
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 698: two years later

Two years passed, and the Xantis Expanse underwent a remarkable transformation under Aldred's leadership.

The once war-torn region now thrived with economic activities, bustling cities, and improved living conditions. Aldred's commitment to rebuilding the infrastructure, implementing effective governance, and fostering economic growth had turned the once-gloomy cosmic region into a prosperous part of human society.

Celestial Platoon became synonymous with stability and order in the Xantis Expanse. Aldred's mercenaries, now well-trained and battle-hardened, patrolled the region, dealing with pirates, thieves, and other criminals. The Celestial Platoon's reputation as enforcers of justice spread far and wide, dissuading those who sought to exploit the vulnerable.

Aldred, however, did not confine his efforts to the Xantis Expanse alone.

His mercenaries took on missions and tasks all over the galaxy, from protecting trade routes to rescuing hostages and gathering valuable intelligence. The Celestial Platoon became a sought-after force, and Aldred's strategic brilliance and unwavering commitment to justice earned him admiration and respect.

Shinari, along with other key members of the Celestial Platoon, witnessed the expansion of their influence and the positive impact on the regions they touched. The once skeptical mercenaries who had questioned Aldred's motives now saw the tangible results of his leadership. The believers in the cult of Aldred multiplied, praising his name as a force of positive change.

Mentioning his name was like mentioning the name of a god.

The Celestial Platoon's headquarters, once a center for war strategies, now served as a hub for diplomacy and coordination. Representatives from different planets and systems sought an audience with Aldred, hoping to align themselves with the rising power in the galaxy.

Everything was going extremely well.

The Xantis Expanse became almost a literal paradise. People from all around the galaxy came here to find jobs and opportunities, pushing better innovation which leads to more economic growth.

Salamander and the others were so satisfied with this. They couldn't believe that they would have the power to affect so many lives.

There were still battles amongst the star, however, the future seem brighter than before. At least, for the people in the Xantis Expanse.

Yet, none of them had any doubt that Aldred will expanse this region of peace in the future.

Aldred, however, remained focused on his ultimate goal—preparing for the inevitable clash with Lord Malgorth. The demonic threat loomed large, and Aldred understood the importance of strengthening his forces before confronting such a formidable adversary. He invested heavily in battleship production, technology research, and continued training for his expanding army.

Meanwhile, Zarael, Vortimer, and other key figures in the Celestial Platoon worked tirelessly to manage the newly acquired territories and maintain stability. Each member contributed to the organization's success, and Aldred ensured that their efforts were recognized and rewarded.

Aldred still did not know where Vortimer's true forces were hiding. From what he knew for the last 2 years, he did not have a clear territory, instead, his forces were scattered all around the galaxy.

He wasn't worried that Vortimer would stab him in the back, though. Surprisingly, Vortimer had been a great help and was very cooperative.

'I thought he hated humans.'

As the Celestial Platoon continued its galactic operations, Aldred received reports of Lord Malgorth's activities. The demon lord, too, had been consolidating power, expanding his influence across the galaxy.

Aldred did not know why Lord Malgorth aggressively expanding his power. It felt like he was preparing for something.

Inside the command center of the Stellar Seraph, Aldred sat in contemplation, his eyes fixed on holographic displays detailing the ongoing operations in various sectors of the galaxy.

His mind was consumed with the impending clash with Lord Malgorth, the demon lord whose motives remained shrouded in mystery. Aldred, a seasoned strategist, couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Malgorth's relentless expansion than met the eye. The demon lord's actions hinted at a grander scheme, one that Aldred struggled to decipher.

"Lord Malgorth has been expanding his forces since ten years ago, not discriminating between the elven, the orcs, and the other races territory. However, most of the area he attacked are owned by humans. In fact, one of the recently attacked area is very near the Xantis Expanse. Sooner or later, I should receive a call."

As he pondered the enigma of Lord Malgorth, a holographic projection flickered to life, and an urgent communication request appeared on the main display. The title read "The Holy Inquisition."

Aldred, intrigued and somewhat wary, accepted the call. The holographic image of a distinguished figure in elaborate robes materialized before him.

"Greetings, Aldred, leader of the Celestial Platoon. I am Inquisitor Aeliana, representing The Holy Inquisition. We have been watching your activities with great interest."

Aldred smiled and slightly bowed his head. "What would make a powerful and respectable inquisitor take an interest in this lowly me?"

While he was kingdom-building the Xantis Expanse, he studied the hierarchy system of Elven, Orcs, and other races. Especially the humans.

He understood that the inquisition were one of the most powerful group in the Imperium.

Other than the Emperor and his Holy Sons, the inquisition had the power to command all the military of mankind.

A single word from them could send an entire legion of battleships to the Xantis Expanse.

"First, I would like to praise you for cleansing the criminals from Xantis Expanse. Every human territory is solely owned by the Imperium and you have greatly contributed by cleansing the stain on our holy land."

"I am unworthy of such praise."

"You are worthy, so I offers you a chance to cleanse another stain on our window once more. I am sure you are aware of the demon army. Their territory are centered at X 548.32, Y -213.17, Z 695.88 and 600 light-years wide in diameter."

Aeliana, the Inquisitor, continued. "The region has over 452,400 stars. They are valuable resources for the Imperium and losing them can become a catastrophic event."

"What can be done, Inquisitor?"

"I demand you to show and prove your loyalty to the Emperor. Fight the demon army."

Aldred already expected that. The people in higher power always had the tendency to tell others to do thing.

It was some sort of curse for the people above.

However, Aldred had a ace card for this kind of people.

"I shall do as you command, Inquisitor. However, in order to defeat the demon army with such a grand scale, I will need significant resources and manpower. The cost needed to require all of this are huge. I hope the Inquisitor can help me with that."

Aeliana silently glared at him.

Aldred was worried a bit.