
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 734: unexpected reaction

734 Chapter 734 Unexpected Reaction

Grigor roared and rushed forward.

Despite his age, Grigor displayed a level of agility that was nothing short of astounding. As the hydra's heads launched a deadly barrage of acid, fire, and lightning, he moved with the grace of a much younger warrior. Leaping and twisting through the air, he dodged each lethal attack with a dancer's finesse, his movements a blur of speed and precision.

He moved as if he was possessed.

Francus watched, awestruck by Grigor's unexpected display of prowess. Realizing his companion was drawing the hydra's full attention, he sprang into action. With rapid-fire shots, he distracted several of the hydra's heads, pulling them away from Grigor, allowing him to continue his offensive.

Grigor, energized by the challenge, fought with a ferocious intensity. His energy blade cut through the air, each strike landing with deadly accuracy. He slashed at the hydra, leaving deep wounds that oozed dark blood, splattering across the cavern walls. His blade moved like lightning, carving through scale and flesh.

"You feel that!?! You damn snake!" Grigor stared at one of its heads.

The hydra, enraged by the pain, turned its focus towards Grigor, its many heads coordinating in a vicious onslaught.

But Francus was not about to let his comrade face this alone. "As if I will let you do that!"

He quickly activated the rocket launchers strategically placed around the cavern. The rockets screamed through the air, striking the hydra in a series of earth-shaking explosions.

The cavern was engulfed in fire and smoke, the sound of the explosions deafening. The hydra reeled from the impact, its armored body battered by the concussive force. Amidst the chaos, Grigor continued his assault, exploiting every opening created by the explosions.

Despite the intensity of their attack, the hydra's resilience was terrifying. It seemed to absorb the pain, its roars growing louder, more furious. But Francus and Grigor were undeterred. They fought with a synergy born of years of battle, their combined might a formidable force.

Absolute bond of trust between the two.

As the smoke cleared, the hydra, though visibly wounded, still stood defiant. Its eyes, now wild with fury, locked onto Grigor. With a swift, coordinated movement, it lunged, all its heads converging on him in a fatal strike.

But Francus was ready. With a shouted warning, he leaped in front of Grigor, firing a barrage of shots directly into the oncoming maws. The hydra recoiled, its heads reeling from the direct hits.

Grigor, seizing the moment, charged forward. His blade, glowing with a fierce energy, struck deep into the hydra's exposed chest, aiming for the pulsating core of power.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. The hydra's roars ceased, and the cavern fell eerily silent. Then, with a final, agonized shriek, the creature's body began to convulse. The pulsating light within its chest flickered and died, and the hydra collapsed, its massive form hitting the ground with a thunderous crash.

Francus and Grigor stood amidst the destruction, panting, their faces smeared with dirt and blood. They had faced the impossible and emerged victorious, their bond as warriors unbroken.

As they looked upon the fallen hydra, a sense of relief washed over them. They had survived the most brutal battle of their lives. But in their hearts, they knew this was not just a victory over a monstrous beast. It was a testament to their unyielding spirit, a reminder that even in the face of overwhelming odds, they could overcome anything together.

"Our mission here is over," Francus said.

"Yeah." Grigor nodded. "But our journey has just begun."

Leaving the cavern behind, Francus and Grigor emerged into the daylight, their bodies weary but spirits high. Outside, they were met with the sight of the bestial locals, still bound, and the low-level mercenaries who had earlier retreated in fear.

The locals' eyes widened in disbelief as they saw Francus and Grigor, their expressions a mix of awe and reverence. The leader of the bestials, a towering figure with sharp, feline features, stepped forward.

His voice, tinged with incredulity and respect, rang out. "You did!!! Hydra! You kill!"

The mercenaries, who had previously looked down on Francus and Grigor, now gazed at them with a newfound admiration. The air was thick with their astonishment and a silent acknowledgment of the incredible feat these two had achieved.

They whispered among themselves, their words a chorus of disbelief and respect.

