
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 619: unexpected infiltration

Aldred was patrolling the cruise ship as usual, he smiled back to people when they smiled at him.

That was until he saw something weird. There was a person in robes that fully covered his body. However, the person was twitching uncontrollably.

Approaching cautiously, Aldred motioned for Salamander to accompany him. They reached the twitching figure, and Aldred cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Excuse me, sir," Aldred said, trying to keep his tone calm. "Are you feeling alright? You seem distressed."

No response. The person continued twitching, their movements growing more erratic, as if they were fighting against something beyond their control.

Growing concerned, Salamander reached out to gently touch the person's shoulder. As his hand made contact, the robed figure suddenly ceased twitching, their body going still.

"Are you in need of medical assistance?" Salamander asked, his voice laced with worry.

"Excuse me," Aldred called out, his voice firm yet cautious. "Are you feeling alright?"

No response came from the cloaked figure. The only answer was the continued twitching of their body, which seemed increasingly erratic and unnatural.

Growing more concerned, Aldred decided to take action. With deliberate movements, he reached out and gently pulled back the hood of the robe, revealing the person's face.

To their shock, what they saw beneath was not a human being, but a grotesque creature with a hideous head. Its skin was pallid and mottled, and its eyes glowed with an otherworldly malevolence. Tentacles writhed where a mouth should be, and sharp, elongated teeth protruded from its misshapen jaw.

The people nearby screamed.

Aldred and Salamander recoiled in horror, their training and experience failing to prepare them for such a sight. The passengers around them gasped, some screaming in terror as they caught a glimpse of the monstrous entity.

"Aliens! Run for your life!"

The ship's security personnel swiftly arrived at the scene, their expressions turning grim as they recognized the creature for what it was—a malevolent being not of this world.

"Back away, everyone!" one of the guards shouted, his voice authoritative. "We'll handle this."

The security team, armed with advanced energy weapons, formed a protective circle around the monster. Despite its grotesque appearance, the creature emanated an aura of unnatural power, making it a formidable adversary.

The aliens twitched violently, leaking out disgusting liquid from its mouth.

Aldred frowned. The creature seem to release some kind of radiowaves all over the place. The wave were sent in some sort of pattern, almost as if the alien was communicating…

"Fuck! Tell everyone to be alert! This isn't the only one!"

Aldred punched the alien in the face, exploding its head instantly. However, it did not die, and its tentacles wrapped around Aldred.

He quickly released himself from the tentacles, and Salamander's drones pulverized the alien immediately.

Suddenly, screams were coming from the distance and in every directions.

Salamander activated his intercom. "All personnel be alert! Xenomorphs are indicated to be within the cruise ships!"

"Guide the passengers to the safe room!"

The guards immediately went to work, escorting the passengers and making sure that everyone stayed calm.

"What are these creatures?" Aldred asked.

"These are Xenomorphs. One of the nastiest aliens that will consume every living organism they see. They are very dangerous, so we have to act quickly."

"Salamander, what is going on? I heard screams from the resting chamber," Cleome asked.

"There are aliens in the ship. All of you need to go out and help. Make sure the passengers are safe!"

Cleome, Shinari, Cellaeth, and Elralya looked at each other before exiting the resting chamber.

Soon after, they saw a two meter tall Xenomorphs grabbing a 8 year old girl.

The girl screamed in fear. Her tears streaked.

"No! My Daughter!" The mother screamed nearby.

"Release her!" Cleome shouted as she charged forward with lightning crackled around her body.

The alien noticed and threw the girl in the air.

Cleome saw this and was relieved. 'At least the girl is safe.'

Suddenly, the tentacles on the alien's back, moved, then cut the little girl in half. Blood splattered with her organs spilled out.

Cleome's widened in horror.

The alien roared and charged at her.

"You bastard!" A lightning bolt came out of her fist and blasted the aliens.

Cleome glanced at the little who was cut in half with gritted teeth. "If only I moved a little faster. I could've saved her."

Her mother ran with horrified scream as she hugged her daughter's body. Pulling and piling her organs, trying to put her parts together in hopes that she could still be saved.

