
Aldred, still reeling from the vivid illusions of his loved ones, took a moment to gather his thoughts. The images of his wives lingered in his mind, the warmth of their embrace still felt, yet he knew it was nothing but the Veil playing tricks on him. As he contemplated the surreal experience, Salamander's voice broke through his reverie.

"Aldred! We don't have time for daydreaming! We're under attack!"

Shaking off the lingering emotions, Aldred snapped back to reality. The viewscreen displayed a chaotic skirmish unfolding in the cosmic expanse. Various spacecraft engaged in fierce battles, firing energy beams and launching projectiles at each other.

Aldred rushed to his station, joining Salamander in navigating the Stardust Voyager through the tumultuous space battle. The ship jolted as it evaded enemy fire, and Aldred gritted his teeth in frustration. The Veil was proving to be as dangerous as it was unpredictable.

As they weaved through the chaos, Shuzib's voice echoed through the ship's intercom, "Enemies breaching the hull! Prepare for close-quarters combat!"

Aldred clenched his fists, his determination resurfacing. "We won't let them take us down! Prepare for defense!"

The crew swiftly moved to their assigned stations, readying for the imminent threat. Just as Aldred took his position, the ship trembled with the impact of the invaders breaching its hull.

The airlock doors opened, revealing a horde of hostile beings clad in dark, menacing armor. Aldred's eyes narrowed as he recognized them — minions of Lord Malgorth.

His anger ignited, Aldred drew his sword with unparalleled skill. In a swift motion, he charged at the invaders, his blade cutting through the air with deadly precision. The enemies, caught off guard by Aldred's ferocity, struggled to defend against his onslaught.

The confined space of the Stardust Voyager became a battleground. Aldred moved with a combination of elegance and ruthless efficiency, dispatching foes with each swing of his sword. His companions, inspired by his resolve, joined the fray, fending off the invaders.

"We are the servants of Lord Malgorth the Devourer! Filthy human! Kill yourself before you faced our wrath!" A large demonic creature with a pair of horn shouted.

"You think too highly of yourself." Aldred brandished his sword. Then his form flashed in an instant, he arrived in front of the demon, staring in his eyes, while his blade already punctured through the demon's neck. "Tell your lord. That I am coming for him."

Aldred beheaded the demon and his body fell with a plot. "Hmm, I guess a dead demon can't send my message."

The other demons saw this scene and paused for a second.

Aldred glared at them. "Now which one of you is lucky enough to deliver the message for me?"

The clash echoed through the corridors of the Stardust Voyager. Aldred's anger fueled his every strike, each swing of his sword a testament to his determination to protect his comrades and reach Ascendria. The invaders, realizing the formidable resistance they faced, began to retreat.

As the last of the enemies were repelled, Aldred took a moment to catch his breath. The ship's alarms gradually subsided.

Salamander quickly repaired the damaged section of the ship.

"This is not over yet!" Cellaeth shouted. "Dozens of Malgorth's forces are still chasing us."

The Stardust Voyager, despite the damage it had sustained, danced through the cosmic battleground with astonishing agility. Aldred, Salamander, and the crew coordinated their efforts to navigate through the storm of projectiles and energy beams. The ship twisted and turned, executing evasive maneuvers that seemed to defy the laws of physics.

As demonic ships closed in, firing malevolent energy beams and launching dark projectiles, the Stardust Voyager responded with grace. The ship's sleek design and advanced technology allowed it to weave through the onslaught with precision. Energy shields flickered as they absorbed the impact of incoming attacks, and the crew worked tirelessly to maintain the ship's integrity.

"Thank the Emperor! I bought the right ship for this situation!" Salamander commented.

Aldred, stationed at the ship's main control console, glared at the pursuing demonic vessels. "Salamander, give me a status report. How are our shields holding up?"

Salamander, hunched over his station, responded, "Shields are taking a beating, but holding steady. We can't keep this up for long. We need a plan."

Aldred nodded. "Prepare for a counter-attack. We can't let them chase us forever."

The Stardust Voyager, with a sudden burst of speed, surged forward. Its sleek form left the pursuing demons momentarily disoriented. Seizing the opportunity, Salamander activated the ship's powerful energy cannons.

Bright beams of concentrated energy erupted from the Voyager's cannons, targeting the closest demonic ships. The counter-attack was swift and deadly. Two demonic vessels, caught off guard by the sudden retaliation, erupted in fiery explosions, their dark forms disintegrating into cosmic dust.

Cleome was excited to see that. "Suck that you little cock-suckers!"

As the Stardust Voyager continued its evasive maneuvers, Salamander continued to unleash devastating salvos on the demonic pursuers. The crew, each member playing a crucial role, worked in tandem to maximize the ship's offensive capabilities.

Amidst the chaos, the crew could see that they were not the only faction engaged in the cosmic conflict. Dozens of other spacecraft, each bearing distinct markings and designs, engaged in fierce battles across the vast expanse of space. Brilliant explosions and energy discharges painted the cosmic canvas with vibrant hues of light.

Cellaeth even noticed some Elven ships in battle.

The Stardust Voyager navigated through the intricate web of skirmishes, avoiding collateral damage from the battles between various factions. The demons, momentarily preoccupied by the broader conflict, provided the Stardust Voyager with a moment of respite.

Aldred, observing the grand spectacle of cosmic warfare, couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and trepidation. The Veil was not only a realm of illusions and challenges; it was a battleground for powers vying for dominance in the vast reaches of space. The crew of the Stardust Voyager had ventured into a cosmic maelstrom, and their journey through the Veil was proving to be more perilous than they could have imagined.

They all saw this scene in silent.

Salamander took a breath before he said: "There is no peace amongst the star."

"I heard that quote from somewhere, but today is where I can sense the true meaning of that statement."