Francus and Grigor approached the bestials, their steps steady despite the fatigue that clung to their limbs. Grigor, with a swift motion, cut through the ropes binding the locals.

The bestials, now free, gathered around, their eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and hope.

Francus addressed them, his voice carrying the weight of experience and wisdom. "The hydra, your tyrant, is no more. Train your people to become stronger, so your people can become the master of their own fate."

His words resonated with the bestials, igniting a spark of determination in their eyes. They nodded, a collective understanding dawning among them.

The tyranny they had endured was over, and a new path lay open before them.

Grigor added, "Strength lies not only in muscle but in unity and courage. Remember this day, not as the end of your oppression, but as the beginning of your freedom."

The bestials, inspired by Grigor's words, murmured agreements. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but the fall of the hydra had shown them that even the mightiest of foes could be defeated.

Francus and Grigor, having completed what they had set out to do, prepared to leave. The bestials, with newfound resolve, started to gather, discussing plans to strengthen their community. The mercenaries, still in awe, watched as the two warriors walked away, their silhouettes gradually disappearing into the horizon.

Francus and Grigor made their way back to where they had left their space shuttle, a sleek vessel hidden among the rocks. They had arrived on this planet shrouded in doubts and uncertainty, but now they were leaving with a sense of accomplishment and certainty in their purpose.

They boarded the shuttle, and with a smooth hum of engines, they ascended into the planet's atmosphere. The journey back to Aldred's flagship, the Stellar Seraph, was quiet, a time for reflection on the events that had unfolded.

As they approached the Stellar Seraph, the sheer size of the flagship was imposing. Their shuttle, in comparison, seemed minuscule, like a tiny speck against the vastness of space. The docking bay of the flagship opened, its gates welcoming them back.

The shuttle glided in seamlessly and docked with precision.

Stepping out of the shuttle, Francus and Grigor made their way to the command chamber where Aldred, the commander of the Stellar Seraph, awaited them. The corridors of the flagship were alive with the hustle of crew members, but the duo moved with a purpose, their minds still replaying the battle they had just won.

As they entered the command chamber, they were expecting a warm welcome, a proud smile from Aldred acknowledging their victory.

They were grinning ear to ear because of this.

However, the scene that greeted them was starkly different. Aldred stood before them, his countenance dark, his expression one of disappointment and concern.

The atmosphere in the room was tense, a stark contrast to the victorious mood that Francus and Grigor were in. Aldred's eyes, usually a source of stern guidance, now bore into them with an intensity that spoke of grave matters.

"Is there something wrong, sir?" Francus asked.

Aldred's response was measured, his voice betraying a hint of frustration. "It's not about the hydra. While you were dealing with that threat, we've encountered bigger problems."

Grigor and Francus exchanged glances, a sense of unease settling in. The victory they had just celebrated felt suddenly overshadowed by the looming issues that Aldred hinted at.

Aldred motioned for them to come closer, his eyes fixed on the large strategic display behind him. "There's been a shift in the galactic landscape while you were away. We have new challenges ahead, ones that might change the course of our mission."

Francus and Grigor approached, their minds racing with questions. They had returned victorious, but it seemed their battle was far from over. As Aldred began to explain the new situation, they realized that their journey was about to take an unexpected turn, one that would test them even more than the hydra had. The universe, it seemed, was full of surprises, and they needed to be ready for whatever came next.

When Francus and Grigor left, Aldred's stern expression was also gone as he relaxed on his chair.

Vortimer saw this from start to end asked: "Why? Normally, you would praise them for their hardwork."

Aldred's lips curled into a smile. "That's what I do to normal people. Francus and Grigor are extraordinary."

"Is that so? How does that explain your behavior earlier?"

"They are indeed extraordinary and have the talent to be powerful, however, they are stuck at a bottleneck. This hydra test is merely the beginning. They are not worthy of complements yet. I am planning to give them hundreds more test to break their bottleneck and allow them to be more powerful. Only then do they be worthy of my praise."