
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 714: domino effect

Francus and Grigor looked at each other. "I am not dreaming, right?" Francus questioned, a mixture of disbelief and relief evident in his voice.

Grigor chuckled. "If this is a dream, it's the most vivid one I've ever had."

As the celestial forces continued to mop up the remnants of the demonic threat, the local planetary forces regained their composure. In the command center, officers who moments ago faced the imminent destruction of their planet now exchanged glances of disbelief and gratitude.

The planetary forces, propelled by newfound hope, initiated a coordinated effort to clean up the battlefield. Teams of rescuers, equipped with advanced technology, descended onto the wreckage of the fallen cargo ship. Their primary mission: to tend to the wounded and salvage whatever remained.

Francus and Grigor, still on the remnants of the cargo ship, let out a sigh of relief as the rescuers approached. The shockwaves of the battle had left them battered and broken, but the mere fact that they survived was a testament to their resilience.

The rescuers, equipped with anti-gravity devices, carefully lifted Francus and Grigor off the rubble. As they ascended, Francus couldn't help but glance at the remnants of the cosmic clash that unfolded around them. The celestial ballet, now a memory etched in the vastness of space, had given way to a scene of recovery.

That was one of the key traits of humanity's greatness. Their ability to quickly rebuild after destructions was one of the fastest and efficient within the galaxy.

On a medical transport vessel, Francus and Grigor were greeted by a team of skilled doctors. The medical personnel, shocked that the two veterans managed to survive the fall and the subsequent explosion.

"How is this possible? They only lose an arm and a leg. Are there any more survivors?"

"None. Only the two of them survived the fall."

"They fall from low orbit of the planet and the ship created an explosion equivalent to that."

In the makeshift infirmary, the doctors marveled at the resilience of Francus and Grigor. "Surviving that fall and explosion is nothing short of miraculous," one of the doctors remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.

Francus, lying on a medical bed, grinned through the pain. "Well, we've been through worse."

Grigor, receiving treatment for his mangled shoulder, chuckled. "You can say that again."

As the doctors continued their work, the planetary forces initiated a comprehensive cleanup operation. Debris from the celestial battle was systematically collected, and the wounded were transported to medical facilities across the planet. The once chaotic battlefield transformed into a hub of organized recovery.

The local planetary forces, now reinvigorated by the unexpected turn of events, coordinated with the Celestial Platoon to ensure that the remnants of the demonic threat were thoroughly eradicated. The alliance between the planetary forces and the celestial warriors, forged in the crucible of crisis, marked a new chapter in the cosmic struggle against the unknown.

The news of the battle spread all across the galaxy. The event received mixed opinions. Some feared that their home planet would be attacked by the demons, the other focused on how Aldred actively rescued the planet before the demon could inflict devastating damage.

"So what if he rescued the planet? How many planets can he save at once? If we continue to participate in this war, the demons will surely attack us sooner or later to stop the supply chain. We are all been lied to! Aldred is not planning to save us, he is pulling us into a war that we do not need to fight!"

"You fool! Is your brain so stupid that you cannot see things in the future? If we do not fight this battle, the demons will slowly expand their territory and sooner or later we will need to fight. Humans have always been enemies with the demons for eons. Even if the demons located thousands of light-years away from us, we all should contribute to their extermination as much as we possibly can!"

Such debates occured numerous times in countless worlds as they wanted to decide what to do next.

The mixed opinions on the attack resonated throughout the galaxy. While some viewed Aldred's intervention as a necessary defense against an encroaching threat, others questioned the motives behind the cosmic conflict. The fear of repercussions and the uncertainty of the demons' next move fueled anxiety among various civilizations.

As the news of Aldred's intervention reverberated through the galaxy, various underground forces on many worlds found themselves compelled to express their agreement or disagreement regarding joining the cosmic battle against the demons.

On one particular planet, a secret coalition of rebels who opposed their government's alignment with Aldred's cause began plotting in the shadowy recesses of their hidden bases. They deemed Aldred a potential threat to their autonomy and believed that their world should remain free from cosmic conflicts. This clandestine group, fueled by dissent, sent encrypted messages across the planet, rallying like-minded individuals who shared their skepticism about Aldred's intentions.

Conversely, on another world, an underground organization fervently supportive of Aldred's cause took to the streets to express their allegiance. Armed with propaganda posters and rallying cries, they sought to overthrow their government's resistance to aiding Aldred in the celestial war. Their message was clear: the demons posed a significant threat, and uniting with Aldred was the only way to ensure the survival of their civilization.

