
The next day, Aldred and the others were gathered in a dining room.

The dining room in the secret hideout of the Xenos cult was an opulent chamber, hidden deep within the labyrinthine catacombs of this base. The walls were adorned with ancient xenomorph tapestries, depicting scenes of cosmic battles and mythical creatures. Illuminated by the soft glow of bioluminescent crystals embedded in the ceiling, the room had an otherworldly ambiance, casting dancing shadows that seemed to whisper secrets of the cosmos.

There were no further doubts. This was indeed the xenos cult. It was true. Shuzib did not lie to them. There were xenomorph disguising themselves as human on this planet.

From what Salamander told them before, an Eclipse activation require almost half of the population to be a xenomorph. For now, they weren't certain how much of the population was a xenomorph.

But the thought terrified them. They wouldn't be able to fight billions of xenomorph by themselves.

"Please sit down, master."

A long, intricately carved wooden table stood at the center of the room, covered with an array of exotic dishes. The tableware was adorned with xenomorph motifs, reflecting the cult's deep reverence for their enigmatic overlords. As Aldred and his companions took their seats, servants clad in dark robes moved silently, serving the peculiar cuisine with an eerie, almost mechanical precision.

The food itself was a bizarre assortment of alien delicacies, each dish stranger than the last. There were luminescent fruits that glowed with an ethereal light, emitting a faint, sweet aroma. Beside them were bowls filled with gelatinous orbs that pulsated rhythmically, as if they were alive. The main course consisted of a dish that resembled a fusion of crustacean and plant, its tendrils reaching out like fingers as if it had a life of its own.

Salamander and Aldred communicated through their hidden intercom.

"Is this food safe to eat?" Salamander asked.

Aldred scanned the food with his eyes. Although the power of his eyes were weakened and couldn't detect a disguised xenomorph, they still could detect a simple poison.

"It's safe," Aldred replied.

Salamander activated the scanner in his gear just in case.

Despite the initial apprehension, Aldred and his friends decided to try the peculiar fare, curious about the flavors of an alien world. As they took their first bites, they were met with an explosion of tastes and textures. The luminescent fruits burst with a refreshing sweetness, tinged with hints of starlight. The gelatinous orbs melted in the mouth, releasing a burst of exotic spices that left a lingering warmth on the tongue. The main course, despite its strange appearance, had a surprisingly delicate flavor, reminiscent of oceanic depths and earthy undertones.

Throughout the meal, the servants moved silently, their faces obscured by shadowy hoods. Their movements were precise, almost ritualistic, as if serving this strange cuisine was an ancient tradition. Despite their enigmatic demeanor, the servants displayed an uncanny attentiveness to the needs of Aldred and his companions, refilling glasses and clearing plates with an eerie efficiency.

Cleome moved her hand to the side. She knocked on her spoon and it fell to the floor with a clang.

Suddenly, all of the servants stopped moving and stared at her. The whole chamber became silent.

Shuzib and everyone else turned stiff.

Although Shuzib had deeply studied the habits of the xenomorph, even he hadn't experience what their culture truly like. So when the servants became silent, he was worried that they had to break their disguise right in the heart of a xenos hideout.

But then, a servant approached the spoon and replace it with a new one. The servants moved again and the atmosphere turned normal.

Aldred let out a breath of relief.

Throughout the meal, the servants moved silently, their faces obscured by shadowy hoods. Their movements were precise, almost ritualistic, as if serving this strange cuisine was an ancient tradition. Despite their enigmatic demeanor, the servants displayed an uncanny attentiveness to the needs of Aldred and his companions, refilling glasses and clearing plates with an eerie efficiency.

As the meal progressed, Aldred couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. He noticed subtle glances exchanged between the servants, their eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity. It was as if they were assessing the reactions of their guests, gauging their every expression and gesture.

The atmosphere in the dining room grew increasingly tense, the air thick with unspoken questions. Aldred exchanged a cautious glance with Shuzib, both of them sensing that there was more to this meal than met the eye. The Xenos cult's hospitality seemed genuine, but there was an underlying strangeness that made Aldred's instincts scream with caution.

