
The next day, a grand ceremony was being held at the largest city on the planet.

Surprisingly, the event was held publicly and advertised as a grand debut of a new pop star. The event manage to gather over 300,000 people.

Aldred was shocked. Even a world cup on Earth could only gather at around 200,000 people at most. How could a debut of a pop star defeat that number?

After he asked that question, he was told that the cult owned a famous pop star agency and had produced numerous pop artist for decades.

Every time a new star debuted, they would immediately rise to popularity and their fame never fell even until they die. Each and every celebrity produced always became a legend of their own.

Aldred underestimated the cult's power. No wonder they could destroy a planet so effectively. These xenomorph not just merely blend in with the humans, they adapted, and became even better.

Aldred wouldn't even be surprised if so many xenos were actually in a position of power. There might be a chance that some of the world leaders on this planet might be a xenos themselves.

If that was true, then how would humanity stop the Eclipse?

Aldred shook his head. 'Stick to the plan, Aldred,' he told himself.

The plan was to prematurely activate the Eclipse, and the xenos will reveal their true form before a reinforcement will come and defeat them.

It was a very simple plan. There was no need for doubt.

He took in a deep breath, trying to relax.

Cleome patted him on the shoulder. "What's wrong?"


Cleome laughed. "Are you nervous? I can't believe it. You killed an alien queen, wrecked a Destroyer-Class spaceship, and now you are nervous?"

"I am sorry, but I can't help but feel nervous at the thought of fighting against 5 billion xenos!"

The total population of this planet was 10 billion. The worst case scenario would be half of those population was alien.

Cleome laughed. "It will be fine. Just relax and everything will be fine."

"I do not know where do you get that confidence from."

Shinari heard their conversation and chimed in. "There is no reason to be nervous, Aldred. You have the power to save this world. I have no doubt for it."

Cellaeth interrupted by clearing her throat. "I know it's probably too late to say this, but saving a human's world is not within our agreement. This mission require great effort, and we will need compensation."

"You will get your compensation," Aldred said. "From what I learn by saving the cruise ship from the aliens, the pay for killing them is quite good."

Suddenly, a knock came from the door. "Master, are you ready for the ceremony?"

Sighing, Aldred heaved himself from bed. "It's time to go."

In a massive stadium that hold over 300,000 people, the crowd were chattering loudly. In the center of the stadium was a grand stage. The light were turned off as the even hadn't started yet.

"I wonder who will be debuted this year."

"The Big Booty Entertainment always manage to surprise every year. They will introduce a bunch of candidates, but we will never expect who will manage to debut."

"That's part of the fun. Last year, BTS, or Big Tits Suckers surprised all of us when they debuted."

"Yeah, but when are they going to reveal the star? I cannot wait any longer."

Aldred, Salamander, Cleome, Shinari, Elralya, and Cellaeth were waiting backstage. They were hidden from view, but there were screens around them showing the massive crowd.

"So many people," Aldred said.

A hooded figure, one of the elder, stood beside him. "We have gathered as much people as we can in this city. Also, we've manage to create similar events in other region as well. This will be the perfect time to activate the ritual."

Suddenly, a bunch of people came and put some makeup on his face.

"Why would I need makeup?"

"You need to look your best during important event, master. It's how the human do it."

The hairdresser fixed his hair, though his hair was already looking great in the first place.

Then they put a luxurious cloak over him before giving him a scepter with valuable gems and precious stones. The scepter looked like it was meant for a king.

"In this place, you are a king, master—I mean, your highness." The elder bowed. "Now, it's time to greet your subject."


The elder pushed him into the stage. The light lit up and all 300,000 people were focused on him. They roared and cheered in excitement.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know. He looks cute isn't he?"

"Does he has big booty?"

"Of course he has big booty. Big Booty Entertainment never disappoint us."

"I never saw that kind of face before. Where is he from?"

"He seems so out of this world!"

Aldred's otherworldly appearance was well-received as the people cheered louder than before.

His looks were quite different than the people here, in a good way.

"Master, you now can begin the Eclipse," a voice entered his head.

Aldred turned serious immediately before raising his scepter, signaling for everyone to be silent. They all obeyed his order.

The elders were impressed. Aldred's movement was so natural that it felt like he had ruled over a kingdom for so long.

The fact was, Aldred actually had an empire and ruled over millions of people, so it was very easy for him to exude a commanding presence.

Aldred closed his eyes and took in a deep breath as he recalled the alien glyphs in his head.

As Aldred stood on the grand stage, he took another deep breath, feeling the weight of his plan resting on his shoulders. With closed eyes, he began to sing, his voice resonating through the massive stadium. The alien glyphs in his mind transformed into a hauntingly beautiful melody, echoing the mysteries of the universe.

The crowd fell into a hushed silence, captivated by the otherworldly sounds emanating from Aldred's lips. His voice carried the weight of ancient civilizations and the stories of galaxies long forgotten. The lyrics, in the alien language, weaved the meaning of xenomorph dominance over the galaxy.

"Xylothrak luminastra, kroventra solenox, zyntarion galaxia..."

The melody was both melancholic and uplifting, stirring the deepest emotions within those who listened. Each note seemed to paint constellations in the night sky, and every word resonated like echoes from a distant cosmic realm. The crowd, though unable to comprehend the meaning, felt a profound connection to the melody, as if it touched the very essence of their souls.

Backstage, the elders exchanged amazed glances, realizing the significance of Aldred's performance.

Aldred continued to sing, his voice growing stronger with each passing moment. The atmosphere in the stadium became charged with a palpable energy, as if the entire universe was listening, holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come.

As Aldred's melodic alien chant echoed through the stadium, something unexpected occurred. The atmosphere crackled with an eerie energy, and the air seemed to shimmer with an unnatural glow. In a sudden, terrifying moment, half of the audience began to convulse, their bodies contorting and twisting into grotesque forms.

A collective gasp swept through the crowd as ordinary humans transformed into nightmarish creatures reminiscent of their deepest nightmare. Xenomorphs, with their chitinous exoskeletons and razor-sharp claws, emerged from the former spectators. Their eyes glowed with a sinister hue, and a low, guttural growl emanated from their throats.

Panic ensued as the remaining half of the audience screamed and scrambled to escape. The once-celebratory atmosphere turned into a scene of chaos and terror. The transformed xenomorphs, driven by a primal hunger, began to attack the fleeing humans, their sharp teeth tearing through flesh and bone.

Amidst the pandemonium, backstage, the hooded figure, one of the elders, watched the chaos unfolding on the screens with a chilling satisfaction. Their eyes gleamed with a twisted delight as they turned to their fellow elders, a triumphant grin on their lips.

"It's happening," the hooded figure said, their voice filled with eerie excitement. "The Eclipse is beginning. Our dominion over this world will finally be absolute."

"The Great Devourer descends upon this world, its hunger insatiable! From the feast of this planet, new spawn shall emerge, destined to spread across the stars, carrying the essence of the Hive Fleet to conquer and consume all in their path!"

The Elders all laughed loudly before turning into their true monstrous form and leaped out of the backstage and began devouring the screaming humans.

The blaring sirens of police vehicles wailed through the night as the local authorities rushed to the grand stadium, responding to the distress calls flooding their communication channels. Armed officers in riot gear, accompanied by specialized units, stormed the chaos-filled arena.

The scene was a nightmare. Half of the once-joyful audience had transformed into xenomorph monstrosities, tearing through the remaining humans who desperately tried to escape. The air was thick with the stench of blood and the sounds of screams mingled with the growls of the alien creatures.

"What the fuck is this?!"