The sight was too painful for Cleome and she looked away.

She had fought numerous times and had seen thousands of deaths. She tried to act strong, but every time she saw someone died, a needle would puncture her heart.

Clenching her fists, she looked at her team. "Let's kill these aliens before they kill more people!"

Meanwhile, Aldred and Salamander was fighting against a group of aliens. Their numbers seemed to much more than expected.

"Ahh! Help me!" A man sprinted as an alien chased after him.

Aldred moved quickly, his feet, making a dent on the floor. He quickly struck the alien in the chest that caused a large cavity to appear in the alien. The creature fell with a plot sound.

The man hugged him with tears. "Thank you! Thank you for saving me!"

"Your welc—"

"Aldred watchout!"

Aldred did not notice, but there were sharp tentacles coming out of the man's back that were lunging at him.

Plasma beams ripped the tentacles along with the man to shreds.

Aldred stepped back. "What was that?"

"Xenomorphs are able to disguise themselves as human. Their techniques are not perfect, but some manage to copy the person's recent movement naturally."

"Wait, doesn't that mean that there is a chance that the aliens are hiding with the passengers in the safe room?"

Horrified at this fact, Salamander immediately informed everyone through his intercom.

"Everyone! Check the safe room! Make sure the passengers are safe!"

The guards that were stationed inside the safe room, turned around and saw one person transformed into an alien and jumped at them.

"They're her—"

The intercom disconnected.

Amidst the chaos, panic rippled through the ship. The revelation that Xenomorphs could disguise themselves as humans sent shockwaves of fear among the passengers and crew. The once serene atmosphere of the Stellar Serenity transformed into a battleground, where survival became the only goal.

Everyone was looking at each other with suspicion. Some panicked and started pointing fingers.

"You must be the aliens! I saw you doing something weird earlier! It must be you! Guards! Shoot at this man immediately!"

"That's a lie! I am a human! Don't you dare accuse me! I bet you are the aliens not me!"

The safe room, once considered a sanctuary, became a focal point of tension. Armed guards secured the perimeter, while Cleome, Shinari, Cellaeth, and Elralya used their unique abilities to scan for any signs of the alien presence. Every person entering the safe room was subjected to rigorous scrutiny, their identities verified to prevent infiltration.

Cleome helped checked the people that went into the safe room.

A guard with uniforms and weapons approached them. "I am assigned to guard this safe room."

"Show your ID," Cleome said.

The man followed order and handed out his ID.

Suddenly, Elralya's eyes sparkled. "Stop! That's not a human!"

Cleome glanced at the man's face. The man grinned, revealing sharp shark-like teeth before rushing forward about to attack Cleome's neck.

Cellaeth reacted quickly. With her Elven agility, she swiftly thrust her into the alien's body. Impaling it before she slammed the alien to the floor.

Cleome was shocked that she almost got killed. "These aliens are getting smarter. Spread this information quickly."

Meanwhile, Aldred, Salamander, and their team engaged in intense battles throughout the ship. Each encounter was more challenging than the last, testing their skills and determination. The aliens were relentless, their numbers seemingly endless, making every victory bittersweet.

The guards that were following them were impressed again and again at their overwhelming power.

Aldred seem to had a variety of incredible power. At one point he would punch the aliens with powerful strike, other times, he would use flame to burn the aliens to crisps.

In the midst of the chaos, Aldred noticed something peculiar. Some of the Xenomorphs exhibited strange behavior, as if they were being controlled or manipulated by an unseen force. Their movements were coordinated, suggesting a level of intelligence beyond the typical Xenomorph behavior.

Aldred shared his observation with Salamander. "These Xenomorphs are acting differently, as if they are following orders. We need to find out who or what is controlling them."

Salamander nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "There might be a queen Xenomorph on board, controlling the others. If we can locate and eliminate her, it might disrupt their hive mind."

With this new objective in mind, the team intensified their search, focusing on the ship's core where the Xenomorph queen was likely to be hiding. The battles grew fiercer as they approached their target, the aliens defending their queen with great ferocity.