles and energy beams. The sky was lit up with explosions and bright flashes, but the barrier held strong, absorbing the impact of each attack.

Rael, watching the onslaught, clenched his jaw. "They're testing our defenses, looking for a weakness. But they won't find one."

Francus nodded, his eyes never leaving the battlefield. "Keep the barrier at full strength. We need to buy time for our countermeasures."

As the battle against the demonic invasion intensified, the Celestial Platoon's counter-attack teams sprang into action. Agile and fearless, they cut through the swarms of enemy ships, their weapons blazing trails of destruction. Despite their valiant efforts, the sheer number of demonic ships seemed overwhelming. Demons, notorious for their strategy of overwhelming their enemies with sheer numbers, filled the sky in an almost unending torrent.

Grigor, surveying the scene, tapped Rael on the shoulder, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of determination and excitement. "Why don't we go up there and show these demons what real power looks like?"

Rael turned, his grin matching Grigor's intensity. "You took the words straight out of my mouth," he replied, his hand gripping his weapon with anticipation.

Without hesitation, Grigor and Rael geared up, strapping on sleek jet-pack suits designed for combat in the harsh environment of space. The suits, a marvel of engineering, were equipped with life-support systems and advanced weaponry, perfect for zero-gravity warfare.

They made their way to a massive electromagnet cannon, the latest in Celestial Platoon's arsenal. The cannon, a towering structure, was designed to propel soldiers directly into orbit. Grigor and Rael, along with hundreds of other soldiers clad in similar suits, lined up for deployment.

Grigor, checking his suit's systems, turned to Rael. "Ready to make a grand entrance?" he asked, a slight smirk on his face.

Rael, his eyes focused, nodded. "Let's give them a fight they'll never forget."

The cannon hummed with energy, the air crackling around them. One by one, the soldiers were launched into the sky, their jet-packs igniting as they shot upwards, streaking towards the battlefield in space.

Grigor and Rael, propelled at breakneck speed, burst through the atmosphere. The transition from planet to space was seamless, the vast expanse of the cosmos opening up before them. Around them, the sky was a tapestry of warfare – explosions, beams of energy, and the distant roar of battle.

As they reached the upper atmosphere, their jet-packs stabilized their trajectory, allowing them to maneuver with incredible agility. They joined the fray, moving in unison as they targeted the demonic ships.

Amidst the chaos of the space battle, Grigor, equipped with his jet-pack suit, was a force to be reckoned with. His movements were precise and deadly, his dual blades slicing through the hulls of enemy ships with ease. He moved fluidly from one ship to another, his blades cutting through metal and demon alike, targeting their engines and leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

As he emerged from the wreckage of another downed ship, Grigor's keen eyes caught sight of a peculiar vessel. Unlike the others, this ship was devoid of visible weaponry, yet it was unleashing powerful energy beams that cut through the Platoon's defenses. "There's something off about that one," Grigor muttered to himself, narrowing his eyes. "Looks like a demon mage is at play here."

The ship, agile and quick, darted through space, dodging incoming fire with unnatural speed. It was clear to Grigor that the demon controlling it was using a combination of offensive and defensive magic, making it a significant threat.

With a determined look, Grigor anticipated the ship's trajectory and propelled himself towards it. His suit's thrusters roared as he closed the distance, latching onto the ship's hull undetected. He swiftly drew his blades, carving a neat hole into the metal, and slipped inside.

The interior of the ship was dimly lit, and the demons inside were caught completely off guard by his sudden intrusion. Grigor didn't hesitate; his blades danced in his hands as he engaged the enemy, his movements a blur of speed and precision.

Demon soldiers tried to swarm him, but they were no match for his skill. He cut them down one after another, his blades slicing through their ranks with lethal efficiency.

As he advanced further into the ship, he encountered the demon mages responsible for the ship's unusual abilities. They raised their hands, conjuring dark energies to stop him, but Grigor was faster. With swift strikes, he disabled them, cutting off their hands and rendering them powerless.

One of the mages, his eyes wide with fear, stammered, "You… you can't be human!"

Grigor, pausing for a moment, replied coldly, "I'm not just human. I'm a warrior of the Celestial Platoon. And you picked the wrong planet to invade." With that, he delivered a final, decisive blow.

After he was done with the ship, he jumped outside and set his gaze to the enemy flagship. Rael was floating a distance away and both of them nodded at the same time.

"Let's show them true hell."