
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 709: unusual demon

Hundreds of Light-years away from Aldred's location, amidst the cold expanse of space, surrounded by the celestial dance of distant galaxies, the demonic commander, Azrakoth, sat upon his obsidian throne within the heart of his colossal flagship, the Stygian Eclipse. Five solar systems bowed to his command, and his dominion extended like a shadow across the cosmos.

The news of the unexpected assault on the front lines reached Azrakoth like a searing bolt of infernal lightning. His eyes, ablaze with demonic energy, narrowed as the report unfolded before him through holographic projections. His most trusted advisors, adorned with ominous horns and draped in dark cloaks, exchanged wary glances.

"Commander Azrakoth," began Borgath, the chief strategist, his voice resonating with an air of malevolence, "the humans have dared to strike at our forces. They have unleashed a force fueled by celestial fire, a power that rivals our own."

Azrakoth's eyes flared with a mixture of fury and intrigue. "Humans challenging our dominion? Preposterous," he growled. "What insolence has driven them to such madness?"

Voragosa, the high sorceress, stepped forward. "Reports suggest that their celestial forces are led by a formidable being named Aldred. He wields a power we have not encountered before. The very fabric of space seems to respond to his presence."

Azrakoth's throne emitted an eerie glow as he considered the implications. "Aldred," he mused, "a name etched in the cosmic tapestry. We shall see if his power can withstand the might of the demonic legions. Prepare the fleets for battle."

The war room buzzed with a sinister energy as Azrakoth and his advisors delved into discussions about the unfolding crisis. The holographic displays flickered with celestial charts and demonic sigils, mapping out strategies to counter the unexpected threat.

Golmash, the demon general renowned for his ruthlessness in battle, spoke with a deep, guttural voice, "Commander, the humans may have momentarily disrupted our forces, but our legions are vast, and our demonic energy boundless. We shall crush them underfoot."

Azrakoth nodded in agreement. "True, Golmash. But we must not underestimate their celestial weaponry. Borgath, devise a strategy to counter their celestial fire. Voragosa, tap into the abyssal energies; let the demons be a torrent that drowns Aldred's feeble resistance."

As his advisors hurriedly implemented his commands, Azrakoth's thoughts were consumed by the flames of war. The demonic legions mobilized across the five solar systems, preparing for an impending clash that would resonate through the cosmos.

Sending his dark tendrils of thought across the vast reaches of space, Azrakoth issued commands to his demonic commanders in each solar system. The communication lines crackled with infernal energy as the demonic leaders received their orders.

Commander Valakar, overseeing the defense of the third solar system, transmitted back, "Commander Azrakoth, we are readying our forces for the coming onslaught. The humans shall taste the wrath of the demonic horde."

Azrakoth's voice, a resonant echo that reverberated through the war room, commanded, "Let the humans believe they stand a chance, for their fleeting hope shall make their defeat all the more satisfying. Crush them, Valakar, and let the abyss consume their celestial arrogance."

As the demonic legions prepared for battle, the Stygian Eclipse, its colossal frame cloaked in shadows, moved toward the front lines. Azrakoth, seated upon his obsidian throne, watched the unfolding chaos through the ship's observation portals.

The demonic commanders reported the deployment of legions, the activation of dark shields, and the readiness of demonic war machines. The air in the war room crackled with anticipation as Azrakoth's gaze remained fixed on the celestial battleground.

Voragosa, sensing the tension, whispered to Azrakoth, "Commander, our forces are prepared. The humans shall know the futility of resisting the demonic tide. Should we release them?"

"No. Not yet. The humans would expect a fierce counter-attack. However, we will let them wait."

"But the humans will think—"

"The humans are smart. We must not underestimate them. One of the signs of low intellect is underestimating one's enemy. Are you a low-intellect individual?"

Voragosa stayed silent.

Azrakoth scoffed. "We are not attacking. Not now. Heed my command, prepare our army for war."

In the depths of the demonic strongholds across the five solar systems, the air resonated with the sounds of war. Demonic forges echoed with the clang of hammers shaping infernal alloys into deadly weapons, and demonic soldiers engaged in rigorous training, their movements synchronized in a demonic dance of martial prowess.

Commander Golmash, the demon general, oversaw the intense preparations for war. He moved through the training grounds, his presence commanding both fear and respect. Demon soldiers honed their combat skills, slashing through holographic simulations of celestial adversaries. In darkened chambers, demon strategists devised battle tactics, studying holographic representations of Aldred's previous encounters.