Despite the peculiar circumstances, Aldred knew that he and his friends had to tread carefully. They continued to eat, engaging in polite conversation while subtly observing their surroundings. The servants remained silent, their movements almost mechanical, as if they were mere extensions of the ancient traditions that governed this clandestine hideout.

As the meal came to an end, Aldred and his companions excused themselves from the dining room, their minds buzzing with unanswered questions. They retreated to their chambers, where they huddled together.

"What should we do next? They seem to watching our every move," Shinari said.

"The best move is not doing any move," Shuzib said. "We don't know what the best course of action is, so it's wise to not take any action at all."

Aldred was surprised by Shuzib's wisdom. "I agree with that."

They spend the rest of the hours inside the bedroom, focusing on their study or meditation.

In the depths of the night, Aldred was awakened by a strange sensation. He felt an otherworldly presence in the room, as if he was being watched by unseen eyes. His enhanced senses alerted him to a subtle disturbance in the air.

Carefully, Aldred opened his eyes and scanned the room. To his surprise, he saw a faint, ethereal glow emanating from one corner. As he focused his gaze, the glow coalesced into a translucent figure – a xenomorph apparition.

Aldred's heart raced, but he sensed no hostility from the apparition. Instead, it emanated an aura of ancient wisdom and sadness. The xenomorph's eyes met Aldred's, and in that moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them.

"I am Nylara," the xenomorph spoke, its voice echoing in Aldred's mind. "I am the guardian that is asked to ensure the Eclipse event on this planet. At first, when they told me that the chosen one have appeared, I couldn't believe it. After all, you and your friend reeked out stench of humans and elves. I was planning to kill you, until I sense something else."

Aldred stayed silent. Inside, he was glad that the xenos didn't decide to kill them and their act still worked.

"There was other stench. Far more powerful than the others, but it stayed hidden, as if knowing its presence would overpower the others. They told me that I would know who the chosen one is when I lay my eyes on them. I believe I am seeing one right now."

'So this thing can sense who is human and who is xenomorph? Shuzib's did not consider a creature like that would exist. If it wasn't me chosen for this role, the plan will end up in failure.'

"Let me tell you a story."

Aldred listened intently, his mind open to the xenomorph's words. Nylara explained the prophecy in intricate detail, revealing that Aldred was indeed the chosen one mentioned in their ancient texts. According to the prophecy, he possessed the ability to act as a bridge to the Hive Fleet.

Nylara's voice resonated in Aldred's mind, weaving a tale of cosmic events and ancient prophecies. She spoke of the Xenos cult's long-standing beliefs, how they revered the Eclipse as a moment of great transformation, and how the chosen one was foretold to play a pivotal role in guiding this planet to its inevitable damnation.

"We shall gorge upon this world, sating our insatiable hunger and birthing countless offspring. With each world devoured, our swarm will grow, spreading like a cosmic plague until the galaxy is engulfed in eternal darkness."

Aldred felt a chill creeping down his spine as Nylara's words resonated in his mind. The way those statement was said meant that the xenos wanted nothing but the death and decay of the whole galaxy and possibly the whole universe.

Aldred then realized something. These xenos were not creatures, they were disease! Disease that gnawed endlessly upon the galaxy!

They were like cancer, extremely hard to remove, and sometimes hard to notice until it was too late.

As Nylara continued, she revealed the intricacies of the Eclipse ritual. The chosen one, Aldred, possessed a unique connection to the xenomorph hive mind. Through him, the cult could communicate with the Hive Fleet, coordinate their actions, and ensure the successful consumption of planets, one after another.

"The Eclipse is both a beginning and an end," Nylara explained, her ethereal form flickering in the dim light of the room. "It heralds the birth of new xenomorph generations, each more powerful and voracious than the last. Yet, it also marks the demise of countless civilizations, their worlds reduced to barren husks, devoured by our brethren."

A wisp of cold air brushed against Aldred's cheeks. "Thy fate is sealed, chosen one. You shall weave this reality into existence, for the hunger of the swarm brooks no defiance."