
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 617: shiny new equipments

The group made their way to the bustling equipment store, located in one of the busiest sectors of the space station. The shop, named "Stellar Armaments," was renowned for its wide array of advanced tools and gadgets tailored for super-powered beings. As they entered, a bell chimed overhead, and the air was filled with the scent of metal and technology.

Behind the counter stood an enthusiastic arms merchant, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as the group approached. He was a wiry man with a scruffy beard and a plethora of cybernetic enhancements. His mechanical arm whirred and buzzed as he gestured towards the shelves of equipment.

"Welcome, welcome, esteemed customers! You've come to the right place for all your super-powered needs," the arms merchant exclaimed. "Allow me to introduce you to the finest selection of tools, suits, gloves, and helmets in the entire galaxy!"

He began showcasing various items, explaining their functions and potential benefits to the group.

There were high-tech gloves that enhanced strength and precision, suits made from advanced materials that provided enhanced durability and protection, mechanical armor with integrated energy shields, and helmets equipped with augmented reality displays and targeting systems.

Salamander, the tech expert of the group, was particularly interested in the mechanical armor. The arms merchant eagerly demonstrated its capabilities, showcasing its ability to withstand high-velocity impacts and energy-based attacks. Salamander's eyes lit up with excitement as he envisioned the possibilities of enhancing his combat abilities.

No. He literally drooled over them like a hungry beggar.

Aldred was drawn to a pair of gloves that could amplify his already impressive strength. The arms merchant explained how the gloves utilized advanced servomotors and energy amplifiers, allowing the wearer to lift heavy objects with ease and deliver devastating punches.

'I don't think I will need this,' Aldred thought.

Shinari and Cleome, both possessing unique elemental powers, explored options that could enhance their abilities further. They were intrigued by specialized suits that could channel and amplify their elemental energies, granting them better control and potency in their attacks.

Meanwhile, Cellaeth and Elralya, the elves of the group, focused on lightweight and agile suits that provided flexibility and speed. The arms merchant showcased suits made from advanced nanofibers, allowing for enhanced mobility without compromising protection.

"All of these are interesting, but we want to buy a spaceship," Aldred said. "We currently have 300K Galactic Credits. I am sure that is enough upfront payment for a Frigate-Class ship."

"You want to buy a battleship?" The merchant was slightly surprised. "It is indeed possible, but you can't just buy a battleship. First, you need to ask permission from the central govern of NovaSphere and if you are a mercenary, you must also complete at least 100 missions."

"What!?" Aldred looked at Salamander for answer.

"I also did not know about this before. But thinking about it, it makes sense. Frigate-Class battleship is powerful and threatening. If anyone could have it, then the consequences would be catastrophic. A dangerous weapon such as that should be heavily regulated. I guess we need to have a trustworthy reputation first before we could buy something like that."

Aldred sighed. "So, there's nothing we can do except completing 100 missions."

"Then we should spend the money to upgrade our equipments. Otherwise, completing 100 missions will be much harder," Salamander said.

Aldred looked at everyone and they all seem eager to spend their hard-earned money.

"If that is the case, the—"

"Sir, get me that one, that one, and that one. Also, can I meet with your tinkerers to customize my mechanical armors?"

Salamander immediately selected his items before Aldred could even finish his sentence. Seeing that, the others began to carefully consider what items to buy.

After much deliberation, they made their selections. Salamander opted for the mechanical armor, Aldred chose the strength-enhancing gloves, Shinari and Cleome decided on the elemental amplifying suits, and Cellaeth and Elralya went for the agile nanofiber suits.

Aldred saw two drones flying over Salamander's shoulders. "What the heck are those?"

"These are my battle drones. They can scout ahead for traps, enemies, and gather information. Also, they can assist me in battle."

The drones revealed its energy blasters.

"And check out my new gun." Salamander proudly showed off his massive railgun.

"Behold, my friends, this is not just any railgun. This is the Mark VII Thunderstrike Railgun, the pinnacle of ballistic technology in the galaxy!" Salamander's voice was filled with pride as he held up the sleek, matte-black weapon.

