
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 724: asking for help

724 Chapter 724 Asking For Help

Shuzib decided to reach out to Shinari, one of his trusted colleagues in the Celestial Platoon. He knew that Shinari possessed a deep understanding of mystical phenomena and might offer insights into his transformation.

He initiated the communication, and after a few moments, Shinari's holographic image appeared before him. Her emerald eyes bore a spark of curiosity as she regarded Shuzib.

"Shuzib, it's been a while," Shinari greeted him, her voice calm and reassuring. "How can I assist you today?"

Shuzib hesitated for a moment before he began to explain his unusual experiences and transformation, including the cryptic message he had received and his inability to contact Aldred.

Shinari listened attentively, her expression shifting from curiosity to contemplation. "It's clear that you've undergone a significant change, Shuzib after all, we are all went through changes." The thirst for blood and heightened senses are indeed reminiscent of the vampiric condition. But what's most intriguing is the source of this transformation."

She leaned in closer, her holographic form displaying keen interest. "You mentioned Aldred's blessing. That may hold the key to understanding your current state. However, there's one question I must ask: have you seen any status panels with numbers and levels since this transformation?"

Shuzib furrowed his brow, searching his memory. "No, I haven't. I've experienced these changes, but there haven't been any visible indicators or status panels like you mentioned."

Shinari's brow creased in response. "That's odd. If this is indeed a result of Aldred's influence, there should be some form of interface to monitor and control these abilities. It's as though your transformation lacks a user manual, so to speak."

Shuzib nodded, a sense of unease settling over him. "I've been trying to contact Aldred, but the communication is silent. I thought he might have answers, but now I'm not so sure."

She gazed at Shuzib with a reassuring smile. "We'll figure this out, Shuzib. For now, I suggest you continue your exploration and experimentation with your newfound abilities. And keep trying to contact Aldred. He may respond when the time is right."

Shuzib nodded, grateful for Shinari's support and guidance. "Thank you, Shinari. I'll do my best to unravel this mystery and, hopefully, find a way to control these abilities."

Shinari tapped her fingers together thoughtfully. "This situation is unlike anything I've encountered before. Aldred's cosmic blessings are usually accompanied by clear guidance. However, it's clear that this is Aldred's work. After all, he is a vampire too."

"Wait what?"

Shinari covered her lips as if indicating that she said something that she wasn't supposed to. "Forget what I said."

"How can I forget something like that. Tell me. Is it true that Aldred is a vampire?"

"Not fully, but partly. He has the blood of a vampire inside him."

"How is that possible? Does a vampire attacked him in the past?"

"No… don't tell anyone about this yet, but Aldred's mother is actually a vampire."

Shuzib was taken aback by Shinari's revelation about Aldred's heritage. The implications of having a leader with vampire blood in a galaxy rife with racial tensions were significant. He understood the gravity of the situation and the importance of keeping this information hidden for now.

"Shinari, this changes everything," Shuzib whispered, his voice tinged with concern. "Aldred's mixed blood could become a weapon against him if it's exposed. We need to handle this delicately."

Shinari nodded solemnly, her holographic image conveying her agreement. "You're absolutely right, Shuzib. We must keep this information confidential, especially considering the current state of intergalactic affairs. It's crucial to maintain the fragile peace we've achieved."

Shuzib's mind raced with thoughts of the potential consequences. The newfound knowledge weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't help but wonder about Aldred's motives and the role he played in the grand scheme of cosmic politics.

"I've always respected Aldred as a leader," Shuzib admitted. "But this revelation raises so many questions. What does it mean for his plans and for our galaxy as a whole?"

Shinari's holographic form shimmered as she sighed. "We may never fully understand Aldred's intentions, but I believe he has a vision for a more inclusive and peaceful galaxy, despite his own complicated heritage."

Shuzib nodded in agreement. "Aldred has brought together mercenaries of various races, fostering cooperation and unity. If he can maintain this fragile balance, it could be a turning point for our galaxy."

Shinari offered a small smile. "Let's focus on understanding your own transformation first, Shuzib. Perhaps Aldred's bloodline has something to do with it, or maybe there are other cosmic forces at play. Either way, we need to uncover the truth."

"I don't know, Shinari. This is a much bigger problem than mine. It the inquisitors know about this, there is a chance that they might exterminate us all and destroying this entire region of the galaxy."

Shinari pondered. "You're right. If it's the inquisitor they do tend to make extreme action."