In the colossal demonic shipyards, demons toiled tirelessly to construct space warships imbued with the essence of the abyss. Enormous vessels, adorned with demonic symbols and bristling with otherworldly weaponry, took shape under the watchful eyes of demonic overseers. The air around the shipyards hummed with the rhythmic pulsing of demonic energy as the warships were infused with the malevolence that fueled the demonic forces.

Borgath, the chief strategist, monitored the progress with a calculating gaze. "Commander Azrakoth," he reported, "our warships are nearing completion. The very hulls resonate with demonic power, ready to unleash devastation upon Aldred's celestial armada."

Azrakoth, seated upon his obsidian throne within the Stygian Eclipse, observed the holographic displays detailing the demonic preparations. The air in the war room vibrated with anticipation as the demonic legions geared up for the cosmic clash.

Voragosa, the high sorceress, delved into the abyssal energies, channeling dark forces to empower the demonic troops. The air crackled with malevolent energy as she conducted dark rituals, weaving spells to enhance the demonic soldiers' strength and resilience.

As the demonic legions honed their skills and their warships neared completion, Azrakoth sent his dark tendrils of thought across the vastness of space. He communicated with commanders overseeing the production of demonic weapons, urging them to expedite the mass manufacturing of infernal arms.

In the third solar system, Commander Valakar, spurred by Azrakoth's command, orchestrated the construction of vast military infrastructures. Demonic citadels rose from the desolate landscapes, equipped with imposing defensive structures and summoning pits where reinforcements could be called forth from the abyss.

These defensive structures were very powerful as they were inspired by human architecture, however, a lot of demons despised all of these defensive measures.

Demons should be domineering. Everyone should be too scared of them to even think about attacking, so many low-levels demons despised these structures even though their presence was crucial for warfare.

In the command center of the Stellar Seraph, Aldred's brows furrowed as the reports from the celestial scouts painted a perplexing picture. The demons, instead of launching an immediate counter-attack, seemed to be preparing with an unexpected level of patience. Aldred turned to Vortimer, his trusted second-in-command, with a questioning gaze.

"Vortimer, this is unusual. The demons appear to be consolidating their forces and fortifying their positions. I didn't expect them to show such restraint," Aldred remarked, studying the holographic displays.

Vortimer, clad in the distinctive uniform of the Celestial Platoon, analyzed the data. "Indeed. It seems they are opting for a more strategic approach, strengthening their military infrastructure and defenses. This level of patience is unexpected from demonic forces."

"It's as if they are biding their time, waiting for something. This could be a calculated move on their part. We need to be prepared for any surprises they might have in store."

Vortimer nodded in agreement. "Shall I relay orders to the fleet commanders to maintain heightened readiness? We can't afford to underestimate the demons, especially if they're deviating from their usual aggressive tactics."

Aldred glanced at Vortimer. He noticed that the robot's word of choice and tones have changed to a little more respectful than before.

Aldred considered the options. "Yes, Vortimer. Instruct the fleet to stay vigilant and be ready to adapt our strategies. I want constant updates on the demons' movements. If they're taking a more patient approach, there's a reason, and we need to discover it before it's too late."

"Perhaps they are just training their army and building more ships. Although, the demons way of fighting change over the millennium, their intelligence are not comparable to that of human. However, I will transmit the order."

As Vortimer transmitted the orders to the fleet commanders, Aldred continued to analyze the holographic displays, his mind racing with the possibilities. The demons, known for their ferocity and impulsiveness, were now displaying a level of strategic thinking that raised questions about their intentions.

"It's a waiting game now, Aldred," Vortimer noted, his eyes focused on the ongoing celestial battle outside.

Aldred nodded, his gaze fixed on the holographic representation of the demon strongholds. "Patience has never been a virtue associated with demons. We must be prepared for whatever they have planned. This silence from their end is unsettling."

"High ranking demons can show a sign of higher intellect. Most of them only compared to that of humans, however, there are some rare ones that surpass humanity's intellect."

"Seems like humanity's intellect is highly regarded in the galaxy."

"That is not the case. The humans are considered closest to the animals. It's just that in this case, the demons are worst than animals."

"I see. Who's the smartest then?"

"In average, the elves are far more superior in intelligent compared to humans. Eons ago, they are the ones that dominated the galaxy throughly. Every inch of this cosmic disk was theirs to rule, however, their pride and ego and way of living soon become the very reason of their demise. Now you only see a remnant of their massive empire."

Aldred nodded. He had read about that as well. "For now, keep watch on the demons. If they decide to play the waiting game, then I will force them to come out much sooner."

He grinned.