He began his explanation, his words flowing like a well-rehearsed speech. "First and foremost, the Thunderstrike Railgun boasts a ferocious muzzle velocity of 3,000 meters per second. That means the rounds it fires can cover a distance of three kilometers in just one second! Imagine the impact it makes!"

His eyes lit up as he continued, "Now, let's talk about the firepower. This baby can launch tungsten-coated kinetic rounds that can pierce through even the toughest armor. The rounds are designed to disintegrate upon impact, creating a devastating shockwave that can incapacitate multiple enemies within a certain radius."

Salamander's excitement grew as he delved into the railgun's power source. "Ah, the power core! It's fueled by a miniature singularity reactor, producing an incredible amount of energy to propel the rounds at such high velocities. And the best part? It's incredibly efficient, ensuring I won't run out of juice in the heat of battle."

He then moved on to the railgun's targeting system, which was a marvel in itself. "The Thunderstrike Railgun comes equipped with an advanced targeting AI that can calculate trajectories, adjust for wind resistance, and even predict the movement patterns of enemies. It ensures unparalleled accuracy, allowing me to hit my targets with pinpoint precision."

Salamander talked on and on about his new railgun.

"Fine we get it. Your weapon is awesome. Can we get going now?"

The merchants simply smiled during Salamander's explanation. He was happy that his customers knew so much about weapons. These kind of customers usually buy the expensive stuff, because they knew which was better than the others.

In the end, they spend over 200k Galactic Credits for equipment. Almost half of those spendings were for Salamander's upgrade.

"Well, we spend over 66% of our money," Aldred said.

"It's worth it though," Salamander said.

Aldred rolled his eyes.

"Let's get something to eat in the cafeteria."

The group went to the cafeteria with their new gear, and sure enough, everyone was looking at their shiny new stuff. The group spend over 200k Galactic Credits, of course the equipment would be the best grade in this spacestation.

"Fuck, fucking rich kid!"

"Look at their faces. They must be newbies with rich parents. I bet they joined the mercenaries just for fun unlike us who have to scraps just for a living."

"Maybe they are a pro. Not just anyone can get their hands on those gears."

There were mixed opinions about their new appearance. But one thing was for sure, they attracted attention wherever they went.

"I like this," Cleome said with a smile. "All eyes are on us."

"We've only done 2 missions so far, but we've already go a long way. Look at our equipments. I can only dream of having these."

Shinari nodded as she played around with her glassy blade. "I am glad I took the decision to leave the planet."

They ordered something on the menu. They picked anything they want because they knew they still had a lot of money.

Their confidence in earning more money were also high, so they leisurely spent so much which attracted even more attention and envy.

After an hour, the attention lessen a bit and the people soon talked about something else. Salamander activated the voice-amplifier in his helmet and began to listen to what the people was talking about.

He was curious of any information he could get around here. The helmet let him listen to a specific direction and ranges, so he could isolate a group of people and listen to their conversation without the disruption of other people.

What he got at first were just some banal talk about their day and bragging. But there was one thing that caught his ears.

"Did you about the Chronicles of Ascendria?"

"I know about that rumors. It's said to be a long-lost repository of knowledge, left by the ancient beings, right?"

"So you do know. I heard it's located in the neighboring stellar clusters. I want to go there, but the issue with Lord Malgorth's forces worries me. It's not safe to travel anywhere at this time."

"Even if you go, do you know it's exact location? At least I know where to look. If I can go, I am certain I can find it. The Repository hold powerful techniques that can enhance super abilities. Even normal humans can be turned to supers in an instant."

"That can't be. Can a simple technique do that much? I don't believe it."

"You might not believe it, but I do."

Salamander frowned. He stopped the recording and then sent it to the others through their helmet.

The group received the sound file.

"What is this?" Aldred asked.

"Just listen to it."

They all played the recordings. The recordings played in their ears, so nobody else could listen to it.

"What do you think?" Salamander asked.

"Our goal is to get stronger in order to face Lord Malgorth. If it is true, then we should look for this Chronicles of Ascendria."

Aldred's eyes flashed. No matter what, he had to return to his planet and get back to his wives.