
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 626: please help me!

626 Chapter 626 Please Help Me!

The next day, Salamander, Cleome, Shinari, and everyone except Cellaeth visited Aldred.

"Where did you guys go?" Was the first question Aldred asked to them.They'd been gone for a few days.

Salamander and Shinari were silent at first, but Shinari decided to step forward and proudly looked at Aldred in the eye.

Before this, she was always unsure when looking into his eyes. Aldred seemed so powerful to her as if his power had no limit. Aldred always had ways to surprise her.

Every time she thought she understood the limit of his power, Aldred break beyond it.

But today, she steeled herself to face him. "I refuse to be useless. We are in this journey together, and I want to contribute as best as I can!"

"What are you talking about? Who said you are useless?" Aldred was genuinely confused. What happened?

Hearing that, Shinari was a little embarrassed. In her mind, she always felt like everyone, especially Aldred, must have considered her useless. But in reality, that wasn't true at all. He never said anything like that to her.

Clenching her fists and holding the tears in her eyes, Shinari spoke from the deepest corner of her heart. "I envy you, Aldred. I want to be as powerful and as amazing as you. I spend the couple of days training and I will keep doing to reach your height."

Aldred finally understood. He smiled. This wasn't the first time he'd seen this seen. For a short moment, Aldred saw the faces of his wives on Shinari's faces. They too always said that they were useless and that they wanted to be like him.

'Even in this galaxy, emotions are still the same.' Aldred chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?"

"No. I am just moved by your determination." Aldred nodded. "Train hard. I am sure you will be much stronger in the future. I can see you have potential."

Aldred's statements made Shinari felt relieved. He then glanced at Salamander. "You must also spend your time studying and training. You look like you lack some sleep hours."

Salamander was quite surprised. There was no dark spots around his eyes, so he wondered how Aldred could tell that.

Aldred's eyes had actually able to scan information from anything he put his sight on. Back on his planet he used this power to identify the weakness of his enemies and strike where it hurt the most.

These eyes even had the ability to process reality much faster if he wanted it to, allowing him to see things in slow motion. However, the intensity of its power were not as good as before. Aldred was sure it would return to its peak state though.

Cleome listened to their conversations and felt kinda left out. Both Salamander and Shinari were so excited telling Aldred about their hard work, while she hadn't do anything else yet.

She felt like a fool. The xenomorph invasion should have opened her eyes like everyone else.

She was angered. Angered towards herself for being so foolish. She could not just stay still while her friends were climbing to the top. She had to climb along with them.

Elralya observed the situation in silence. She felt a fiery vibrations in the room. A vibration of determination and strength. For some reason, this vibration amplified the more Aldred listened to the conversation.

"How did he do that?"

"Anyway! Do you guys know who Lord Octavius Drakon is?"

"Octavius Drakon? Did you mean the Baron?"

"Yes, that one."

"We've heard of him. Why?"

"Tell me what you guys know about him."

"Well, from what we've heard from the media. The Baron is a great noble man who uphold justice and honesty above all else. The worlds under his rule lived in great prosperity and wealth. I believe it is true since I worked on data analysis before and the worlds under Lord Drakon exported a lot of food, precious metals, medicine and many more."

Suddenly, the door slammed open and a disheveled man glanced at Aldred. His body was impoverished, with his skin almost revealing the bones underneath it.

"Tell me which one of you is Aldred?"

"Who are you?" Salamander asked, wary of this man.

"Answer my question!"

"Hey! You can't just barge in here and be rude!" Cleome glared at him. She was angered that some stranger dared to act this rude towards Aldred who had saved her life.

"Wait, everyone calm down." Aldred raised his hand to cool the situation. "I am Aldred. What do you need from me?"

The stranger put his hand inside his pocket and rushed at Aldred.

"Stop him! He's hiding a weapon!"

Salamander and Shinari rushed towards the stranger.

"Wait! Don't attack him!" Aldred shouted and then the man grabbed Aldred's hand before pulling his other hand out and revealed a picture of a family of three.

"You have to help us! Please! Lord Aldred! I have heard of you. You have killed the alien queen and exterminate them all in a single slice. You have to help us!"

Aldred glanced at the locket necklaces and saw that it within the picture was the man with his wife and daughter.

Aldred grabbed the man by the shoulder and looked at him in the eyes. "Explain to me. What happened to you?"

"It's the Lord," the man spoke in whispered voice. "The lord has brought us here. I don't know what happened. I was distanced from my wife and daughter. But I know they're here. I am sure of it. They were brought along with me and many other family. We don't know where we will be brought. The lord promised us freedom, but all I see is darkness and cages. Please help us!" The man gagged and then screamed in pain as he rolled around on the floor with veins bulging on his skin.

Aldred's eyes activated and saw that a poison was active in the man's veins. "He's poisoned!"

Aldred threw his blanked away and jumped from his bed before holding the man down.

"AHHH! H—H—Help me!"

Salamander helped in pinning the man down and that was when Aldred began to work.

Aldred's eyes glowed with determination as he focused his powers on the man before him. He extended his hand, fingers trembling with the effort of concentration. With his control over blood manipulation, he delved into the man's bloodstream, seeking out the foreign poison that was rapidly


The poison was insidious, weaving its way through the man's veins like a dark river, contaminating everything it touched.

Aldred felt a pang of urgency as he realized the gravity of the situation. Every second counted; the poison was aggressive, its effects worsening with each passing moment.

Salamander held the man still, his grip firm yet gentle, trying his best to keep the stranger calm amidst his agonizing pain.

Shinari and Cleome watched in silent horror, their eyes wide with fear for the man's life.

Aldred's mind raced, recalling every piece of knowledge he had about poisons and antidotes.

He focused on isolating the poison, his mental faculties working in overdrive.

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he struggled to maintain his concentration. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only Aldred and the man, locked in a desperate battle against time.

In the man's bloodstream, Aldred identified the specific toxins and their effects on the body.

He visualized them, seeing their molecular structures and understanding how they disrupted the natural flow of blood and vital energy. With painstaking precision, he began to neutralize the poison, his power working to counteract its deadly effects.

Aldred battled the poison fiercely, but it fought back, evolving against his every attempt to neutralize it. It resisted with a vicious determination, pushing Aldred to his limits.

With steely resolve, Aldred delved deep into the poison's core, tapping into its malicious essence. Understanding its destructive intent, he harnessed this knowledge, using it to his advantage. Channeling his immense willpower, he shattered the poison's cohesion, throwing its very essence into chaos.

The man's agonized cries intensified, echoing the internal battle. Aldred empathized deeply, realizing the weight of his task. Failure meant not just one life, but the fate of an entire family rested on his shoulders.

Drawing on his inner reservoir of strength, Aldred pushed himself further. Beads of blood formed on his palm as he exerted himself, his power mingling with the man's bloodstream. Slowly, but steadily, the poison began to lose its potency. Its effects weakened, the man's convulsions subsiding as relief washed over him.

Aldred's breathing was heavy, his entire body drenched in sweat from the exertion.

He withdrew his hand, the glow fading from his eyes as he collapsed onto the floor, utterly drained.

The man lay still for a moment, his breathing labored but steady. Then, to everyone's immense relief, he let out a shuddering breath and opened his eyes, clarity returning to his gaze.

"You... You saved me," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude and awe, but the man was still weak.

Aldred managed a weak smile, his own voice hoarse. "Just doing what I can. You should be alright now, but you need to rest."

The man nodded and then felt asleep immediately.

Aldred took in a deep breath and stood up.

"Just what the hell happened?" Salamander asked.

"I need to tell you guys something," Aldred said.