
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 685.3: invading lord drakon (part 3)

"You!" Lord Drakon recognized who he was. "It was you! How dare you attacked me! I offered you a great deal! And not only you rejected it, now you come to attack me?!"

As Aldred looked down at Lord Drakon, who was shouting in a mix of anger and frustration, he felt a surge of power within him. With a determined gaze, he leaped high into the sky, his form engulfed in a brilliant light that momentarily blinded everyone beneath the cosmic canopy.

The celestial radiance expanded, creating a momentary eclipse that shrouded the battlefield. The brilliance resonated with the cosmic winds, carrying a transformative energy that hinted at Aldred's newfound divinity.

Everyone tried to look away from the light, using their limbs to block the light but it blinded them nonetheless.

As the light began to dissipate, Aldred descended with controlled grace, landing in front of Lord Drakon. The lord, momentarily blinded by the radiant display, squinted to see the figure that now stood before him.

"Just what are you?"

Aldred's eyes glowed with a divine intensity, reflecting the cosmic power that coursed through him. He raised his hand, and a surge of celestial energy emanated, creating a protective barrier around him and Lord Drakon.

"You should have stayed in your place, but you just have to come here."

Lord Drakon, recovering from the blinding light, regarded Aldred with a mixture of defiance and astonishment. "You think your cosmic tricks will frighten me, interloper? I am Lord Octavius Drakon, and I fear nothing!"

Aldred's response was a simple, steely gaze. He then raised his hand, and tendrils of celestial energy extended towards Lord Drakon's enchanted sword, attempting to disarm him without a physical confrontation.

Lord Drakon, feeling the force against his weapon, resisted with a surge of his own dark power.

"I won't make it quick," Aldred said, suddenly appearing right in Lord Drakon's face. His fingers reached out onto his face.

Suddenly, Lord Drakon's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he screamed in pain.

His generals outside the barrier screamed and slammed on the barrier numerous times, trying to save their lord.

"Aldred," Salamander's voice entered from the intercom. "You can't kill him. Even though he is corrupt, he is still a noble of the Imperium. His death will create a massive wave, and it's most likely for the worse."

Aldred recalled when Salamander explained about the noble family. If the head of the noble family died, the family would fight amongst themselves to obtain the first position, creating a massive civil war that could kill billions.

Aldred had delved into the murky water of politics before so he understood this very clearly.

"Too bad," Aldred said, grabbing Lord Drakon's head and threw him to the ground face first.

The barrier surrounding them vanished.

The generals then immediately rushed toward him with their weapons.

But Aldred simply raised his finger and swiped them away, sending them flying in the sky.

"Time to end this." Aldred clapped twice.

Phantom Doomblade appeared, floating behind him.

"Summon the undead army."

As if heeding his command, the Phantom Doomblade trembled with incredible energy before suddenly over 300,000 undead appeared from the shadow and attacked the enemies.

"Kill only half of them," Aldred ordered.

If Aldred killed all of Lord Drakon's army here, the lord might not be able to return to real-space.

Aldred's army, a horde of relentless undead warriors, descended upon the remaining forces of Lord Drakon. The battlefield erupted into a chaotic dance of steel and magic as the undead clashed with Drakon's generals and soldiers.

The Phantom Doomblade, hovering ominously behind Aldred, emanated an otherworldly aura that sent shivers down the spines of those who beheld it. The undead, guided by Aldred's command, moved with calculated efficiency, slaying foes without remorse.

As the battle unfolded, Aldred walked through the chaos, his gaze fixed on Lord Drakon, who was slowly recovering from the effects of Aldred's earlier assault. The defeated generals lay scattered on the ground, their weapons cast aside, and the once-mighty military turrets lay in ruins.

"Lord Drakon," Aldred spoke with a tone of finality, "your conquests end here. But I won't take your life. The consequences of your death would be too great."

Lord Drakon, battered and humiliated, spat blood onto the ground. "You think you've won? This is just a minor setback."

"You lose half of your strongest army. When you return, you will be too busy trying to rebuild what you have. Not to mention you have to hide the fact that you have been greatly weakened. Your brothers, cousins, and distant family will surely want to know what happen to you after you return from the Veil." Aldred grinned.

With another wave of his hand, Aldred commanded the undead to withdraw. The remaining forces of Lord Drakon, battered and broken, retreated in disarray.

"I hope you've learned a lesson, Lord Drakon. There are powers in the cosmos that even a conqueror like you cannot defy," Aldred declared.

As the undead retreated into the shadows, Aldred raised his hand and then slammed the ground.

The Soul Stone, hiding at the core of the planet was suddenly pulled by a mysterious energy, rushing out towards the surface until it reached Aldred's hand.

Lord Drakon's eyes widened. "That thing has been there all along? So that's why you come here! It wasn't me you want to attack!"

"You're not significant enough for me to destroy," Aldred said.

Aldred turned away from the defeated lord and walked back to his Stellar Seraph. The celestial ship, still resonating with energy, awaited his command.

Salamander's voice echoed in Aldred's mind. "Well done, Aldred. You've shown mercy where it was needed. The balance within the Imperium is delicate, and your actions will be remembered."

Aldred nodded, his thoughts still lingering on the complexity of the Soul Stone.

As Aldred boarded the Stellar Seraph, he looked back one last time at the conquered planet. The Veil held mysteries and challenges beyond imagination, but with his newfound purpose, Aldred was ready to face them.

The celestial ship ascended, leaving behind the battlefield and the defeated forces of Lord Drakon.

Vortimer came to him in the command center of the Stellar Seraph. In his hand, the Space Stone.

Aldred smiled. "Finally."