Shuzib then asked if Shinari could come and visit him in person to help with his situation and perhaps provide more insights. However, Shinari hesitated and reluctantly declined. "I wish I could, Shuzib, but I'm currently serving as the interim leader of the Celestial Platoon in Aldred's absence. My responsibilities here are immense, and I can't leave at the moment."

Shuzib nodded understandingly, appreciating Shinari's dedication to their cause. "I understand, Shinari. Who do you recommend I turn to for help and guidance in the meantime?"

Shinari considered her options before responding, "You should contact Cleome and Salamander. Cleome is our comrade and a master of lightning. She may have insights into your transformation. Salamander, on the other hand, is a genius military tech engineer who might be able to assist in deciphering any cosmic technology involved."

"I did consider to contact them."

Taking Shinari's advice to heart, Shuzib thanked her for her guidance and assured her that he would reach out to Cleome and Salamander immediately.

After ending the communication with Shinari, Shuzib wasted no time in contacting Cleome, who was known for her lightning manipulation abilities. Cleome's holographic image soon appeared on Shuzib's communication screen, her sharp blue eyes reflecting curiosity.

"Shuzib, what can I do for you?" Cleome inquired, her voice carrying an air of confidence.

Shuzib briefly summarized his unusual transformation and the lack of clarity surrounding Aldred's blessing. "Cleome, I need your expertise. Something has happened to me, and I believe it might be related to cosmic energies or mystical forces. Can you help me understand what's going on?"

Cleome studied Shuzib's appearance and demeanor before nodding thoughtfully. "Of course, Shuzib. I'll do my best to assist you. Let's start by gathering any information you have about your transformation and Aldred's involvement."

Shuzib began recounting the events, describing the cryptic message, his thirst for blood, heightened senses, and his failed attempts to contact Aldred. Cleome listened attentively, her lightning-themed holographic aura flickering with intrigue.

"It's undoubtedly a complex situation," Cleome remarked. "I'll need some time to analyze the cosmic energies at play here. In the meantime, do your best to document any changes or sensations you experience. Every detail could be crucial."

Shuzib nodded, feeling a renewed sense of hope with Cleome's involvement. "Thank you, Cleome. Your assistance means a lot to me. I'll keep you updated on any developments."

After concluding the conversation with Cleome, Shuzib wasted no time in reaching out to Salamander, the brilliant military tech engineer of their team. Salamander was known for his proficiency in deciphering and understanding advanced technology.

Salamander's holographic image appeared on Shuzib's screen, and he greeted Shuzib with his signature enthusiasm. "Shuzib, my man! What can I do for you today?"

Shuzib quickly briefed Salamander on his transformation and the enigmatic circumstances surrounding it. "Salamander, this might involve cosmic technology or some form of advanced blessing from Aldred. I need your expertise to decode any possible tech-related aspects of this."

Salamander rubbed his hands together eagerly, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "You've come to the right guy, Shuzib. Let's dig into the data and see if we can uncover any hidden systems or technology responsible for your changes. Send me all the data you have."

Shuzib complied, transferring the relevant information to Salamander for analysis.

"Hm, it seems like there is nothing technological about your changes. Instead, it seems to be purely biological."

"Is that outside your expertise?"

Salamander grinned. "Not at all. Because of Aldred's blessings, I can now learn all kinds of knowledge within days. I have absorbed over 100 million pages worth of books regarding biology and I think I can find more data about your changes. Do you mind coming to my lab?"

Shuzib was intrigued by Salamander's offer to analyze the biological aspects of his transformation. His trust in Salamander's technological prowess was unwavering, and if there was any chance of understanding the nature of his changes, he was willing to explore it.

"I don't mind at all, Salamander," Shuzib replied, his curiosity piqued. "I'll come to your lab as soon as possible. Please provide me with the coordinates."

Salamander grinned, his excitement palpable. "Excellent, Shuzib! Here are the coordinates to my spacecraft's location." He transmitted the precise information to Shuzib's communication device, ensuring a seamless rendezvous.

As Shuzib prepared to make his way to Salamander's lab, he couldn't help but contemplate the intricacies of his situation. His transformation into what appeared to be a vampire-like being was shrouded in mystery, and the revelation about Aldred's mixed heritage had added another layer of complexity to the equation.

Shuzib pressed his comms and made a call. "Captain, bring me to Salamander. Here are the coordinates."

The captain saluted. "Yes, sir!"

With Cleome and Salamander by his side, Shuzib felt a glimmer of hope that they might unravel the mysteries surrounding his transformation and Aldred's cosmic blessings.