
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 726: mere ilussion

As Francus continued his journey through the nightmarish Demonic Realm, his heart weighed heavy with concern for his missing comrade, Grigor. The grotesque landscape seemed to stretch on endlessly, with no sign of respite from the tormenting atmosphere.

Then, as he walked amidst the eerie, claw-like trees and the writhing ground, Francus spotted something that ignited a spark of hope. Footsteps, faint but distinct, trailed toward a foreboding cave entrance. "Grigor might be inside," he muttered to himself.

With cautious optimism, Francus ventured into the dark abyss of the cave, his senses alert to any danger that might lie ahead. The cave's interior was a labyrinth of twisting passages and ominous echoes, filled with growls, whispers, and unnatural sounds that played tricks on his mind.

He pressed on, guided by an instinctive sense that he was on the right path.

Then, he heard it—a guttural growl, followed by the unmistakable sound of dragging. Instinctively, he hid himself in the shadows, his blasters at the ready.

In the dim light, he watched as a towering beast, standing at least two meters tall, emerged from the depths of the cave.

Its grotesque form was a fusion of demon and nightmare, its twisted body covered in ashen scales.

With powerful, sinewy arms, it dragged a human in full armor, the clinking of metal against stone echoing through the cave.

Francus's heart raced as he thought, "Grigor?" He couldn't be sure from his concealed vantage point. The figure being dragged seemed lifeless, its armor battered and scorched.

The demon continued its macabre procession, heedless of Francus's presence. As it finally passed him and exited the cave, relief and dread coursed through Francus in equal measure. He was relieved that the demon hadn't detected him but dreaded the possibility that Grigor might have met a grim fate.

Once the demon was out of sight, Francus cautiously emerged from his hiding place. He approached the armored figure, his hands trembling as he reached for the helmet. With a deep breath, he lifted the visor, revealing the face of a stranger—a face he did not recognize.

His heart sank. Grigor was still missing, and this encounter raised more questions than answers. What had happened to Grigor? And who was this fallen warrior? The Demonic Realm held its secrets close, and Francus was determined to uncover the truth.

"Judging by the armor, he should be one of the mercenaries from Celestial Platoon." Francus frowned. So other mercenaries had visited the demonic realm.

Pressing forward into the depths of the cave, Francus encountered a series of interconnected chambers, each more ominous than the last. The air grew colder, and the ground felt as if it were pulsating with malevolence.

After hours of traversing the labyrinthine passages, he heard a voice—a haunting, melodious voice that seemed to beckon him. Following the sound, he arrived at the entrance to a cavern bathed in an eerie, ethereal light.

He peeked inside and was met with a sight that sent shivers down his spine. Grigor, his comrade and friend, knelt in the center of the cavern.

His battle-worn armor was battered and scorched, and his shoulders trembled with sobs.

There was a skeleton laying on the floor and Grigor held the skeletal hand of that skeleton lovingly.

In front of Grigor, an otherworldly being manifested—a demon god, if such a term could encapsulate its profound, surreal presence. The entity was composed of swirling, intertwining flames that shifted between shades of black, blue, and purple. Its form was massive, its muscular body exuding an aura of raw power.

The demon god's voice, like the whispering winds of despair, addressed Grigor, who was lost in anguish. "Do you wish to see her live?"

Francus watched in stunned silence, hidden from view, as Grigor's tear-filled eyes met those of the demonic entity. The words hung heavily in the air, laden with an unspoken offer, and the cavern seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of Grigor's response.

Grigor's voice quivered as he replied, "Yes, please... I'll do anything. Just... bring her back."

The demon god, its voice a haunting melody of malevolence, chuckled sinisterly. "Pathetic human," it hissed, its form twisting and undulating like a tempestuous storm. "Your kind is a mere blip in the grand tapestry of existence, and your suffering is but a minor note in the symphony of torment that is this realm."

Grigor, still trembling and overwhelmed by grief, clenched his fists. He had endured much in this nightmarish realm, but his determination to see someone he cared about again drove him forward.

"I don't care about your grand tapestry or your symphony of torment," Grigor retorted, his voice steadier despite the turmoil within. "I only care about one thing—the chance to see her live."

The demon god's eyes, if one could call them that, glowed with an eerie, malevolent light.

Its massive, muscular form seemed to swell with disdain as it regarded the defiant human. "Very well," it hissed, its voice dripping with condescension. "But know this, insignificant mortal: every boon comes at a price. You shall bear the weight of your choice."

With a flicker of its ethereal flames, the demon god conjured a dark, swirling vortex that enveloped the skeleton.

As the dark, swirling vortex enveloped the skeleton lying on the cavern floor, an eerie transformation began to unfold. The skeletal remains, which had rested motionless for who knew how long, underwent a haunting metamorphosis. Bones elongated, sinews of darkness coiled and intertwined, and the cavern's ethereal light seemed to infuse the skeletal form.

The transformation was surreal, as if the very essence of life was being woven into the remains.

Then, with an otherworldly shimmer, the skeletal figure transformed into a beautiful young woman. Her skin glowed with an otherworldly radiance, her hair cascading like midnight silk, and her eyes sparkled with an otherworldly vitality.

She smiled at Grigor with an expression of gratitude and wonder. "You saved me," she said, her voice a melodic whisper that echoed through the cavern.

"Elena!" Grigor cried out with an overwhelming sense of relief and joy. "You must be so scared."

He rushed forward, his heart racing, and enveloped her in a tight embrace. Tears of happiness welled in his eyes as he held the woman he thought he had lost forever.

The reunion was a moment of pure, unadulterated happiness in the midst of the nightmarish Demonic Realm. Grigor and Elena clung to each other, their emotions too powerful for words.

As Francus watched the reunion between Grigor and the transformed figure that appeared to be Elena, he couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that something was terribly amiss. From his hidden vantage point, the scene played out before him in a way that filled him with dread.

While Grigor embraced the beautiful woman, in Francus's view, it was a horrifying illusion. He saw Grigor hugging the lifeless skeleton, not Elena. There was no sign of life or vitality in the skeletal figure, and it became evident that the demon god had woven a powerful illusion to deceive Grigor.

A cold sweat broke out on Francus's brow as he realized the extent of the malevolent trickery at play. The demon god had manipulated Grigor's perception, making him believe that he had successfully brought Elena back to life. In reality, Grigor was embracing a lifeless husk controlled by the sinister entity.

"No, Grigor, don't!" Francus shouted, his voice echoing through the cavern as he rushed forward to intervene. But it was too late. Grigor, lost in the illusion, continued to hold the skeletal figure lovingly.