
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 663: battle for the time stone

With a burst of ethereal energy, Quantum Sentinel materialized beside Vortimer, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the charred landscape.

Quantum had a robot-like appearance, his body thick and bulky, adorned with intricate patterns of luminescent lines that glowed with a mystic yet sci-fi aura. In his metallic hands, he wielded a majestic spear, its surface covered in lines of green light that pulsed with an otherworldly energy.

"During this battle, you are not allowed to use the time stone," Vortimer said. "If you do, I will consider that as you breaking the agreement."

"I don't need the stone to defeat your champion," Aldred said. His voice was full of arrogance and conviction as if there was no slightest doubt in the statement.

Only a man who had experienced countless battles and fought in more than a thousand war would have such confidence.

"The rest of you stay here. This is my battle," Aldred told his crew before he leaped off the pillar and landed on the edge of the crater.

He walked forward with his chin high and wide steps. The robots moved out of his way before he met Quantum Sentinel face to face.

Aldred looked at the spear Quantum wielded. "Is he going to use that?"

"Do you have any problem."

"I don't. But I hope you don't either when I use this." Aldred summoned his Phantom Doomblade, blazing in bright flame.

Vortimer trembled slightly when he felt the presence of the Phantom Doomblade up close. Something about the blade terrified him to his core.

It was unusual. He hadn't feel this way for a long time. Vortimer glanced at Quantum.

His royal guard still having the stoic and observant look, locking his gaze towards Aldred as if watching his every move.

"What are the rules to this fight? For example, is it okay if I kill your champion?"

Vortimer chuckled. "You can try to kill him if you can." He continued. "There aren't many rules. You cannot use the time stone, and your friends cannot help you. That is all."

"You sure?"

"Yes," Vortimer replied coldly. "I will begin the battle at the count of three. Prepare yourself!"


Aldred glanced at Quantum. The bulky robot-like figure was staring at him intently. A puff of smoke came out of its nose as if it was breathing.

Aldred's godly eyes told him that this thing wasn't a living being. It had no organs, instead, it had signal paths, some kind of copper lines that usually exist on a motherboard of a computer to carry different signals between computer components.

The information he received was limited however, because his godly eyes hadn't recover fully.

The spear on its hand also had these same lines. Also, Aldred noticed a subtle, almost-invisible, line connecting it and Vortimer.

Aldred observed Quantum's appearance with a mix of awe and wariness.

The robotic figure's thick and bulky frame seemed impenetrable, and the lines of luminescent patterns gave it an ethereal and powerful presence.

"This thing..." Aldred muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible amidst the tense atmosphere. "It's not just a machine. There's something else, something... cosmic about it."

He studied the lines on Quantum's body and the pulsating green light on the spear. The intricate patterns seemed to carry a language of their own, a language Aldred, despite his godly abilities, couldn't entirely decipher. The connection between Quantum Sentinel and Vortimer intrigued him, and the subtle, almost-invisible line tethering them together hinted at a deeper link, a bond that went beyond the physical appearance.


As Vortimer counted down to the battle, Aldred tightened his grip on the Phantom Doomblade, the flames dancing along its blade illuminating his determined expression.

Aldred felt a mix of excitement and trepidation, unsure of the true extent of the robotic champion's capabilities.

The count reached its climax, and the battlefield fell into an anticipatory silence.


Aldred's eyes locked onto Quantum Sentinel. His mind pushed to the limit, processing information at a rapid rate. It was to the point that the whole world seem to move in slow motion.

Aldred saw Quantum raised its spear. It was about to attack directly to his head.

Smirking, Aldred thought that the robot was too damn simple.

That was until suddenly, Quantum vanished from his spot.

Aldred's eyes widened. Wondering where the heck it went to, but a fraction of a second later, he realized!

Quickly, he tilted his head to the side, and sure enough, the majestic spear grazed his right ear, creating a cut on the lobe.

"Bastard!" Aldred shouted.

The sheer speed and precision of Quantum's attack surprised Aldred, a realization that this battle was not going to be as straightforward as he had initially thought.

Quantum, unyielding and silent, prepared for the next assault.

With a burst of speed, the robotic champion lunged at Aldred, the majestic spear cutting through the air with a blinding glow of green light.

Aldred parried the attack with his Phantom Doomblade, the clash sending shockwaves through the celestial battleground. Sparks erupted from the meeting of mystical flames and otherworldly energy, casting an eerie glow over the combatants.

The ground beneath them trembled as the force of their collision created shockwaves that reverberated across the landscape. Celestial runes etched into the charred terrain glowed brightly in response to the intense magical energy released during their clash.

"Holy shit of the Emperor!" Shinari held on Salamander's shoulder for balance.

The battle raged on, Aldred's agility and godly reflexes pitted against the relentless precision and strength of Quantum Sentinel. Each strike, each parry, sent magical shockwaves that altered the very fabric of reality around them.

Shrapnels and rocks were sent flying in all directions, collateral damage from the intense battle. Some of these projectiles crashed onto the nearby robots, crushing them under the chaotic rain of debris. The battlefield, already scarred and charred, now witnessed an additional layer of destruction.

Vortimer was impressed by this human's strength. "Quite a specimen."