
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 722: entering the nest

722 Chapter 722 Entering The Nest

Francus and Grigor, their adrenaline pumping after accepting the Eldrenath mission, strode confidently towards the Celestial Transportation office. The Celestial Platoon prided itself on its extensive network of shuttles and portals, accessible to all members for their official duties. No need for grimy cargo ships or unreliable mounts here.

"Alright, Grigor," Francus said, cracking his knuckles, "let's see what kind of demon feast we're in for at Eldrenath. I hear these ruins are chock-full of foul beasts."

Grigor, ever the cautious veteran, rolled his eyes. "Francus, we'll figure it out once we get there. Remember, scouting comes first, bravado after."

They entered the bustling transport office, its holographic displays flickering with departure times and destination routes. A friendly operator greeted them with a smile. "Good morning, warriors! Where might you be off to today?"

"Eldrenath, ruins sector," Grigor replied, handing her their identification tokens. "Official Celestial Platoon mission."

The operator's eyes widened slightly. "Eldrenath, eh? That's a tough one. Are you sure you're—"

"We're good," Francus interjected, a grin flashing beneath his helmet. "Heard whispers of some particularly nasty demons nesting there. Just the kind of challenge we crave."

The operator chuckled, impressed by their enthusiasm. "Very well. You're in luck. We have a transport leaving for Eldrenath in ten minutes. Hop on board, and good luck with your extermination."

"Wait a minute! Aren't you the two the ones that survived against the demons' ambush?"

"Oh, the news spread fast."

"Everyone is talking about the ambush for weeks. It's incredible that you two survived."

Francus smiled. "Even we don't understand how we are still alive. But after that event, I never feel a stronger urge to kill a demon."

The operator nodded at him. "That's the spirit."

Moments later, Francus and Grigor found themselves aboard a sleek, silver shuttle, hurtling towards Eldrenath. The bustling cityscape receded into a dizzying blur as they pierced the atmosphere, the desolate remains of the Eldrenath ruins looming on the horizon.

"Those certainly look like forsaken ruins," Francus remarked, peering through the observation window. "Grim and desolate, perfect for demon scum."

Grigor grunted, adjusting his rifle. "Don't underestimate them, Francus. This isn't some tavern brawl. Demons can be unpredictable, cunning… and messy."

Francus leaned back, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, I wouldn't have it any other way, Grigor. A little challenge keeps life interesting, wouldn't you agree?"

"Haish, I guess I was also like you when I was young."

The shuttle descended rapidly, the landing gear hissing as it touched down near the crumbling stone structures of Eldrenath. Francus and Grigor exchanged a nod, their faces hardening with grim determination. The demon hunt was on.

The Eldrenath ruins greeted Francus and Grigor with a chilling silence, broken only by the wind whistling through the broken archways and the echoing crunch of their boots on loose stones. The air itself felt thick with an ancient, oppressive energy, sending shivers down their spines despite the heat of the midday sun.

As they cautiously navigated the labyrinthine paths, the ruins revealed their secrets. Crumbling frescos depicted strange rituals and forgotten deities, while the ground underfoot littered with bleached bones whispered of past battles. The silence amplified every sound, making the crackle of energy from Grigor's plasma rifle seem deafening.

They soon encountered their first adversary - a twisted, emaciated form with glowing red eyes and leathery wings that rasped against the stone.

It moved with unnatural speed and possessed an unsettling affinity for shadows, darting in and out of their range, its claws ripping at their armor.

Francus countered with his lightning-fast bladework, while Grigor's precise energy blasts illuminated the creature's movements, allowing them to strike down the beast before it could inflict serious harm.

Further exploration led them deeper into the ruins, encountering more demons, each unique and horrifying in its own way.

Some lumbered like grotesque beasts, their bodies fused with warped metal and bone, while others were incorporeal wisps that haunted the halls, draining the life force from any living thing they touched. The dangers were not just physical - the oppressive atmosphere itself seeped into their minds, whispering doubts and anxieties, threatening to overwhelm their resolve.

One particularly harrowing encounter saw them trapped in a crumbling chamber with a pack of agile, insectoid demons.

Grigor deployed his energy shield. "Be careful! They are poisonous!"

"You mean venomous?" Francus loaded his energy blaster.

The creatures skittered across the walls, their mandibles dripping with caustic venom, forcing Francus and Grigor to fight back-to-back, their skill and teamwork the only thing keeping them alive. By the time they burst free, their armor was dented, their bodies bruised, and their breath ragged, but their spirit remained unbroken.

"Those demons aren't as strong as I thought they would be." Francus weakly held his gun as he looked at the dead demon.

"We are not done yet. Let's go further." Grigor pulled out his blade out of the demon and led forward.

As they explored deeper, they finally stumbled upon the source of the demonic infestation - a pulsating portal crackling with unholy energy. From it poured forth an endless stream of the twisted creatures, fueled by the dark power emanating from the portal's depths. This was the heart of the problem, the reason the Eldrenath ruins had become a beacon for demonic activity.

"A portal," Francus said.

"I can see that," Grigor replied.

"What do we do now?" Francus never encountered this situation before.

"I read the guideline, and in this situation, we are supposed to report back." Grigor considered his option.

"What's inside the portal anyway?" Francus approached it.

"Don't get too close to it. The portal is connected to demon realm."

Francus immediately retreated and warily observed the portal. He even readied his weapon just in case any demon popped out.

"Anyway, let's leave this place. It's too dangerous to stay here." Grigor turned around.

Just as they were about to leave, they were startled by a distant yet desperate voice echoing through the crumbling stones. "Help... please, someone!"

Francus was puzzled and wondered if he heard that right. "Did you hear that, Grigor?"

He did not reply.

'Weird,' Francus thought.

Francus turned around again, about to leave, until an ethereal image of a woman flickered on the surface of the pulsating portal.

"Help me! I'm trapped in the demon realm," the spectral figure pleaded before vanishing, leaving an air of tension in its wake.

Francus, nervous yet intrigued, looked at Grigor. "Did you see that?"

Grigor's eyes widened, and he staggered back. "Elena! That was Elena's voice. I'm coming for you!" Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed toward the portal, fueled by a surge of determination and concern.

Francus hesitated, torn between the eerie unknown of the portal and his loyalty to his comrade. "Grigor, wait! We don't know what's on the other side."

But Grigor, consumed by his urgency to rescue the mysterious Elena, didn't heed the warning. With a determined roar, he plunged into the portal, disappearing from sight.

"For the holy soul of the Emperor!" Francus, left with no choice but to follow his fellow warrior, steeled himself and entered the portal.