In the midst of these ideological clashes, chaos erupted on several planets. A particularly radical underground faction, vehemently opposed to both Aldred and their government, incited riots and uprisings. They believed in complete autonomy and wanted to sever all ties with the cosmic conflict. As the clashes escalated, planetary governments struggled to maintain control, torn between the cosmic threat and internal strife.

Aldred read all of these reports as he was sitting inside his flagship. "I didn't expect they will react so violently. Aren't the Imperium at constant war with basically everyone? Why are these people overreacting?"

Vortimer, who was standing nearby, replied: "This part of the galaxy has not seen major conflict for a few decades. Most of their policy and way of life revolves around peace."

"Peace. That was a rare word to say in this galaxy," Aldred replied. "Anyway, we need to find a way to calm down the domino effect. If not, we will lose the war before it even start."

Shinari stepped into the room with a sense of urgency and began her report to Aldred. "Aldred, there's something you need to know. On a distant world, certain factions are resorting to a rather elaborate scheme. They've crafted a fake terrorist organization and orchestrated a play, depicting their planet as if it's under occupation by these entirely fictional threats. The objective is clear: they want to create a narrative suggesting that their world is facing imminent danger from within, aiming to divert attention away from the cosmic conflict and discredit any attempts to support your cause."

Aldred listened intently to Shinari's report, his expression a mix of concern and contemplation. "Fabricating a terrorist threat to avoid the cosmic conflict... ingenious, yet dangerous," he mused.

Shinari nodded. "It's a desperate attempt to maintain a semblance of peace. The fear of the unknown, coupled with doubts about your intentions, has led some civilizations to extreme measures."

Aldred leaned forward, his gaze piercing through the holographic displays. "We can't allow misinformation to derail our mission. We need to address these concerns and find common ground. Communication is key."

Aldred nodded in agreement. "Prepare a broadcast. I'll address the galaxy and make our stance clear. It's time to unite against the true enemy and dispel the shadows of doubt."

Meanwhile, on various worlds, the underground factions continued their clashes of ideology. Some sought diplomatic means to express their concerns, hoping for a peaceful resolution, while others remained adamant in their opposition to Aldred's cosmic alliance.

Aldred's proclamation resonated across the cosmic expanse, his voice amplified by the advanced communication networks that interconnected the galaxy. With a tone that carried the weight of celestial authority, he invoked the name of Inquisitor Aeliana, a figure of immense power and influence within the Imperium.

"Galactic citizens, I, Aldred, speak with the authority bestowed upon me by the esteemed Inquisitor Aeliana. I understand the concerns that shroud your hearts, and the yearning for tranquility in these trying times. Yet, we face a peril that transcends the boundaries of our individual worlds. The demons, relentless and insatiable, threaten all life across the cosmos. If we falter in unity, they will engulf everything in their voracious path."

The subtle use of Inquisitor Aeliana's name carried an implicit message, a not-so-veiled warning to those who hesitated to contribute to the cosmic war effort. Aldred continued, his words a cosmic decree tinged with the unspoken threat that only heretics and traitors would defy the call to arms.

"Under the watchful gaze of Inquisitor Aeliana, we must recognize the gravity of our situation. The demons show no mercy, no distinction between friend or foe. To abstain from this cosmic struggle is to court annihilation, and inaction only serves to pave the way for the encroaching darkness."

Across countless worlds, leaders and citizens alike heard the resonating message. The mention of Inquisitor Aeliana's name struck a chord of both reverence and trepidation. Whispers of her influence permeated the political chambers and common spaces, and the threat veiled within Aldred's words sent ripples of concern through the diverse civilizations.

In the wake of Aldred's address, a wave of reactions swept across the galaxy. Some saw the invocation of Inquisitor Aeliana as a call to duty, a reminder of the Imperium's watchful eye and the consequences of defiance. They rallied their forces, committing to the cosmic battle against the demonic threat.

However, not all received the message with unquestioning loyalty. On certain worlds, dissent simmered beneath the surface. Leaders wary of losing autonomy and civilians skeptical of the cosmic conflict began to voice their reservations. They questioned the legitimacy of Aldred's authority and the true motivations behind the celestial war.

"That will shut most of them in the meantime," Aldred said.